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BBC bias: Brexit


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I think that question is more for your side of the debate to answer. I posed it to PK the other day

No, your side of the debate has the concern and therefore should be able to say why the aspect they are concerned about is happening. 

I'd rather Rog answered it though if you want to dodge the question. There must be a good reason why "the hordes" beat a path to our door. Why are you (plural) so reticent in giving your opinion as to why?

Rog and woolley aren't usually backward about coming forward with their views.....

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50 minutes ago, woody2 said:

it was part of the case, while i agree it was advisory at the time of the referendum, once the supreme court past judgement it was binding, mp's have been corrected by the speaker since the case....

the case was about multiple issues not just a single point.....

No, the resolution of Parliament was mandatory, unti/unlessl there’s a vote the other way. The Supreme Court did not say the referendum result was binding, it said that the giving of article 50 notice required a parliamentary vote, not an exercise of Royal Perogative.

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18 minutes ago, woody2 said:


Which most don’t claim or get, and in respect of those that do it was within the power of the UK government to make regulations to only allow those seeking work and here for less than 6 months.

Brexit is one cack handed way to crack that nut.

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47 minutes ago, woolley said:

I think that question is more for your side of the debate to answer. I posed it to PK the other day.

Maybe the question you should be asking is "Why Hungary?

"For the year ending June 2016, Germany received the highest number of asylum application (665,000). Sweden was second (149,000) and Hungary third (131,000)

Between them, these three countries received 63% of all of the asylum applications in Europe. In comparison, the UK was 8th in Europe for the number of asylum applications it received last year."

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23 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Name one.

Knife crime at a previously unheard of level.

Same with drug crime.

Grooming of our kids.

Shall I continue?  Because I can.

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2 minutes ago, Rog said:

Knife crime at a previously unheard of level.

Same with drug crime.

Grooming of our kids.

Shall I continue?  Because I can.

And the nationality of the miscreants is?

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9 minutes ago, John Wright said:

Which most don’t claim or get, and in respect of those that do it was within the power of the UK government to make regulations to only allow those seeking work and here for less than 6 months.

Brexit is one cack handed way to crack that nut.

So where do those not able to plunder our benefit system get the money to live (rather well) on do you think?  I'll tell you.  The "black economy" that takes employment opportunities from OUR population, that is tax free, NI free, and sees even more of OUR currency being sent to where they come from and should be sent back to.

And crime.

Crime that sees so many things from Rolex watches to Range Rovers being quietly exported, frequently to Nigeria, where they are sold on leaving us to have to pay increased insurance premiums across the board.

BREXIT has two edges.  First to escape from the horrid EU but secondly by having our sovereignty restored to start down the road to roll back the laws that have been imposed on that are totally counter to our interests once free to do so.

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2 minutes ago, ballaughbiker said:

After you answer the enquiry as to your ideas as to why "the hordes" come here. Please.

Because they want to ponce off our benefits system and / or to join existing colonies that we have foolishly allowed to become established. Colonies that not only hate our freedoms and way of life and apart from not wanting to integrate with our society actually prohibits them from doing so.

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