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NATO is now a major part of the problem where world stability is concerned.  

NATO came into being to present a united front to the USSR.  The USSR collapsed years ago, the Russian Federation is nothing like the USSR but Barack Hussein Obama used the "Red Under the Bed" fear to boost his popularity at home.

For my part I would love to see NATO being replaced by a common interest group to confront today's enemy which is islam. Russia would be a very valuable member of such a group which is probably one reason that Hussein Obama was so hostile towards Russia.



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56 minutes ago, woody2 said:

is trump going to pull the plug......

and when should the uk start carpet bombing germany......

Again? As was done in WW2?  The war crime that never was admitted.

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29 minutes ago, woolley said:

Victors don't admit war crimes. How many defendants from allied powers were on trial at Nuremberg? Prosecution is strictly for the losers, so get your atrocities in hard and early to ensure you win the war.

Sad but true.

Unless you are involved in fighting IRA filth in Ulster.  Then the opposite applies.

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2 hours ago, woolley said:

Victors don't admit war crimes. How many defendants from allied powers were on trial at Nuremberg? Prosecution is strictly for the losers, so get your atrocities in hard and early to ensure you win the war.

War is a nasty, dirty, miserable business.

Did the carpet bombing of Hamburg, Dresden etc break the German will to continue? The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki certainly forced the surrender of the fanatical Japanese. As the bombing of Rotterdam broke Dutch resistance to the Nazi invasion. So the evidence suggests it's worth doing.

Bottom line history is written by the victors.....

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2 hours ago, P.K. said:

History is written by the victors.....

Only in the short term. WW1 is an obvious recent example. How the reading of that conflict changed between 1918 and barely 40 years later.

Or the way in which many poorly educated people have turned their backs on Churchillian liberalism or deny the Holocaust. Or equate the useless failures of communist  collectivisiation with the deliberate policies of the Nazis.

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If Trump does anything which undermines NATO he will, quite rightly, be quickly removed. Or else his policies will be delayed until he is gone anyhow.

Russia is a gangster state. Right back to the loans for shares privatisations which created the wealth of those who keep the ruling gang in power. Anyone still doing business there should be hung out to dry.

It's absolutely right that NATO and the EU are on Russia's borders. What possible reason would the Kremlin have to object? It's not this business of the Kremlin to attempt to control politics in its neighbours. The idea of spheres of influence belongs to the Stalin era

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56 minutes ago, woody2 said:

remoans like pk keep tell us its the eu keeping them safe:lol:

80% of ze german tanks don't work the other 20% can't go out if it rains....

still- they'll have the bankrupt euro and cap payments......

If you really don't like ze Germans then why you buying a Mercedes truck? Are you some sort of quisling remoaner?

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Trump simply looks at the balance sheet that has the cost of all the European bases the US pays for.

It's called isolationist.

So the way wars were looked at between WW1 and Korea changed?

Of course it did!

Educations a wonderful thing....

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19 minutes ago, pongo said:

If Trump does anything which undermines NATO he will, quite rightly, be quickly removed. Or else his policies will be delayed until he is gone anyhow.

Russia is a gangster state. Right back to the loans for shares privatisations which created the wealth those who keep the ruling gang in power. Anyone still doing business there should be hung out to dry.

It's absolutely right that NATO and the EU are on Russia's borders. What possible reason would the Kremlin have to object? It's not this business of the Kremlin to attempt to control politics in its neighbours. The idea of spheres of influence belongs to the Stalin era

Funny that.  The White House certainly got their knickers in a twist when what was the USSR put missiles near the US border.

Russia a gangster state?  No more, and indeed less than the USA at a similar stage of emerging from the introduction of anything even near democracy.

I do business with Russian companies.  Not a lot these days, but more than enough to put clotted cream and strawberry conserve on the scones my wife bakes.  The rouble is as good as any countries currency and a hell of a lot better than some.

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3 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

If you really don't like ze Germans then why you buying a Mercedes truck? Are you some sort of quisling remoaner?

Surely what matters is if what is on sale is what one wants?  No need to like who makes it.  Works for me.

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