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Many things are now quite erroneously characterised as racism. If one should express an opinion of hating all Arabs and finding them odious simply because they are Arabs, that is racism. To have a healthy scepticism about the merits of one's home town taking on the appearance and characteristics of somewhere alien on the other side of the world and the future consequences of encouraging such a trend is absolutely not racism. To term it as such is the fig leaf that proponents of such policy have hidden behind for half a century.

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1 hour ago, woolley said:

Many things are now quite erroneously characterised as racism. If one should express an opinion of hating all Arabs and finding them odious simply because they are Arabs, that is racism. To have a healthy scepticism about the merits of one's home town taking on the appearance and characteristics of somewhere alien on the other side of the world and the future consequences of encouraging such a trend is absolutely not racism. To term it as such is the fig leaf that proponents of such policy have hidden behind for half a century.

the EUSSR's rason deter [sic]; which Druncker has been very cunning in the use of. 

"it has always been the EUSSR plan. Edward Heath was warned about it. Slowly over many years little changes have been made, new laws passed and democracy eroded at a pace that nobody would notice. They believed it would take 40 years for anyone to notice by which time the dictatorship would have full control and no nation would be able to leave. It almost worked. Orwell was right when he wrote 1984; newspeak is truly here. Patriotism and democracy have become xenophobia and populism; both dirty words. The EU only wants an army to suppress any rebellion".

FFS everyman and his fucking blind dog can see what these psudo neoliberals have been up to for 40 plus years.

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On 5/5/2018 at 4:07 AM, dilligaf said:

The difference being ?

    I understood exactly what he posted , along with most others reading it I would imagine.

  Are you trying to be intentionally pedantic just for the sake of argument?

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There’s nothing wrong with having a mandatory id, it would be helpful. But making it compulsory to carry at all times is a dick move. 

Dilligaf didn’t understand Declan’s comment. Declan was saying mandatory cards are ok, but that it shouldn’t be mandatory to carry one at all times. One of the things to enjoy on these forums is the interaction between the well informed and the barely literate (eg; Quilp and Woody), likewise the high brow reasoning (Chinahand, John Wright) and the playground stuff (Rog, et al). 

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6 minutes ago, quilp said:

A prick of the first order so y'are... 

I would say more just a tube.

As Leonardo da Vinci wrote "How many people there are who could be described as mere channels for food, producers of excrement, fillers of latrines, for they have no other purpose in this world; they practice no virtue whatsoever; all that remains after them is a full latrine."

in short - a tube.

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Declan was saying mandatory cards are ok, but that it shouldn’t be mandatory to carry one at all times.

As I think is the case in most EU countries where it is "mandatory". If you haven't got it when asked you are just under higher suspicion rather than arrested and put in the bastille. 

Those born to hate the EU usually want to think otherwise and see it through their Orwellian glasses

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1 minute ago, ballaughbiker said:

As I think is the case in most EU countries where it is "mandatory". If you haven't got it when asked you are just under higher suspicion rather than arrested and put in the bastille. 

Those born to hate the EU usually want to think otherwise and see it through their Orwellian glasses

Well I certainly hate the EU and not that long ago was very anti-ID cards but sadly the country is in such a state because of open borders and uncontrolled immigration not to mention the ludicrous attempt at creating a multicultural society with disasterous consequences  I am absolutely convinced that a mandatory ID card is desperately needed. An thing that should be carried at all times by law and if it is forgotten then some other acceptable form if ID should be produced and a fixed penalty on the spot fine issued.  It might be considered as draconian,  but the dreadful state OUR country is now in has become essential.

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8 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

fixed penalty for first offence of forgetting it.  upon third offence shoot them dead where they stand. they'll soon learn

Perhaps a little extreme!

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51 minutes ago, ballaughbiker said:

Those born to hate the EU usually want to think otherwise and see it through their Orwellian glasses

It's a pain in the neck having to remember it. And it's yet another thing you have to be careful not to lose or forget - at the beach, messing about in boats, out for a night, in a rush to leave for work at 5am etc etc.

I cannot see any significant reason to be expected to always carry it - except perhaps if you are lucky enough to look too young to be buying beer. If you are renting a car or making a significant transaction then, yes, you are probably going to have to make sure you show your papers. But what a faff.

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