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BBC bias: Brexit


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 both camps were full of bullshit,

They were, no doubt. 

That said I very much doubt the implication of equal blame. 

The ex-PM and his Chancellor made some stupid predictions along with their their equally stupid book although much of the evils was headed off by the immediate post vote actions of the governor of the bank of England.

What there wasn't from the remain side was a specific selection of indirect lies and clever manipulation of social media to produce a false consensus of opinion. Don't ask for proof if you disagree because you know it can't be absolutely proven.

I listen to Farage every evening on LBC and I take my hat off to him. He is clever. It is hard to pinpoint downright lies but he doesn't half "poison the well" before suggestions that lead to ideas that would be lies if said directly. He also very regularly poses suspect statements as questions.

The leave campaign was run much more effectively with most of the budget being spent in the last couple of weeks. That is just good technique and to be applauded but if the budget has then been exceeded, that is wrong. 


Edit : However I agree about Cameron's arrogance.



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1 hour ago, ballaughbiker said:

The leave campaign was run much more effectively

The Leave campaign played to simplistic tropes. It's always easier to argue against, rather than in favour, of a thing. Especially in times of uncertainty and cultural insecurity. When people are looking for someone to blame.

Same as ranty standup gets easy laughs 

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18 minutes ago, pongo said:

The Leave campaigned played to simplistic tropes. It's always easier to argue against, rather than in favour, of a thing. Especially in times of uncertainty and cultural insecurity. When people are looking for someone to blame.

Same as ranty standup gets easy laughs 

There are very simply issues involved.  Return of our sovereignty, restoration of control of our borders, clearing out those not entitled to be in the UK. Everything else comes way down in terms of priority. Everything.

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12 minutes ago, Rog said:

There are very simply issues involved.  Return of our sovereignty, restoration of control of our borders, clearing out those not entitled to be in the UK. Everything else comes way down in terms of priority. Everything.

Belonging nowhere, you are the epitome of cultural insecurity. Which is why you try too hard.

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20 minutes ago, pongo said:

Belonging nowhere, you are the epitome of cultural insecurity. Which is why you try too hard.

Interesting thought.

 Wrong, but interesting.  

I belong in Norfolk having lived there for years and feel totally at home here, much more than I ever did on the island after the years of bullying I suffered as "the only Yid and in the village",  and my cultural roots are of course now in israel rather than some shtetl. 

But try too hard at what?

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1 hour ago, pongo said:

The Leave campaign played to simplistic tropes. It's always easier to argue against, rather than in favour, of a thing. Especially in times of uncertainty and cultural insecurity. When people are looking for someone to blame.

Same as ranty standup gets easy laughs 

the eu is sh1t.......

the remoans couldn't find anything positive about the eu memberships....

that's why they failed......

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1 hour ago, pongo said:

The Leave campaign played to simplistic tropes. It's always easier to argue against, rather than in favour, of a thing. Especially in times of uncertainty and cultural insecurity. When people are looking for someone to blame.

Same as ranty standup gets easy laughs 

'Simplistic tropes'! :wacko:

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24 minutes ago, woody2 said:

the eu is sh1t.......

the remoans couldn't find anything positive about the eu memberships....

that's why they failed......

You’re right they should have presented the benefits of the EU. Instead they focused on the negatives of leaving. 

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3 minutes ago, Declan said:

You’re right they should have presented the benefits of the EU. Instead they focused on the negatives of leaving. 

What benefits?  There were benefits from membership of the common market but absolutely none from membership of the EU except for the EU resulting from our membership. 

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I don’t think you are going to see the benefit of what I see as benefits. 

Free movement of people, goods and services. 

Being part of a co-operative mutually supportive community of nations. 

The cosmopolitanising and liberalising effect it was having on Britain. 

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10 minutes ago, Declan said:

I don’t think you are going to see the benefit of what I see as benefits. 

Free movement of people, goods and services. 

Being part of a co-operative mutually supportive community of nations. 

The cosmopolitanising and liberalising effect it was having on Britain. 

You're absolutely correct.  I don't.  

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5 hours ago, Chinahand said:

To be frank I am amazed at the contempt of the judicial system the BBC is showing in this story:


The official Brexit campaign is expected to be found guilty of four charges of breaking electoral law, the BBC has been told.

Expected to be found guilty - who expects this. Talk about being prejudicial to any legal action. 

The presumptuousness being displayed is breath taking. 

It beggars belief and I hope they’ll be held to account for such arrogance and contempt to an ongoing judicial case. 

It was poor reporting, I hate this leaking of “news” in advance being reported. But, China, it isn’t contempt. There are no court proceedings, no ongoing judicial case.

The Electoral Commission is a regulatory, not a judicial, body.

They won’t be finding anyone guilty of anything. They’ll be finding breaches of the rules and impose a fine.

Its then up to the Brexit group to challenge the finding in court by way of judicial review, try and show the decision making process was flawed, that it was a decision no reasonable regulatory body, presented with the evidence, could have arrived at.

Its common for these types of administrative regulatory proceedings to be conducted  on paper, ( except in exceptional circumstances )happens here for work permit appeals, Financial ombudsman compensation claims, Social Security Appeal, so the objections by the Brexit organisation that they hadn’t been heard is just obfuscation.

And the fact they’ve got a draft, then prepared a 500 page rebuttal document, is no different to the Financial Ombudsman Scheme, where the initial adjudication is circulated and responses are invited.

The Brexit campaign has launched a preemptive strike and is just muddying the waters. Given their record in the referendum campaign we couldn’t expect anything else.

China, don’t shoot the messenger. The Brexit capaign leaked the draft and the response, BBC reported it, they had leading members interviewed and putting their view. Nothing biased or presumptuous.

Theres an international convention, not an EU one, that states if spending limits ( as an example ) are exceeded then the vote can be declared void. Won’t happen in this case because the referendum result was advisory only, not mandatory. The decision to give Art. 50 notice was that of the executive, backed by the legislature. But that gives the lie to the Brexiteers monotonous claim that the people have spoken and the referendum result cannot be overturned, or a second referendum cannot be held once the outcome of negotiations are known. Or a general election between now and March 2019

That won’t happen, because

1. The Tories darent have a second referendum. They know what the result would be and it would finish them.

2. I think the Tories know they have to stick together until Brexit is reality, because an election now would see them decimated. Forget the opinion polls, it’d be the very open infighting that would do them in.


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