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Water wheel at Groudle Glen


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11 hours ago, Moghrey Mie said:

How many other structures have we got that date back to 1895?


And beyond. Like a Govt's outlook and methods.

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  • 5 months later...

On a tangent but relating to Beach Buddies . This article in The Nations Mouthpiece and Government propaganda outlet about Bill Dale protesting against the Japanese resuming commercial whaling. 


Personally speaking I agree with his sentiments entirely and there is no need for whale hunting. 

However the subject of boycotting Japanese bike teams at TT was raised by Bill Dale. Unfortunately this is a non starter, too many vested interests as far as the beloved TT is concerned. Skelly and the Starship Enterprise love Oriental businesses and people too much - so will happily accept their customs and practices (however repulsive and immoral) in persuit of the golden egg. Still no such with the fabled six Banks. We do have a External Relations Advisor to swan around the globe and hold Howard’s hand - the mind boggles I know!

Perhaps it would be advisable for HRH The Chief Minister to go for regular swims in Douglas Bay, with the hope that Commercial Japanese Whalers mistake him for a small whale! 

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Took a walk down Groudle Glen yesterday followed by a ride on the train , have to say that I was impressed by the numbers of folk taking the train and the enthusiasm of the volunteers running the trains and providing free tea/coffee and mince pies for those attending . If you took a train ride a voucher was included for a free ride for a family of four (2 adults , 2 children) next season!

Also have to compliment whoever reinstated the path through the glen , excellent job .

With all this talk   of renewable energy  there is surely an opportunity for someone to reinstate the wheel , pretty small beer when you consider what the GGR have achieved .

Just saying

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2 hours ago, 2112 said:

 Skelly and the Starship Enterprise love Oriental businesses and people too much...

Yes he certainly does...especially those six Chinese banks. In fact, let’s celebrate that success...pictures of the offices occupied by each one can be found...


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7 hours ago, 2112 said:

On a tangent but relating to Beach Buddies . This article in The Nations Mouthpiece and Government propaganda outlet about Bill Dale protesting against the Japanese resuming commercial whaling. 


Personally speaking I agree with his sentiments entirely and there is no need for whale hunting. 

However the subject of boycotting Japanese bike teams at TT was raised by Bill Dale. Unfortunately this is a non starter, too many vested interests as far as the beloved TT is concerned. Skelly and the Starship Enterprise love Oriental businesses and people too much - so will happily accept their customs and practices (however repulsive and immoral) in persuit of the golden egg. Still no such with the fabled six Banks. We do have a External Relations Advisor to swan around the globe and hold Howard’s hand - the mind boggles I know!

Perhaps it would be advisable for HRH The Chief Minister to go for regular swims in Douglas Bay, with the hope that Commercial Japanese Whalers mistake him for a small whale! 

small ??

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