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Paris knife attack


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1 minute ago, the stinking enigma said:

I think you may find the protestant's had the most interest in sodomy. The repressed homosexuality is what helped fuel their sadistic rage.

I need new glasses.

At first I read "prostitutes" which still made some sense!  Only after a third read did I see it was protestants!


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9 hours ago, Rog said:

The IRA terrorism was based on a political ambition.  The terrorism that we face today is based on raw hatred of us and how we live our lives.

Nonsense the bastards tried to kill me and my family when they planted the bomb at Euston , political ambition ... my arse , they were a bunch of criminal thugs and murderers whose motives were based on raw hatred and financial gain

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2 hours ago, Rog said:

So ONCE AGAIN you demonstrate that you know NOTHING about the religion that you criticise so much and so persistently.

FYI a child is introduced to shul on the eighth day after birth where the child is given his or her Hebrew name. That name is a name that is very often separate from the conventional name that appears on his or her birth certificate.


I'll tell you.

Tradition (cue music from Fiddler on the Roof!)

If you are an atheist, but you do attend synagogue (shul), then your ‘tradition’ is hypocrisy. (However, I suspect you are religious, which is why you can’t type ‘god’, think ritual slaughter without stunning is just fine, hate other religions with the zeal of a true believer and insist whatever non-consensual genital mutilation it is rabbis perform isn’t a heinous crime.) 

If you don’t attend synagogue then whatever nickname you would go by there, if you were to attend, is of no consequence. I could just as easily say they call me ‘chorizo eating infidel goyim scum’ or whatever at ’shul’, but because I never go it doesn’t mean anything. 

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15 hours ago, quilp said:

Is there really any significance in using ones, "real name?" Does it add credibility to the poster? Do posters using their "real name" see themselves as more virtuous, more honest?

Poor argument. 

As previously posted, some are willing to put their names to their posts, while others feel more comfortable being nasty "personas" hiding behind the safety of anonymity.

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9 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

If you are an atheist, but you do attend synagogue (shul), then your ‘tradition’ is hypocrisy. (However, I suspect you are religious, which is why you can’t type ‘god’, think ritual slaughter without stunning is just fine, hate other religions with the zeal of a true believer and insist whatever non-consensual genital mutilation it is rabbis perform isn’t a heinous crime.) 

If you don’t attend synagogue then whatever nickname you would go by there, if you were to attend, is of no consequence. I could just as easily say they call me ‘chorizo eating infidel goyim scum’ or whatever at ’shul’, but because I never go it doesn’t mean anything. 

 Were you drunk when you wrote this? 

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3 minutes ago, La Colombe said:

I love large, multicultural cities and I particularly love Paris. I'm going there in a few weeks. Can't wait!

Paris used to well worth a visit.

No longer.

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13 hours ago, woody2 said:

so in your world:rolleyes: innocent people sat outside a cafe in paris get murdered because of a policy you support......

how much collateral damage is ok to you?

you don't seem bothered about murders unless it effects your family- typical selfish lefty snowflake..... 


You don’t really give a shit about these murder victims, you virtue signalling scaredy cat snowflake. 

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1 minute ago, RIchard Britten said:

Utter bollocks.

I went at Valentines last year and it was an amazingly beautiful city.

Maybe you just carry excess ugly around with you where ever you go.

I don't need to carry "excess ugly" with me, in once great cities such as London, Paris, and many many more it's now already saturating the places.

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