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1 minute ago, Ringy Rose said:

Not really, even ten years' loss of earnings for a bus driver would be £250k. Add in how they've screwed him out of a pension and free bus travel worth £800 a year and it soon mounts up.

Given his circumstances, he can't work as a bus driver as there isn't another bus company to work for.

What's more interesting is how the DOI refused to engage because they knew the cap would apply. Goes to show the cap isn't fit for purpose.

Speaking of Longworth, any news about how that MER tram managed to derail on a straight bit of track?

http://www.iomtoday.co.im/article.cfm?id=55427&headline=Costs of MER rail renewals revealed by FoI&sectionIs=&searchyear=2020

Love how they quote revenue figures..... not profit. So for the figures given the average cost of track renewal and Infrastructure works is £1,454,796 per annum and the average combined direct and combined explorer revenue is £1,489,939  per annum.

So the remaining £35,143 per annum left over has to cover staff salary, advertising, administration, rolling stock and track maintenance (i.e. the track not being replaced), insurances, electricity bills. Not to mention coaches to ferry cruise ship passengers to the bungalow or Laxey.

If they are relaying @2 miles a year for the next 20+ years that'll be another £32,880,530 on track laying alone.



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Glad he got a win in the end, 60k seems a lot on the surface of it, but this guy was under so much stress during all this nonsense, he was effectively forced out for what was a mistake that should’ve been covered during training and wasn’t. He said to me the buses might be top of the range but the training is next to non existent, most of the drivers don’t know what half the buttons/switches even do and this hold brake thing happened all the time, in truth the driver shouldn’t be touching the isolator but that’s what they were told to do to reset everything.

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23 hours ago, hissingsid said:

I bet this situation happens a lot if the driver had been on a level road, say the bus station the bus probably would not have moved it was unlucky it was on a steep incline and rolled backwards and lucky no one was killed.

Well from what I was told, drivers using the hold brake (in place of the handbrake) was commonplace, drivers shouldn’t touch the isolator switch but we’re advised to do so to force a reset due to electrical gremlins (switch if off/on again tech support from the fitters) the fitters didn’t know the hold brake was being used by drivers instead of the handbrake, the loss of hold brake when power was cut was down to poor training/management and was never covered.

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I just can't believe that the Citaro has brakes which default to the disengaged position when power is disconnected. It seems incredibly brainless. My car has an electric hold brake which holds the service brake on, but if I turn the engine off it automatically engages the handbrake. 

I imagine using the hold brake was commonplace, I know I use the hold brake in my car.

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On 11/1/2021 at 6:44 PM, CallMeCurious said:

http://www.iomtoday.co.im/article.cfm?id=55427&headline=Costs of MER rail renewals revealed by FoI&sectionIs=&searchyear=2020

Love how they quote revenue figures..... not profit. So for the figures given the average cost of track renewal and Infrastructure works is £1,454,796 per annum and the average combined direct and combined explorer revenue is £1,489,939  per annum.

So the remaining £35,143 per annum left over has to cover staff salary, advertising, administration, rolling stock and track maintenance (i.e. the track not being replaced), insurances, electricity bills. Not to mention coaches to ferry cruise ship passengers to the bungalow or Laxey.

If they are relaying @2 miles a year for the next 20+ years that'll be another £32,880,530 on track laying alone.



This drives me insane.  I use the Groudle road frequently and they always seem to be replacing the railway tracks along there, spending goodness knows hoe many millions while our hospital services are falling apart. The railways should all be taken out of government control and run by volunteers. The made up figures about income that are spouted are just insulting and ridiculous. 

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Given that buses are presumably insured, I wonder how much this poor fella's mistake cost the Department? A lot less than £60K I would imagine, yet he was sacked for it.

The person responsible for deciding what training the drivers should have. Their mistake has just cost the Department £60K. I wonder what will happen to them?

What's good for the goose..........

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1 minute ago, A fool and his money..... said:

Given that buses are presumably insured, I wonder how much this poor fella's mistake cost the Department? A lot less than £60K I would imagine, yet he was sacked for it.

The person responsible for deciding what training the drivers should have. Their mistake has just cost the Department £60K. I wonder what will happen to them?

What's good for the goose..........

Government vehicles aren't insured.

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