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Richmond hill


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7 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

One of the skills of highway planning should be that roads are designed so that even poor drivers will handle them as safely as they can, not so that good ones (or ones who think they) can drive fast.  Blaming the drivers would be rather missing the point, because the layout should discourage them behaving like that.

Perhaps some of the problems with Richmond Hill are caused by the DoI being infected with TT-itis and thinking that every road should become a racetrack, but it's probably more that they lack more general skills to design and implement their ideas.  Certainly it never seems to have occurred to them that water runs downhill.  I suspect they have an idea what a 'proper' road looks like (a motorway over a nice flat and dry landscape) and simply try to get as near to that as they can, irrespective of need, topography, local conditions, weather, safety or cost.  Especially cost.

People should be being sacked or sued for this mess. £millions pissed away again.

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1 hour ago, Albert Tatlock said:

People should be being sacked or sued for this mess. £millions pissed away again.

Rubbish. Think about what you are implying

( what is “be being” )?

Edited by dilligaf
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Who was it posted a couple of days ago that they'd heard that the VAT rebate had been returned to previous levels?

Any truth to it? And what might have changed in the IoM economy that would have raised the figure? Because we seem to be on money-pissing season again, another £2.4M for more new buses too, another loco being proposed to be resurrected from a museum, Lord knows what being spent on the horsetrams.

All of which is in sharp contrast to proposed cuts in Benefits and what's generally being fed to the population?

ETA, found it, it was the Stinking Enigma on the Bullying thread. Come clean Stinky and tell us all :lol:

Edited by Non-Believer
Extra bit
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2 hours ago, Albert Tatlock said:
5 hours ago, dilligaf said:

Rubbish. Think about what you are implying

( what is “be being” )?

That people should be responsible for their mistakes? An alien concept to lazy fuckers like you I know.

Dump your sense of entitlement.

One thing I have never been is lazy :angry:

 I don't feel any sense of entitlement at all.

You had a bad pint or what ?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Big sections in the uphill, southbound lanes, of smooth tar where the chippings have just been pulled out by tyres. Looks just like the way the roads looked years ago.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On ‎6‎/‎24‎/‎2019 at 4:42 PM, LightBulb said:

Apart from the "loose chippings" sign, the problem seems to have gone away / ( been forgotten about )/ has now been sorted.

Dear oh dear. Read the previous post  please, before being stupid.

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  • 1 year later...

Happy days:

The Department of Infrastructure is to undertake work to improve surface water drainage on the A5 road at the bottom of Richmond Hill, Braddan. It is intended that this work will deal with issues of water lying on the carriageway especially in winter months.
The Department has appointed a contractor to undertake this work. The project includes the installation of new drainage pipes both down the hill and across the carriageway, with additional gullies and manholes being installed.
Preparative work will start on site, tomorrow (Wednesday 5 May) with exploratory trenches being dug and site set up work being undertaken. The road will be subject to two way temporary traffic lights, which will be in place for 24 hours a day until the end of the working day on Tuesday 11 May). The traffic lights will then be temporarily stood down.
The main part of the scheme will get underway on Thursday 20 May, with an anticipated completion date of Saturday 24 July 2021.
The road will remain open to two way traffic throughout, but with one carriageway at a time being closed, and traffic will be controlled by temporary two way traffic lights, which will be in situ 24 hours a day.
The speed limit on Richmond Hill will be reduced to 30mph during the main period of the works.
Highway Services
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