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Biased Broadcasting Corporation

Neil Down

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32 minutes ago, La Colombe said:

As racist rants go, this one is up there with the most bizarre. 

Ah, the good old "racist" accusation. Is that the best you can offer?

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1 hour ago, fatshaft said:

Well, there's been little doubt for a long time that the Beeb were just the state propaganda arm, so I opened this expecting more of the same, or even an article pointing it out. I didn't expect an article on sport, nor a daily mail-esque type comment from the OP. :ermm:

If it bothers you that much then stick to reading La dipshits postings. You'll learn about all things dead... :thumbsup:

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7 minutes ago, La Colombe said:

It's the only explanation I can think of. Unless you haven't actually watched the film. 

You really do bring a new meaning to the word stupid don't you. Of course I watched the film, it's why I took exception to it. Do keep up 007

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8 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

You really do bring a new meaning to the word stupid don't you.

So stupid does not mean stupid anymore? You really don't make any sense, you accuse everyone of being dumber than you, and that is impossible.


..cue school yard insult...


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Just now, p3t3 said:

So stupid does not mean stupid anymore? You really don't make any sense, you accuse everyone of being dumber than you, and that is impossible.


..cue school yard insult...


which one are you?

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31 minutes ago, Howard said:

Seems to point to a divide between those who believe that the BBC is pro terrorism vs those who believe that the BBC is insufficiently pro terrorism. Something like that anyhow.

And look at the rest of the nonsense on that page. That the BBC is simultaneously too left wing and too right wing. Too establishment and equally too anti-establishment. Though let's be honest - the vast majority of the criticism is from the sort of elderly ne'er do wells who regard any sort of establishment as a challenge.

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It's an indication of how extreme politics has become that fringe left and fringe right opinion is now mainstream. And the middle class moderate majority have to try to chose between ex Leninists and basically a Falange.

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22 minutes ago, pongo said:

Seems to point to a divide between those who believe that the BBC is pro terrorism vs those who believe that the BBC is insufficiently pro terrorism. Something like that anyhow.

And look at the rest of the nonsense on that page. That the BBC is simultaneously too left wing and too right wing. Too establishment and equally too anti-establishment. Though let's be honest - the vast majority of the criticism is from the sort of elderly ne'er do wells who regard any sort of establishment as a challenge.

It's actually very simple: the BBC are too left-wing on domestic and social issues, and too right-wing in their hawkish pro-war coverage (including fake news).

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The point being, it is a non story exaggerated by the BBC. The interviewees even admit they are part of the reason. I used to go to the UK with grandkids for various school football tournaments in the north west and there were very few Asian kids playing, but the ones that were in attendance were very good and seemed to be getting as much encouragement as the other boys

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10 minutes ago, Howard said:

It's actually very simple: the BBC are too left-wing on domestic and social issues, and too right-wing in their hawkish pro-war coverage (including fake news).

Yet managed to fall out with the Blair government over its coverage of the Iraq War. 

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36 minutes ago, Howard said:

It's actually very simple: the BBC are too left-wing on domestic and social issues, and too right-wing in their hawkish pro-war coverage (including fake news).

If you're left on a thing they will seem right. If you're right on a thing they will seem left.

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The whole left vs right thing is made up anyway so not a helpful way to measure output. I am neither and the BBC can't be pigeon-holed into either of them. The BBC is, as I think has already been mentioned, very pro-establishment. It's basically an arm of British Intelligence. Declan, there are disagreements and rival factions even within the establishment but they'll never disagree on the fundamentals.

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26 minutes ago, Howard said:

The BBC is, as I think has already been mentioned, very pro-establishment.

I understand that many old people today are anti-establishment (I assume because they come from the era when it was fashionable and perhaps even right to belligerently and simplistically challenge everything).

But surely the establishment, such as it is, is worth defending. Our great institutions, our public services, universities, military etc.

In a meritocracy, surely those who seek to undermine the idea of establishment are essentially something like what was once called the enemy within.

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