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'In truth,there was only one christian and he died on the cross.'

Friedrich Nietzsche

In other words, many coming after Jesus corrupted his rather beautiful teachings and mashed them up with the Torah to create the control system that they wanted.  The devout, poor souls, just follow what the men in dresses tell them without much questioning.

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10 minutes ago, genericUserName said:

Lol. I realise you are probably joking. But ...

Definitely one of the madder evil belief systems! And a good comparion. Since AFAIK - nobody serious has ever claimed that communism ever worked or helped anyone. At best its adherents will obfuscate and lie - saying that it has never really been tried. Unlike, say, praying, astrology or chiropractic - all equally bonkers but they all seem to sometimes actually help people. And typically do little harm.

Of course communism worked.... everyone was equal except those at the top were more equal than the rest.

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1 minute ago, HeliX said:

Well they'd be right in asserting it's never been tried in fairness. Communism under a dictatorship isn't communism. There's been a couple of goes at Socialism but usually the US stages a coup.

One of the great things about university is that it provides a good opportunity to get this kind of nonsense out of our heads. Failing that, at least read Animal Farm.

The big issue, obviously, is that communism always has to be enforced in order to work. In this respect it is always ultimately violent. And it always means closing the borders. Not to keep people out but to keep them in. And to prevent the normal flow of capital.

Even if communism was all just about love and peace, man. Spending a couple of years living on a kibbutz or in any other sort of commune will make you see human nature for what it is. Shared houses are bad enough.

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3 minutes ago, genericUserName said:

One of the great things about university is that it provides a good opportunity to get this kind of nonsense out of our heads. Failing that, at least read Animal Farm.

The big issue, obviously, is that communism always has to be enforced in order to work. In this respect it is always ultimately violent. And it always means closing the borders. Not to keep people out but to keep them in. And to prevent the normal flow of capital.

Even if communism was all just about love and peace, man. Spending a couple of years living on a kibbutz or in any other sort of commune will make you see human nature for what it is. Shared houses are bad enough.

Animal Farm is more a criticism of Stalinism than anything else.

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Just now, genericUserName said:

Stalinism was the inevitable endpoint of Leninism. Which was the inevitable endpoint of Communism. Stalin continued what Lenin had begun.

Hard disagree, Stalin and Lenin corrupted what is ultimately a fairly virtuous idea (though not one that I think works, but I'm yet to see it tried...). They're what happens when you remove the "of the proletariat" part of "dictatorship of the proletariat".

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Just now, genericUserName said:

Whether you take that, in the English form, to mean of or by - it is still dictatorship. And how do you deal with all of the people who quite rightly oppose dictatorship or do not want to join in?

I didn't say I supported a dictatorship of the proletariat, but also it's somewhat of a play on words rather than a "real" dictatorship, as it misses out the necessity of having a dictator...

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53 minutes ago, HeliX said:

I didn't say I supported a dictatorship of the proletariat, but also it's somewhat of a play on words rather than a "real" dictatorship, as it misses out the necessity of having a dictator...

I remember someone high up in the Olympic committee actually said (I may be paraphrasing) "it's so much easier getting things done in a dictatorship." 

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