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BBC bias: Brexit


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2 hours ago, woolley said:

Hadn't you noticed that anyone who doesn't have the same opinion as Pongo is inevitably simple?

I think it’s just coincidence, it just seems that way because he contributes to Brexit threads. If there were smoking threads he’d see the Farage faction as thick, if there were threads about the wisdom of tying banners to light aircraft he’d see the Farage faction as thick, and no doubt if there was a thread about pissing in your chips, he’d strongly advise against the stupidity of using your freshly bought take-away as an emergency urinal. I’m sure he’s less strident and insulting when it comes to a Stones v Beatles or tea first v milk first type discussion. 


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5 hours ago, woolley said:

Hadn't you noticed that anyone who doesn't have the same opinion as Pongo is inevitably simple?

I have not described anyone as simple.

I described the winning ideas as simplistic. Winning ideas often are.

Big difference.

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5 hours ago, woolley said:


"This is your decision. The government will implement what you decide."


That is what the government said. I was analysing the Legal position. The legislation states, unequivocally, that the referendum was advisory.

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There are very simply issues involved.  Return of our sovereignty, restoration of control of our borders, clearing out those not entitled to be in the UK. Everything else comes way down in terms of priority. Everything.


So basically just get rid of nasty foreigners. At least you admit everything else (including the economy, common regulation etc) comes way down. Of one thing I am certain, a significant part of leavers voted the way they did for similar reasons. 

Nobody seems to ever consider why the supposed nasty invaders want to come to the UK in the first place. I suppose it's much easier to blame a non -uk organisation for UK based problems and 1930s propaganda experts were well aware that if you simplified problems to the nth degree, presented a simplistic solution and repeated the mantra enough times, consensus of opinion would slowly but surely migrate towards that simplistic solution.

If you then add the idea that if only xyz could be sorted 'our' country (whatever that country might be) would quickly return to its rightful place in the pecking order. It's powerful stuff and they know damn well we haven't got time to consider the vast amount of apparent minutiae (to us) that would pose a counter view. That is one of the reasons it's easier to be an opposer than a defender of the status quo. You can pick off each inconvenient counter argument in isolation without ever having to consider the sum of the counter arguments. Farage has made a living out of this.

When things are shit (and of course they keep telling you it is shit despite, generally, things have never been better) any change can seem appealing until you start to examine the ramifications. Frying pans and fires come to mind.


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2 hours ago, ballaughbiker said:

So basically just get rid of nasty foreigners. At least you admit everything else (including the economy, common regulation etc) comes way down. Of one thing I am certain, a significant part of leavers voted the way they did for similar reasons. 

Nobody seems to ever consider why the supposed nasty invaders want to come to the UK in the first place. I suppose it's much easier to blame a non -uk organisation for UK based problems and 1930s propaganda experts were well aware that if you simplified problems to the nth degree, presented a simplistic solution and repeated the mantra enough times, consensus of opinion would slowly but surely migrate towards that simplistic solution.

If you then add the idea that if only xyz could be sorted 'our' country (whatever that country might be) would quickly return to its rightful place in the pecking order. It's powerful stuff and they know damn well we haven't got time to consider the vast amount of apparent minutiae (to us) that would pose a counter view. That is one of the reasons it's easier to be an opposer than a defender of the status quo. You can pick off each inconvenient counter argument in isolation without ever having to consider the sum of the counter arguments. Farage has made a living out of this.

When things are shit (and of course they keep telling you it is shit despite, generally, things have never been better) any change can seem appealing until you start to examine the ramifications. Frying pans and fires come to mind.


No, not just get rid of "nasty-foreigners" though certainly get rid of NASTY foreigners, but spell all of those here illegally and wherever they can be identified those here legally but having gained legal status by lying as so many have and do.

WHEN we regain sovereignty what we will face is not simply stepping back in time to pre- Maastricht life but we will be in a position to build from the god awful positioned are now in without being obstructed by Brussels and all the crap that has been imposed on us, especially the criminals charter aka the ECHR that the lying POS Blair stuck us with.

Long millions of British people died in defending our freedom to be independent and looking at how our politicians have thrown our independence away over the last few decades is beyond shameful, it's obscene.

As for "things" being better today that statement is meaningless unless compared with a base.  Better than what?  And when?

Our country is now fragmented and being systematically colonised by invaders who will not, indeed CAN NOT integrate with Western democracy and are now popping out kids at a rate of not untypically TEN kids per breeding female.

We now have a sector of the population that are here illegally and working in the black economy or on the proceeds of crime.  Crime  THEY commit.

The unwanted and certainly unmandated and unmanaged  Blair pushed multicultural experiment that was doomed to failure has failed spectacularly and seen the "cultures" that were welcomed to enter the UK and remain independent from British culture bring in the horrific violence as their culture norms now firmly established in London and now spreading to our other towns and cities.  Good god, even bloody Cromer has seen it starting up.

All of these things and more can and will be addressed once free of the EU driven if not by our government then from grass roots pressure and the sooner the better.  The EU experiment has failed. It is imploding as increasing number of the general public in the member states are waking up to just what has been taking place. Good.  Bring it on.


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14 minutes ago, Rog said:

Our country is fragmented and being systematically colonised by invaders who will not, indeed CAN NOT integrate with Western democracy. The unwanted and unmanaged  Blair pushed multicultural experiment that was doomed to failure has failed spectacularly and seen the "cultures" that were welcomed to enter the UK and remain independent from British culture bring in the horrific violence as their culture norms now firmly established in London and now spreading to our other towns and cities.  Good god, even bloody Cromer has seen it starting up.

The UK is multi-cultural due to the vestiges of Empire. Simple as. It will stay multi-cultural due to the generations born since who are UK citizens. Simple as.

There's no such thing as a "multicultural experiment" .or whatever other nonsense gets dreamt up.

Nothing to do with the EU.

However should you wish to enjoy the best of multi-culturism (is that a word?) might I suggest a trip to The Coconut Grove in Chester https://www.koconutgrove.co.uk

In my lifetime the UK has been "fragmented" twice.

The first time was by the appalling Thatcher creature whose policies polarised the nation and made a virtue out of greed.

The second time was Brexit.

The UK police force is routinely accused of "institutionalised racism" or similar. With it's broad recruitment base it simply reflects UK society at large.

The inescapable conclusion is not that difficult to figure out....

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10 hours ago, woolley said:

Hadn't you noticed that anyone who doesn't have the same opinion as Pongo is inevitably simple?

I'd not picked up on that. Must be my intellect Or lack of.

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4 hours ago, John Wright said:

That is what the government said. I was analysing the Legal position. The legislation states, unequivocally, that the referendum was advisory.

so are you claiming the supreme court judgement is incorrect?

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24 minutes ago, P.K. said:

The UK is multi-cultural due to the vestiges of Empire. Simple as. It will stay multi-cultural due to the generations born since who are UK citizens. Simple as.

There's no such thing as a "multicultural experiment" .or whatever other nonsense gets dreamt up.

Nothing to do with the EU.

However should you wish to enjoy the best of multi-culturism (is that a word?) might I suggest a trip to The Coconut Grove in Chester https://www.koconutgrove.co.uk

In my lifetime the UK has been "fragmented" twice.

The first time was by the appalling Thatcher creature whose policies polarised the nation and made a virtue out of greed.

The second time was Brexit.

The UK police force is routinely accused of "institutionalised racism" or similar. With it's broad recruitment base it simply reflects UK society at large.

The inescapable conclusion is not that difficult to figure out....

That is a common misconception. While people from other lands having different cultures have come to Britain in all cases while they brought their traditions and aspects of their cultures with them in all cases it was the British culture that prevailed as they integrated into our culture, never that their cultures were encouraged to remain their dominant culture which is what that POS Blair introduced.

As for Mrs Thatcher and her government opinions about the saviour of the UK, which she unquestionably was, will always differ.  It's like the difference between socialists and free-market capitalists. Irreconcilable differences based on perceptions of right and wrong which is itself based on so many things.  Best just accepted as existing and only arguing over to a limited extent and an agreement in the end to just differ!

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9 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

I think it’s just coincidence, it just seems that way because he contributes to Brexit threads. If there were smoking threads he’d see the Farage faction as thick, if there were threads about the wisdom of tying banners to light aircraft he’d see the Farage faction as thick, and no doubt if there was a thread about pissing in your chips, he’d strongly advise against the stupidity of using your freshly bought take-away as an emergency urinal. I’m sure he’s less strident and insulting when it comes to a Stones v Beatles or tea first v milk first type discussion. 


I wouldn't count on it and you are exactly the same.

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6 hours ago, Barrie Stevens said:

I think Woolley is getting cold feet.....But Bazza is getting more aggressive...Crash out! Soddit! Who cares? It will all work out OK. No one will notice.

I'm not getting cold feet at all. I am a realist and I always counsel banking what progress you can make in the moment rather than going for broke at the risk of losing everything. It's a business philosophy but applies to all aspects of life.

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