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Always a pleasure to see you showing your true colours Rog. It's been a while since we had your racist tosh here.


Edit: And I see you've managed to drag another one out of the closet.


Remember boys, White is Right.

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Wow, what sort of racist arsehole is this Rog character?


You only have to take a look arround the streets of Douglas to see the many imimgrants we have here now compared to ten years ago and once they get a foothold we will have the same situation as the UK


So what? What's wrong with immigrants? You people need your head testing. If, for instance, you don't bring over Filipino nurses, guess what you have: not enough nurses!


British facking WHITES? Why would it matter one iota whether someone is white or not? I'm fine with having some sort of economic criteria before people are allowed to immigrate but basing it on skin colour is almost as narrow minded as it is plain stupid.

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As an immigrant yourself Rog, that's a bit rich innit?


I might agree with a couple of your tax-freeing-up schemes, but they're all issues in their own right, not really relevant here.


British whites have paid into the Pension fund for many years and one of the reasons we have a black hole in the pensions funds now is due to mass immigration and illegal immigrants who are robbing the DHSS
It's a funny thing, but all the doley-scabby types I know are (young male) whites. Whilst almost all the 'non-whites' I know are hard-working types, most of whom are studying to be doctors or surgeons or the like, and also holding down a job to fund their studies.


EDIT: sorry, was replying to Rog about 3 pages ago, my typing's slow

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You only have to take a look arround the streets of Douglas to see the many imimgrants we have here now compared to ten years ago and once they get a foothold we will have the same situation as the UK


See: Immigrants Spelt Correctly!


A person who leaves one country to settle permanently in another.


So how can you tell who is an immigrant and who isn't?


Or did you mean that there was a specific way to tell that someone was an immigrant? Perhaps you think that you can tell by the colour of their skin?


I can't tell if someone walking down the street is from Ramsey or Manchester!



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Tugs I have nothing personal against the colour of someones skins, we have a coloured child arround to our home to play with my young lad, no probs, But I have lived in areas that have been taken over by immigrants and what was once a nice area became a slum rather quickly. The saying is you can take the man out of the jungle but cant take the jungle out of the man

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The saying is you can take the man out of the jungle but cant take the jungle out of the man


Maybe at BNP recruitment rallies it is, but educated tolerant peoople don't say that.

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You want racism? 

Check out what's taking place in London again today.


Yes, because three coloured british men are bombers, that means all coloured british men are bombers.


It's always refreshing to have these threads once in a while, where the small minded biggotry is exposed properly and people can see what you're really like.

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