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Smart Meters are coming

Tempus Fugit

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2 hours ago, Kopek said:


I still think that Key Meters would be better as these don't even need a bill to be collated and sent out! These allow you to see your daily cost of use and if you wanted to check a particular appliance, you could do so by switching everything else, except your fridge, off and get a near as dammit figure.


Good plan. Were i to do this and discover my fridge was costing me more than 6.8 pence a day more than a triple a rated one then i'd be off to the civic amenity site with it. 25 notes to dump it then another 700 to get a top rated one. Sorted.

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It'll increase the value of the meter makers!!!

Hard to see why a business would benefit in value. Anyone buying a business would think that they could do a better job of managing the costs than the previous owners.


Old meters can be retained if still working. The Elec co's would put in smarts if a replacement is required.

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Actually, if we are going to pay for these meters through tariff increases, you may as well have one anyway. You may not be enclined to play with it after the novelty period has worn off but refusing to smarten up is not going to save the MUA any significant amount.

The serious question is.... do we absolutely need any smart meters? The MUA have enough financial problems without adding extra expenses to them!

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On 7/23/2018 at 5:34 PM, Lxxx said:

It'll be an expensive disaster. Of that there is nothing more certain.

You would assume that if the installation of these things is to encourage frugality ? then realistically that is the last thing the MEA fiasco needs !!

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