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Shimmins' comments an 'insult to residents of the Isle of Man'


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That nice Kate Beecroft was on BBC news last night about the CinemaNX (pronounced "cinema N X"?) farrago. Basically wanting to know what the true £numbers are. Presumably the amount in brackets.

I'm wondering what rattled their cages. Any skeet?

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5 minutes ago, Grounds Keeper Willy said:

Does Kate Beecroft ever stop raking up the past to keep her in the public eye? She never actually does anything as an MHK but moan about stuff that happened 20 years ago. I’m not sure why that’s relevant  to anyone. 

Lib Van are a lost cause sadly. They’ve got her constantly harping on about things nobody cares about and which related to previous governments and Chief Ministers and little Lawrie Hooper the rebel without a clue. It’s a shame Peter Karran gave up politics as, love him or loath him, he was effective opposition who appealed to the masses. Not these jokers preaching to about 10 people. 

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53 minutes ago, Grounds Keeper Willy said:

Does Kate Beecroft ever stop raking up the past to keep her in the public eye? She never actually does anything as an MHK but moan about stuff that happened 20 years ago. I’m not sure why that’s relevant  to anyone. 

30 million will be relevant to lots of frontline services imo !

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19 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

Who is on the committee investigating these happenings. I'm presuming some top notch legal eagle that won't miss a trick.

I'm not completely sure because the Tynwald website is current down, but it's a sort of variant of the Public Accounts Committee which is acting with its usual speed to ask Beecroft about her allegations a mere 14 month after Tynwald was forced to examine them. Shimmins spent a lot of time going 'Nothing to see here' and 'It's all in the past'  - hence the title of this thread.  I'm not sure why it offended him so (was he involved professionally?) but even he didn't seem to think that Lessons Had Been Learned.

According to Google caches the Chair of the PAC is Watterson and the normal members are Crookall, Callister, Cretney, Poole-Wilson and Robertshaw.  For this enquiry however Barber[1], Corlett and Lord-Brennan have been appointed as alternates, though I'm not sure who for.


[1]  Claire Bettison got married over the Summer and insisted on changing her name.

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28 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

I'm not completely sure because the Tynwald website is current down, but it's a sort of variant of the Public Accounts Committee which is acting with its usual speed to ask Beecroft about her allegations a mere 14 month after Tynwald was forced to examine them. Shimmins spent a lot of time going 'Nothing to see here' and 'It's all in the past'  - hence the title of this thread.  I'm not sure why it offended him so (was he involved professionally?) but even he didn't seem to think that Lessons Had Been Learned.

According to Google caches the Chair of the PAC is Watterson and the normal members are Crookall, Callister, Cretney, Poole-Wilson and Robertshaw.  For this enquiry however Barber[1], Corlett and Lord-Brennan have been appointed as alternates, though I'm not sure who for.


[1]  Claire Bettison got married over the Summer and insisted on changing her name.

When you're a female and get married you DO change your surname?  She didn't need to insist.  

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1 minute ago, The Dog's Dangly Bits said:

When you're a female and get married you DO change your surname?  She didn't need to insist.  

But nowadays most women who already have a professional career when they marry tend to keep the name they are already known by in that professional life, though they may choose to be known as Mrs Barber or whatever in their private life.  This particularly true of politicians, who usually decide to stick with the name they were elected with.  Possibly Tynwald insists on a name change (Marlene Hendy changed hers last year), but it's  really retrogressive if they do as well as confusing.

Obviously being the Isle of Man where we tend to ignore change, we'll just keep on calling her Clare Bettison[1] for the next 60 years (I remember friends of hers constantly referring to my grandmother by her maiden name at their Golden Wedding party), but it's very odd when you consider changing practice in the UK - and of course in many other countries all women keep their maiden name on marriage.


[1]  In a classic example of Muphry's Law I put an 'i' in her first name in the comment above.  Admittedly the media does this quite often too.

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The Tynwald website has recovered and you can listen to Beecroft's evidence here.  As it was only Friday, the written Hansard won't be available till next week.

The PAC asked Tynwald to appoint alternative members last October, due to conflicts of interest (what a wonderfully tight little Island we are):


[...] at the October sitting of the court, the committee chair will ask Tynwald to approve appointing three temporary members to carry out the investigation.

Four of the members were ministers when the restructuring of the Island's investment in film took place, one's husband is a partner in a firm which advised over the issue, and the sixth is a member of the Department for Enterprise. 

Juan Watterson says it's about public perception

And this duly happened with Lord-Brennan, Corlett and Bettison elected (and August-Hanson not).  So the PAC committee consists of absolutely no members of the PAC at all.  It's really odd how eager the PAC members were to recuse themselves (given that the PAC's purpose is examining government actions in the past, by this logic why were ex-Ministers appointed to it?) and the fact that it has then taken nearly a year to get things going is even odder as the replacement members aren't involved in other PAC investigations.  Have they not been able to get Tynwald resources to carry out the investigation?

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15 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

Kate Beecroft just likes attention she has done nothing worthwhile in her political career just picks holes in everything to try and justify her pitiful existence as an MHK.   Peter Karan was a different kettle of fish he did care and raised matters that gave him concern.

But it was Peter Karran who kept on questioning about the way in which all these various film finance projects were carried out over many years.  Though clearly, even before she entered the Keys, it was Beecroft who had done a lot of the research, so you can't separate them on this one.

More widely it would be nice if people on Manx Forums (an awful lot of them) stopped judging the importance of a topic or the correctness of an opinion purely on the basis of whether we like the person who puts them forward.  Even someone we loathe may bring up something that is important or someone we generally admire may say or do something stupid or wrong.

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