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Living Hope Church - wolves, money and healing - again


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2 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

'Optimist' has been banned. 

Will the thread be deleted on the basis it is publishing false information?

The factual one yesterday was, or are those sort of moderation decisions simply down to who is being discussed?

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13 minutes ago, Optimist said:

Riverside Limited encompasses, amongst other operations, the Sound Cafe, the NSC cafe, the Villa Parilla, and Bradda Glen restaurant and a few other hospitality venues. All linked to The LH Church and Mr Christian via clear connections at companies registry. 

I can only think that because the registered address is an old vicarage that Arbory church sold 20 years ago you think that’s a link to LH church. As there is no other link to anything churchy at the registry. It’s on old house that once was used by a Vicar many many years ago, a Vicar from Arbory Church. Since then it’s had many different owners and occupants none of them have anything to do with any church let alone LH. Talk about tenuous links! Haha

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Just now, Ativa said:

Will the thread be deleted on the basis it is publishing false information?

The factual one yesterday was, or are those sort of moderation decisions simply down to who is being discussed?

Moderators cannot watch 24/7...if you have specific complaints about a post please report the post...giving the grounds as to why you think that specific post should be hidden/deleted.

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13 minutes ago, Adrian Christsn said:

I can only think that because the registered address is an old vicarage that Arbory church sold 20 years ago you think that’s a link to LH church. As there is no other link to anything churchy at the registry. It’s on old house that once was used by a Vicar many many years ago, a Vicar from Arbory Church. Since then it’s had many different owners and occupants none of them have anything to do with any church let alone LH. Talk about tenuous links! Haha

Hi Adrian, you have to admit that you have been at the very centre of this deeply unpleasant organisation for a long time so you should expect to be tarnished by that. If you gave up because of one incident just imagine how many people you put through 'hell' and how many relationships you destroyed in the last however many years of your involvement at leader level. If you want to come out out free from living hope you re going to have to be a bit more candid about what you finally realised and why you left.

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1 minute ago, HiVibes said:

Hi Adrian, you have to admit that you have been at the very centre of this deeply unpleasant organisation for a long time so you should expect to be tarnished by that. If you gave up because of one incident just imagine how many people you put through 'hell' and how many relationships you destroyed in the last however many years of your involvement at leader level. If you want to come out out free from living hope you re going to have to be a bit more candid about what you finally realised and why you left.

Ok. Sod this... I had left the thread because I felt the immediate matter "dealt with". 

1) How do you know he "was at the centre"? 

2) Church and Hell are extremely subjective and I would expect more than simple throwing of shade. "How many relationships YOU destroyed"? "Involvement at leader level"? "Come out free"? 

Ad hominem attacks are de rigeur on the internet. Baseless attacks smearing an entire working business are a different matter entirely. 

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On 6/25/2018 at 11:30 AM, Lxxx said:

I don't get why people are so bothered. If you're smart enough to know they are all bonkers and you leave well alone then who cares whether they ensnare some idiots into their web for financial gain. As long as they all keep relocating here to up the population numbers to help pay for the pensions back hole then let them all come and preach. If nothing else they're entertaining.

Do you really feel that way?

I have a problem with any person or an organisation that tries to knowingly convince others of things that are not true, especially if that is done for financial gain.

People talk about 'live and let live' when it comes religion, but is it not better that we strive as a society to believe in things that are true, especially if beliefs can have an effect on how people live their lives?

If people think they're going to a better life then how much do they value this one?  How much time and energy is spent thinking about and acting in accordance with these delusions about a Christian God? 

I have heard about a friend of mine who has now joined Living Hope.  I feel saddened by this because I know they're life with be different by revolving around something that simply isn't true.  All because of bad thinking. 

We should be teaching children how to think better so they don't end up continuing to be children by wanting to hold on these sort of mental toys.

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On 6/26/2018 at 10:34 PM, yootalkin2me said:

You don't know that as fact, it is a belief, no more a fact than there is a God, neither can be proved or disproved. 

With the Christian God, I definitely think it can be said that this God does not exist. That doesn't need any proof to disprove its existence.  If you take a look at complete lack of evidence for it, how this belief originated, and the character and qualities of this God in the Bible it should be quite obvious that it is just human fabrication by desert people from over 2000 years ago.  It's the same with Thoth or Dionysus, or the invisible Dragon in my garage.  We don't need proof.  If something seems extremely implausible then we can easily say it is bullshit.  Christianity is too ridiculous for it to be true.


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2 minutes ago, La_Dolce_Vita said:

With the Christian God, I definitely think it can be said that this God does not exist. That doesn't need any proof to disprove its existence.  If you take a look at complete lack of evidence for it, how this belief originated, and the character and qualities of this God in the Bible it should be quite obvious that it is just human fabrication by desert people from over 2000 years ago.  It's the same with Thoth or Dionysus, or the invisible Dragon in my garage.  We don't need proof.  If something seems extremely implausible then we can easily say it is bullshit.  Christianity is too ridiculous for it to be true.


Are you feeding your dragon? Or must I call the MSPCA?

More ridiculous than the MEA loans scandal, or the Liverpool terminal?  Neither should exist or be capable of belief. But they do

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11 minutes ago, John Wright said:

Are you feeding your dragon? Or must I call the MSPCA?

More ridiculous than the MEA loans scandal, or the Liverpool terminal?  Neither should exist or be capable of belief. But they do

The ridiculous nature of Christianity is in the contradictions of the beliefs and also the lack of sense in many of those beliefs that are incompatible with any God that is intelligent.

The dragon never takes the food despite feeding it every day.  Does it not need food?

Edited by La_Dolce_Vita
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2 minutes ago, La_Dolce_Vita said:

The ridiculous nature of Christianity is in the contradictions of the beliefs and also the lack of sense in many of those beliefs that are incompatible with any God that is intelligent.


Surely it’s up to individuals to decide which church they want to join eg LH, catholic, Mormon, baptist etc?

Why are you & others preaching against them, you’re just as bad as those you’re complaining about!!

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10 minutes ago, Banker said:

Surely it’s up to individuals to decide which church they want to join eg LH, catholic, Mormon, baptist etc?

Why are you & others preaching against them, you’re just as bad as those you’re complaining about!!

I always find this to be an interesting argument. Of course you should be free to believe whatever you like whether there is any good reason to believe it or not. There are literally 1,000s od Christian denominations and of course 100s maybe 1000s of seperate religions so plenty of choice to pick what you want to believe. As we all know, if you take your choice seriously it can result in violence (just remember Northern Ireland).

One thing guaranteed to unite all the religions is the idea that they are all wrong. They really hate the idea of atheism. 

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