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Tugs I have nothing personal against the colour of someones skins, we have a coloured child arround to our home to play with my young lad, no probs, But I have lived in areas that have been taken over by imimgrants and what was once a nice area became a slum rather quickly. The saying is you can take the man out of the jungle but cant take the jungle out of the man


Yes but it is the sort of saying that only racists come out with. I mean, does Colin Powell demonstrate a jungle-like nature? How about Paul Boateng?


Shall we send all the Jews home too?


Unbelievable. It's the 21st century everywhere else, you know

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You're a racist knob-end, Rog

It's his age. Most old people are like that, though I'm not sure what FCMR's excuse is.


In most UK towns a blackman can walk down any street without being harmed but in many towns a whiteman cant walkdown the street without being mugged, whos doing all the drive thru shootings in Birmingham and Manchester


And as for the Jews, go and work in Israel and see how they you as being British

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In most UK towns a blackman can walk down any street without being harmed but in many towns a whiteman cant walkdown the street without being mugged, whos doing all the drive thru shootings in Birmingham and Manchester


Can you back up any of these fascinating generalisations or have you just dreamed them up or based them on literature Rog sent you.


Honestly, that kind of statement (except spelled and literate) is exactly the kind of thing that appears on BNP manifestos.

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Chuck out asylum seekers. They cost the UK 2 BILLION pounds per year.  UK taxes for UK people.


Chuck out failed asylum seekers, they cost the UK 500 million per year. Same thing, UK taxes for UK people.


Make ‘tax credits for the unemployed’ dependent on the doing work. No work, no money


Address the farcical situation where people with an income of over £55,000 pa can still get ‘tax benefits’


Review the dam fool things tax payers money presently funds not least the mass of jobs in the public sector which under NuLabour has grown by in excess of 600,000 people (really)


Stop this rubbish about paying kids to go top school if over the age of 16


Don’t even THINK about paying kids ‘Dane geld’ to behave themselves.


And that’s just for starters.



Wise words m8 i was talking to a fella a while back and he said the reason there is a small ammount of imagrants in liverpool is because scousers found out they taste like chicken lol


I am not against imagrants myself as long as they pay there way and don't sponge of the system after all if they pay nothing in why should they be able to take money out.


I am against the imagrants who stir up the fanatics and those who work and claim.


Racism is a terrible thing i sometimes think to myself how would the racists like being called names and looked at funny, we are all human beings lets just get along.


p.s i am also sick of the people who play the race card now that really anouys me coloured people have campaigned for years for equality and when some get it they hold up the race card.

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In most UK towns a blackman can walk down any street without being harmed but in many towns a whiteman cant walkdown the street without being mugged, whos doing all the drive thru shootings in Birmingham and Manchester


Can you back up any of these fascinating generalisations or have you just dreamed them up or based them on literature Rog sent you.


Honestly, that kind of statement (except spelled and literate) is exactly the kind of thing that appears on BNP manifestos.



There are certainly streets and whole districts in some towns and cities that you are guarenteed to get cat calls at the very least as a white person walking down the road.


Parts of (but not all of)










and that is NOT a comprehensive list by any means.


What’s more what is racist about proposing that first generation immigrants should be offered a lump sum and a reduced pension to return to their country of origin?

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You're a racist knob-end, Rog

It's his age. Most old people are like that, though I'm not sure what FCMR's excuse is.


In most UK towns a blackman can walk down any street without being harmed but in many towns a whiteman cant walkdown the street without being mugged, whos doing all the drive thru shootings in Birmingham and Manchester


And as for the Jews, go and work in Israel and see how they you as being British


I worked on a Kibbutz in the early 90s, and I have no idea what point you are making (and no, I am not Jewish). I take it that you have not worked in Israel, FCMR.

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What’s more what is racist about proposing that first generation immigrants should be offered a lump sum and a reduced pension to return to their country of origin?
If that is being offered I'm moving the the UK for a bit, then I'll take the lump sum and go back home :)


Can you do it only once?

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I don't know the situation in the UK, but here you have to have been a resident for 5 years before you can claim any benefits of any kind.



Off the 'plane / chunnel / boat, read the notices as to how to register as an asylum seeker, get help to fill the forms, get driven to your furnished flat, get the cash each week until; asylum is granted or refused in which case wait months / years before being offered transport out or disappear into the black economy and wait for the amnesty to be anounced.

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What’s more what is racist about proposing that first generation immigrants should be offered a lump sum and a reduced pension to return to their country of origin?
If that is being offered I'm moving the the UK for a bit, then I'll take the lump sum and go back home :)


Can you do it only once?


Sorry Alex, the offer is apparently only open to off-whites

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