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17 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Never let it be said you aren't a man of principles.

There's an old Russian saying that's worth keeping in mind.

"A rouble never remembers who's hand held it last"


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2 hours ago, mojomonkey said:

If you really don't like ze Germans then why you buying a Mercedes truck? Are you some sort of quisling remoaner?

chill out #fantaboy got nothing against ze germans, just "the management"......

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Considering the us benefits the most from nato in the sense it lends an air of credibility to their imperialism and their corporations benefit the most from the destroying then rebuilding of various countries around the place, then they shoul be paying far more. It's their gig. The russian threat is manufactured, it's all just one giant protection racket. Europe would find themselves far better protected by trading with russia more. At the minute countries are paying fpr american protection when america create the threat in the first place

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5 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Trump: "Why don't you spend the same amount of Defence as we do?"

Others: "Sorry, we spend it on Education and Health"

Trump: "What are those?"

Rubbish. But what I do believe is that NATO should be disbanded, the terrible damage to Western relationships with the Russian Federation that Barack Hussein Obama created for his own political advantage in the USA and the islamic interests that he supported and promoted, and that a new defensive allied should be assembled to confront Islam, today's enemy.

NATO was put together to confront the USSR. The USSR ceased to be decades ago.

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34 minutes ago, Rog said:

Rubbish. But what I do believe is that NATO should be disbanded, the terrible damage to Western relationships with the Russian Federation that Barack Hussein Obama created for his own political advantage in the USA and the islamic interests that he supported and promoted, and that a new defensive allied should be assembled to confront Islam, today's enemy.

NATO was put together to confront the USSR. The USSR ceased to be decades ago.

Usual Rog revisionism is usual.

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This attitude of Donald Trump reminds me of the 1966 defence review when Dennis Healey later Lord Healey was Minister for Defence or whatever. The message was that Britain was no longer prepared to be the world's policeman and that some areas we were covering could well afford to pay or do more for themselves. Many subsequently did.

This was withdrawal from East of Suez and at the time the USA said we would leave a big hole. I recall the fleet of 70 ships we assembled to cover the withdrawal from Aden (I think it was 70 as I was doing the School Cert. at the time ...That's Cert as in certificate and not what you were thinking.)

In those days Britain still had defence treaties some as long as fifteen years for the defence of newly independent former colonies/possessions. Slowly they began to expire and with them the obligations.

Britain's presence in the Arab world brought forth an offer by the oil sheiks etc to pay for the British to stay. But British soldiers as mercenaries that was not on. But it showed that they could have paid.

If you compare the British Empire with the Roman Empire and the withdrawal of the legions back to more pressing matters elsewhere then extend that to the USA which is also looking to the East and issues back home then frankly I think Mr President is right.

The Americans have no need to police the prosperous parts of Europe. They refinanced Europe post WW2 and admittedly did a good bit of carpet bagging as well and it was in their interest to have a land war in Europe if anywhere but the European countries have been taking the mick for years and the USA is right to demand that they now pay their share of the tab.

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21 minutes ago, Barrie Stevens said:

The USSR was invited to join NATO I believe when it was first mooted. Wonder why they declined?

You really are Woody2. No they applied in 1954,a year after Stalin’s death,  a year before the Warsaw Pact was established, and were politely told NO.

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6 minutes ago, John Wright said:

You really are Woody2. No they applied in 1954,a year after Stalin’s death,  a year before the Warsaw Pact was established, and were politely told NO.

Putin asked again in recent times, of course. He knew what the answer would be.

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