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Living Hope Church - wolves, money and healing - again


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Very interesting post just put on by someone who is scared to put their name to their post due to fear of intimidation. See below.

Has this all gone to far??

When is a charity not a charity but a profit making enterprise for those in the know?

Quoted from iom news and politics

This post is being done under a pseudonym due to fear of libel action and intimidation from the living hope church. 

This week has been a very tough experience for me. On Thursday evening I was at the Living Hope Church conference in the Villa Marina. I have been a member of the church for about a year now and these past couple of days have shown me the true side of the living hope church. The Thursday evening had a pastor from South Africa called Ryan Kingsley who gave a homophobic sermon on “sexual immorality”. The pastor used the analogy of a flock of sheep and if one sheep has cut its leg, it infects the rest of the Flock. He told us to “look out for wolfs in sheeps clothing”. Shocked and stunned, I walked out of the villa as this was to far. 

The day previous at the villa a gentleman with Prostate cancer was told that he did not need to take his medication or go to hospital as the “Holy Spirit would heal him” from a pastor called Jason Livingston. I was shocked. 

I’m sorry that it has had to come to me venting my anger and upset through Facebook but I feel this is the only way I will get my story across. Many people have left the church as it is becoming more and more extortianate. They were asking tbat we sell our houses and remortgage our homes in order to fund the Church. I’ve attached a Photo of the standing order form used by the church. They are asking for more and more money to fund churches in South Africa as the Joshua Generation church is getting thrown out of buildings due to the extreme views such as whipping children and preaching death to homosexuals.

I hope this post does some good. 




Edited by Heffalump
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44 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

He’s missing out. Here a former IOM banker explains how God can make you rich.  


The bible I read as a kid said this fella "Jesus" got pissed off with money lenders" (Bankers?) and laid into them in disgust.

Which bible is this bloke quoting from ?

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Just now, Max Power said:

If it was I would have found it and Helmut F. used the quote which I was talking about

Does it really matter? I assume someone wants to drive the agenda when they moan there are two threads running and why dont we use just one - as the other one clearly isn’t driving the agenda they set the thread up for. 

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11 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

Does it really matter? I assume someone wants to drive the agenda when they moan there are two threads running and why dont we use just one - as the other one clearly isn’t driving the agenda they set the thread up for. 

I hope part of this isn't aimed at me.

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4 hours ago, Heffalump said:

Very interesting post just put on by someone who is scared to put their name to their post due to fear of intimidation. See below.

Has this all gone to far??

When is a charity not a charity but a profit making enterprise for those in the know?

Quoted from iom news and politics

This post is being done under a pseudonym due to fear of libel action and intimidation from the living hope church. 

This week has been a very tough experience for me. On Thursday evening I was at the Living Hope Church conference in the Villa Marina. I have been a member of the church for about a year now and these past couple of days have shown me the true side of the living hope church. The Thursday evening had a pastor from South Africa called Ryan Kingsley who gave a homophobic sermon on “sexual immorality”. The pastor used the analogy of a flock of sheep and if one sheep has cut its leg, it infects the rest of the Flock. He told us to “look out for wolfs in sheeps clothing”. Shocked and stunned, I walked out of the villa as this was to far. 

The day previous at the villa a gentleman with Prostate cancer was told that he did not need to take his medication or go to hospital as the “Holy Spirit would heal him” from a pastor called Jason Livingston. I was shocked. 

I’m sorry that it has had to come to me venting my anger and upset through Facebook but I feel this is the only way I will get my story across. Many people have left the church as it is becoming more and more extortianate. They were asking tbat we sell our houses and remortgage our homes in order to fund the Church. I’ve attached a Photo of the standing order form used by the church. They are asking for more and more money to fund churches in South Africa as the Joshua Generation church is getting thrown out of buildings due to the extreme views such as whipping children and preaching death to homosexuals.

I hope this post does some good. 




There is no god! When will prople come to their senses in this day and age and realise that all religions are a scam?! I despair at some peoople’s intelligence :( Remove the charitable status afforded to religious groups!!

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10 minutes ago, Snaipyr said:

There is no god! When will prople come to their senses in this day and age and realise that all religions are a scam?! I despair at some peoople’s intelligence :( Remove the charitable status afforded to religious groups!!

Agreed 100% 

Still a very strange world we live in when people cannot move on for fear of the unknown.

 ( and we still have one of their "flock" in the Government with voting rights. Unbelievable.)

Edited by dilligaf
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6 hours ago, Snaipyr said:

There is no god! When will prople come to their senses in this day and age and realise that all religions are a scam?! I despair at some peoople’s intelligence :( Remove the charitable status afforded to religious groups!!

Faith = Belief - Evidence

"The God gene

The God gene hypothesis proposes that human spirituality is influenced by heredity and that a specific gene, called vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2), predisposes humans towards spiritual or mystic experiences. The idea has been proposed by geneticist Dean Hamer in the 2004 book called The God Gene: How Faith is Hardwired into our Genes.

The God gene hypothesis is based on a combination of behavioral genetic, neurobiological and psychological studies. The major arguments of the hypothesis are spirituality can be quantified by psychometric measurements;  the underlying tendency to spirituality is partially heritable;  part of this heritability can be attributed to the gene VMAT2;  this gene acts by altering monoamine levels; and spirituality provides an evolutionary advantage by providing individuals with an innate sense of optimism."

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