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23 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:

You have said (several times) that those of non-white races are inferior.

Just to remind you, you've STILL not shown where I said that, so show me where I ever did.

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Just now, RIchard Britten said:

Are you disagreeing with the statement attributed to you?

If you mean the one that you disgracefully attributed to me regarding white supremacy, then categorically yes

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12 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

I never mentioned White Supremacy, I claimed that you have previously claimed that "non-white races are inferior".

It amounts to the same thing as well you know.

So where have I made any claim that non-white races are inferior?

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6 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:

I would say lets drag your comments out of the "Racism" thread, but then you don't recognise Racism as a "thing".

Now what leads to to that (false) presumption?

You're getting rather good at painting yourself into corners dear heart.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/10/2018 at 11:48 AM, RIchard Britten said:

I would say lets drag your comments out of the "Racism" thread, but then you don't recognise Racism as a "thing".

Still waiting, "Richard".

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On 5/22/2018 at 5:02 PM, Rog said:

“I, and the tens of millions of people like me don't give a tinkers cuss about what the Snowflake shower want.  They have no idea about life outside of the EU not to mention being brainwashed by those who hate national pride, national identity, and that believe that everyone is equal irrespective of race, "culture", or creed.”

“...you will find races differ because of the environment in which they evolved. Mental ability in particular skills is one very important difference. A predisposition to approach problems in different ways for another, Things that I have seen time and time again in people of different races.”
”Anti-Negro? No. Just deny that a negro is the equal to all other races just as any member of any race is the equal of all other races.”
”Racist ? If that means asserting that there are differences between the races, thekn yes, absolutely.”
Let’s start with inherited intelligence differences between races, then let’s move to inherited personality traits, and continue down the list.

We are racially separated into sub species of the species Homo Sapiens. 

Those best fitted to survive should NOT support those whose survival traits no longer match the changing world. I’m not suggesting active genocide but I would certainly prohibit Third World Aid going to many places in Africa where it presently does.

It may be an unattractive thought for some people but those no longer suited for survival should be allowed to die out. It’s the natural process that has seen us climb to the top of the food chain, we mess with it at our peril.” 

“In most cases it’s being born scum that sees people dying as scum. There most defiantly IS a genetic factor involved. Not ALWAYS the case, Not the ONLY factor, but a key factor nonetheless.

Certain races of people are more aggressive than others irrespective of upbringing.

“We educated the negroes in the ways of the modern world, and when we left we left with established trade deals in place. And what happened. They resorted to type.”

“One huge problem that persists is the instinctive reaction that people have to anything associated with Nazism must be wrong. A very great deal was, but not all. Then there is the matter of things becoming foul by association.”

“Take the very legitimate science of Eugenics. Used perversely and incorrectly by the Nazis it is now rejected whereas there is a very great deal of value to be had and the probability that if taken seriously and serious research undertaken it would yield results that would utterly demolish some of the ‘sacred cow’ principles upon which our societies and beliefs are founded.”

Richard, I’ve had a look back through some of his crap. You seem to have mistakenly gotten the impression of Rog as a senile racist, stuck on an ‘inferior races’ loop (when he’s not on his ‘pretending to be Jewish’, or ‘the EU is evil’ loops). I can’t ever remember him using the specific word ‘inferior’, and he usually adds some cute caveat to his loops, like - “I’m not saying I’m better than them, all I’m saying is they don’t deserve to survive.”

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13 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

Richard, I’ve had a look back through some of his crap. You seem to have mistakenly gotten the impression of Rog as a senile racist, stuck on an ‘inferior races’ loop (when he’s not on his ‘pretending to be Jewish’, or ‘the EU is evil’ loops). I can’t ever remember him using the specific word ‘inferior’, and he usually adds some cute caveat to his loops, like - “I’m not saying I’m better than them, all I’m saying is they don’t deserve to survive.”

What a strange and twisted way you interpret things. 

Edited to add ---

So you have been unable to find anywhere or at any time that I claim / have claimed that any race is superior to others as an absolute. No surprise really. I never have and I never would.

Then you make the ridiculous assertion that I've ever written or claimed "“I’m not saying I’m better than them, all I’m saying is they don’t deserve to survive.”.

I'll ignore the ridiculous assertion that my heritage is false though with absolutely no justification than your own bizarre imagination, what you think as far as that is concerned is of no consequence to me. You're wrong though.

You've also demonstrated that your ignorance regarding Israel and Judaism in general is horrendously distorted and as with your patently obvious hatred is based on a series of "schoolboy howlers" supported by and at the same time supporting your bigotry.

So all in all a monumental FAIL.



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3 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

You slander Israel and the Jews constantly on these threads by taking extreme positions. I know what you’re up to.



Drunk AGAIN?

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