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Water wheel at Groudle Glen


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8 minutes ago, gettafa said:

Castle Rushen is quaint, so is Laxey Wheel.

Why is it that thatched cottages are deemed interesting but 1930s public housing isn't? Both being about how people lived and the design of a long ago era.

Why is a water wheel seen as being worth preserving (or putting on a biscuit tin) but not, say, a cooling tower or a generator room?

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10 hours ago, Rob Callister said:

The simple answer - someone took their eye off the ball......

The difficult answer - the Commissioners believed DEFA was responsible for the maintenance of all buildings and land etc under a licence....... DEFA have disputed this. 

This should have been addressed and dealt with 10 or 15 years ago

The main issue is the location of the Wheel and getting materials in and out of the Glen. 

It would definitely cost more than £20,000 - even with 100% volunteers 

Thanks for you reply. Out of interest, how long were you an Onchan commissioner for?

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10 hours ago, Rob Callister said:

The simple answer - someone took their eye off the ball......

The difficult answer - the Commissioners believed DEFA was responsible for the maintenance of all buildings and land etc under a licence....... DEFA have disputed this. 

This should have been addressed and dealt with 10 or 15 years ago

The main issue is the location of the Wheel and getting materials in and out of the Glen. 

It would definitely cost more than £20,000 - even with 100% volunteers 

all sounds about right,  shame that hypocrite quirkio started spouting on the radio about what should be done and who should have done what etc etc only to have done fuck all about himself while he was in office.   the wheel is only part of the issue,  the last time i was down there 3 or 4 years ago the paths were all but gone in places so it isn't really safe to walk like it used to be anyway  so a nice wheel with unsafe access is a non starter for funds,  get the paths sorted first.

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I think when you elect commissioners who did not grow up in the area this is what you get. If you from the area you have  knowledge of the local area and its heritage ,if you not from the area you would tend to miss little cultural buildings and other aspects of local life you may not realize is important to the community.                                                                                                                                                                                                               

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Same with Members of the House of Keys.

For example, how many members of Tynwald ever went to Silverdale as a kid, maybe as part of the annual Sunday School picnic. To many these places have no significance other than what their clinically objective view allows. 

Some might say that is a good thing. In which case, let's become a constituency of England.

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We have Beach Buddies... why not Glen Buddies with volunteer labour but with corporate sponsorship for purchasing material. It can then be called the "XYZ" Groudle Glen, or Groudle Glen, supported by "XYZ" Company and Glen Buddies.

In fact it there's no reason why it can't be used as a venue for those who have been handed down a community service order.

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1 hour ago, Andy Onchan said:

We have Beach Buddies... why not Glen Buddies with volunteer labour but with corporate sponsorship for purchasing material. It can then be called the "XYZ" Groudle Glen, or Groudle Glen, supported by "XYZ" Company and Glen Buddies.

In fact it there's no reason why it can't be used as a venue for those who have been handed down a community service order.

But how many teams of “buddies” do we need working for free in their own time to make up for the fact that we’re paying out huge wages and pensions bills (well over £350 million a year) for people who are paid full time to do this stuff but who actually appear to do bugger all? Beach buddies, glen buddies, looking after the elderly buddies, hospital buddies, heritage buddies the list is endless  ....... we can’t seem to save money and shrink the size of IOMG and yet we can’t seem to even get these people to do the jobs there paid for either so we want volunteers. 

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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Why so much 'love' being given to a late Victorian bit of kitsch when so much other + more relevant examples of Manx vernacular architecture have been lost or are in serious danger ? It was built as a picturesque 'folly' supposedly to provide power for the fairy lights down the glen (tho I think power was actually taken from the tram company who had ambitions to also become a power generator + supplier) - though it does make a pretty illustration on a tin of genuine Manx fudge.

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Quirky is now on a one man mission to save the wheel.....on TH this lunchtime he said he had been down and got the form for himself and all his followers...!!!!tosign to make it a protected building.   When is a building not a building ...when it is a water wheel, apparently.    If you stopped 50 Onchan residents and asked them if they had ever visited this wondrous wheel I doubt if 5 had, if you asked 50 residents if they were in favour of spending the emergency money on a down payment to start to do it up you would be lucky to get 5 and if you asked the same ones would they be in favour of a rate increase to pay for it.....I doubt you would even get 5.  Anyone who has contracted a tradesmen to do work knows how iffy estimates can be, the only certainty is if you can get a firm quote, in writing, and even so there is usually wriggle room. This a disaster waiting to happen if Onchan commissioners take notice of Quirk whose main contribution to policy whilst an MHK was to suggest counting seagulls.

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5 hours ago, thesultanofsheight said:

But how many teams of “buddies” do we need working for free in their own time to make up for the fact that we’re paying out huge wages and pensions bills (well over £350 million a year) for people who are paid full time to do this stuff but who actually appear to do bugger all? Beach buddies, glen buddies, looking after the elderly buddies, hospital buddies, heritage buddies the list is endless  ....... we can’t seem to save money and shrink the size of IOMG and yet we can’t seem to even get these people to do the jobs there paid for either so we want volunteers. 

I want to be a thesultanofsheight buddy

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