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Memorial Ride Out

La Colombe

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2 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

Agreed, but I wonder if MR have their journalistic wires crossed on this?

Motorcyclists have previously held their own remembrance "services" in memory of their brethren who fell during the wars as despatch riders and such.

Manx Radio says “It's to pay tribute to riders lost in road racing over the past year, including Dan Kneen, William Dunlop and James Cowton.“ I can’t wait to hear the DED try to justify this one. 

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You're absolutely right on this Sultan. Nothing wrong with remembering motorcycle racers, however they see fit; but any other day than this. To break the day's tone of respectful silence with the revving of engines is dumb insensitivity at its worst - even by IOM standards. Which idiots came up with this idea and how is it permitted on Remembrance Sunday ? I give up... 

Edited by Shake me up Judy
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1 hour ago, Shake me up Judy said:

You're absolutely right on this Sultan. Nothing wrong with remembering motorcycle racers, however they see fit; but any other day than this. To break the day's tone of respectful silence with the revving of engines is dumb insensitivity at its worst - even by IOM standards. Which idiots came up with this idea and how is it permitted on Remembrance Sunday ? I give up... 

I agree it’s a joke if they want to do it fine but an hour after the official remembrance ceremony which respectfully recognises the war dead is off the scale I’m afraid. There is simply no comparison of TT deaths with the murder of young men gunned down in their millions in two world wars. But it doesn’t surprise me as nobody gives a shit about anything other than themselves in this Island anymore. I’m dying to hear what the Tynwald Member for Motorsport has to say about this crass and insensitive act of public masturbation about the TT.

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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22 minutes ago, Shake me up Judy said:

You're absolutely right on this Sultan. Nothing wrong with remembering motorcycle racers, however they see fit; but any other day than this. To break the day's tone of respectful silence with the revving of engines is dumb insensitivity at its worst - even by IOM standards. Which idiots came up with this idea and how is it permitted on Remembrance Sunday ? I give up... 

Absolutely correct. What utter moron conceived of this ?

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I was there for the minutes silence at 11.00 and the minutes noise  at 1200 .

The two were not connected IMO and  both  "events" were organised by a local individual .

Motor cyclists were remembering riders and former riders who had died in what ever circumstances , even old age.

Many folk would have attended other venues to remember those who lost their lives in conflict fighting for "King/Queen and country" and then went home for a Sunday roast , some went to Laxey to remember their fellow motorcyclists who had died , regardless of the circumstances and share reminiscences .

TBH can't see what the problem is :flowers:

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There’s a world of difference between dying doing what you love and dying for what you love. 

It can’t have escaped their attention that today was Remembrance Sunday, and by holding their event today they are drawing parallels. 

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Declan I think everyone was aware that it was Remembrance  Sunday .

I was not drawing parallels.

this is not the first year this event has taken place and as far as I'm aware there was no Gov involvement.

A previous poster has pointed out that dispatch riders had a fairly high mortality rate , that said some may prefer for a non religious/ formal  setting to remember those who died in service of the country hence the minutes silence at 11.00.

As I said I felt the two 'events' were not connected .

Not looking for a row , just saying , we can agree to disagree  :flowers:

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24 minutes ago, paswt said:

I was there for the minutes silence at 11.00 and the minutes noise  at 1200 .

The two were not connected IMO and  both  "events" were organised by a local individual .

Of course they were connected - they took place within an hour of each other!  Some of the memorial services would have been not long finished.  I'm sure the Laxey event was well meant (and I'm sure that the DED had nothing to do with it, and for once can't be blamed) but it just comes across as gatecrashing someone else's party and announcing that it's all about you.  Any other day such a memorial would be touching, but especially in a year when the mass slaughter of WWI is so high-profile, it seems incredibly tin-eared.

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7 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Of course they were connected - they took place within an hour of each other!  Some of the memorial services would have been not long finished.  I'm sure the Laxey event was well meant (and I'm sure that the DED had nothing to do with it, and for once can't be blamed) but it just comes across as gatecrashing someone else's party and announcing that it's all about you.  Any other day such a memorial would be touching, but especially in a year when the mass slaughter of WWI is so high-profile, it seems incredibly tin-eared.

They may have been 'connected' in your opinion , don't have a problem with that but it's not an opinion I share .

Bill Snelling who organised the event on FB said it was to remember our motorcycle friends who had "passed under the chequered flag"  ( died in whatever circumstances).


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13 minutes ago, Shake me up Judy said:

It's the revving of engines that is most inappropriate. A quiet ceremony would have gone unnoticed and not drawn the same attention.

The revving of a motorcycle engine at a funeral is a tradition at a motorcyclists funeral .

I was asked by a total stranger if I could rev a vintage Vellocette at his fathers funeral as the coffin went into the crem . The deceased was a fellow motorcyclist , I  was "showing respect".

I have always shown respect with the minutes silence on Remembrance Sunday.



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