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Living Hope Church - wolves, money and healing - again


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13 minutes ago, Optimist said:

Disprove it. It looks like your initial posts on here were about the Sound Cafe. So you’re hardly objective are you? 

Indeed , I'm not objective. Far from it. After all, these are my businesses that you and others see fit to disparage without the merest scintilla of proof. Indeed, your verbal diarrhoea is pretty much allowed to vomit all over the internet without the merest hint of checks or balances. As for disproving it? Are you  having an issue I should be aware of? After all, slinging all kinds of keyboard related effluent would seem to be your M.O. As for "disproving it?", short of publishing MY company filings (which Bub, ain't happening on the internet) I'll accept that you are simply someone with some kind of religious beef who has found a new target to latch onto. Regarding Adrian Christian: he's my business partner, he's my brother in law, he's a mate, yes he's found a religious path but in no way shape or form do that crowd of zealots hold sway over MY business. I cannot, and will not, make it any clearer. Happy to meet IRL and spell it out to to you with puppets and crayons. 

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9 minutes ago, Sam T said:

Indeed , I'm not objective. Far from it. After all, these are my businesses that you and others see fit to disparage without the merest scintilla of proof. Indeed, your verbal diarrhoea is pretty much allowed to vomit all over the internet without the merest hint of checks or balances. As for disproving it? Are you  having an issue I should be aware of? After all, slinging all kinds of keyboard related effluent would seem to be your M.O. p

Nobody is disparaging your business. Just pointing out the clear links to the LH Church through the share ownership structure. That’s not a negative thing surely? 

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3 minutes ago, Optimist said:

Nobody is disparaging your business. Just pointing out the clear links to the LH Church through the share ownership structure. That’s not a negative thing surely? 

Are you a bit slow?

Read the last couple of pages again.  Slowly.

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4 minutes ago, Optimist said:

Nobody is disparaging your business. Just pointing out the clear links to the LH Church through the share ownership structure. That’s not a negative thing surely? 

Ok Optimist. Show me the "clear links" to Living Hope. Show me, I "double dare" you. Prove a link, absolutely prove it beyond "reasonable doubt". I "triple dare you". Prove the causal links to your allegations of fact and, as an officer of the company and indeed the absolute owner of the company, I will investigate. I'll wait. 


Sidebar: Admins. I know this is the Isle of Man and "skeet" holds sway but really? I employ over 100 people full time, nearly 200 including part time and any amount of full on excrement is allowed to be chucked out on ",Manx Forums"? That's your business model no doubt but FFS, it is tiresome. 

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5 minutes ago, Ativa said:


The situation has been clearly explained at least twice.


Riverside Limited encompasses, amongst other operations, the Sound Cafe, the NSC cafe, the Villa Parilla, and Bradda Glen restaurant and a few other hospitality venues. All linked to the LH Church and Mr Christian via clear connections at companies registry. 

Edited by Optimist
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Just now, Sam T said:

Sidebar: Admins. I know this is the Isle of Man and "skeet" holds sway but really? I employ over 100 people full time, nearly 200 including part time and any amount of full on excrement is allowed to be chucked out on ",Manx Forums"? That's your business model no doubt but FFS, it is tiresome. 

It’s not tiresome it’s actually “uncomfortable” for you. 

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1 minute ago, Optimist said:

Riverside Limited encompasses, amongst other operations, the Sound Cafe, the NSC cafe, the Villa Parilla, and Bradda Glen restaurant and a few other hospitality venues. All linked to The LH Church and Mr Christian via clear connections at companies registry. 

I know what Riverside Limited and La Villa Parrilla Limted encompass, I fucking own them!!!!

The latter part of your "assertion, to whit All linked to The LH Church and Mr Christian via clear connections at companies registry. " is just full on inaccuracies. 

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Just now, Sam T said:

I know what Riverside Limited and La Villa Parrilla Limted encompass, I fucking own them!!!!

The latter part of your "assertion, to whit All linked to The LH Church and Mr Christian via clear connections at companies registry. " is just full on inaccuracies. 

Thanks Adrian.

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4 minutes ago, Optimist said:

Riverside Limited encompasses, amongst other operations, the Sound Cafe, the NSC cafe, the Villa Parilla, and Bradda Glen restaurant and a few other hospitality venues. All linked to The LH Church and Mr Christian via clear connections at companies registry. 

Holy crap.  Read the thread.  It’s all explained very clearly

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