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On ‎10‎/‎3‎/‎2018 at 11:20 AM, Max Power said:

He's just the sort of over privileged, spoiled American brat who would have carried out this sort of drunken attack. And that is the sum total of the case against him! No evidence, no rape, a long long time ago and people who say that it wasn't him. Why is this even being given air time?   

There was not a lot of direct corroborated evidence against Jimmy Saville. That is the problem with this type of crime it is often one persons word against as others. It is only when they do it enough times and enough people come forward that a case can be made as you have multiple people making the same or similar allegations.  There is little direct corroborated evidence in respect of Harvey Weinstein but.....

In Kavanaugh's it would appear pretty clear he is lying about the drinking he was doing at the time. Is he lying about the other things. In my view probably if he remembers them, but I also expect he would put it down to high jinks, boys being boys and how teenage boys behaved back then. Certainly my behaviour 40 years ago probably would not be acceptable now, all be it I never tried  to rape or molest anybody,  or exposed myself. I did probably push it trying to get to "2nd Base" in a way that would not be acceptable now

There are a load of right wing judges that could take Kavanaugh's place but Trump whilst an odious man is reasonably shrewd politically and this issue rallies his base with the mid terms coming up. To Trump Kavanaugh is expendable and he is in a win win situation. Either Kavanaugh is elected which he will claim as a win, or if he is rejected it will fire up the republicans to come out to vote and Trump will simply appoint another with similar views. In reality the Democrats would prefer this just to go away with the midterms coming up.  

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Rumour is the substantive vote won’t be until Saturday and might remain open until a senator returns from his daughter’s wedding. 

A part of me is glad a senator is putting his family first!

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8 hours ago, Shake me up Judy said:

The BBC still refuse to see this for what it is and won't go anywhere near naming it as the feminist witch-hunt that it's been all along. Disgraceful reporting.

That is a one hell of a conspiracy theory considering that Ford raised had told people about several years ago, even before Trump stood for election. She then reported it to her local congress person before Kavanaugh was nominated by Trump and even the Republicans agree it was not her who leaked the story into the public domain. So you are basically feminists planned this long ago and foresaw that Trump would stand for election and get elected, a vacancy would arise for a supreme court judge and he would nominate Kavanaugh. That seems a little far fetched.

In these cases  I have no idea what the answer is as there is likely to be little corroborative evidence. If the matter is reported it is pretty hard on the accused individual if they are innocent. If the matter is not reported then in recent years we have seen just enables the abuser to carry on. It was only when a few were brave enough to report and go public that other victims, who had been silent for years, where brave enough to come forward and the avalanche of stories was enough to convict the likes of Harris and Crosby and would have done for Saville if he had not died. People knew about Saville but individually they felt they could do nothing and the way Trump has treated Ford will only discourage victims of abuse coming forward. But then Trump has basically admitted himself that he has abused women and at his latest rally he castigated a democrat who resigned when allegation were made as he did not fight them even though the allegations were true. As we know in Trump's world facts and truth are not something he is overly bothered about.

Should Kavanaugh be elected? Not in my opinion as I am of the view that judges should be impartial. Kavanaugh is plainly not. I appreciate that in the US politics comes into the judiciary but surely it should not.  It is also pretty clear that Kavanaugh lied when questioned about his drinking. Numerous people have contracted him on that point and it is also detailed in books and diaries written long before he was nominated. FFS in at least one case the police were called and their are reports. Know whatever your political point of view is should one of the top judges in a country be a person who there are question marks over and on the available evidence is not truthful?

If this was a democratic nominee the republicans would be making a stink about it and are only not now as they are more concerned about being re-elected. So where does this end? Well in the race to the bottom I think Trump and those who blindly follow for the sake of power whilst forgoing their principles has also been won by the likes of Trump and Lyndsey Graham. But what if the democrats take a leaf out of the same book and win next time around. Would it be acceptable they behave in a similar manner but leaning far to their side. Not in my view. Far better there is some level of consensus rather than the creation of divisions. Trump and his supporters may like it now he is in power but they will be loudest to complain if a democrat is elected president and plays by the same rule book





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52 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

You should know by now that if Woody says he’s been elected then the opposite is true. He wasn’t ‘elected’, he was ‘nominated’ and the nomination was subsequently confirmed. No one ran for election, no election took place.


when did i say he's been elected......


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