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Rob Callister

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8 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

He's his own worst enemy isn't he?[1]  In his last week's blog entry, he said:

Which was followed by reams of 'What I did on my holidays' type writing which makes him sound like a particularly needy nine-year-old.  And even more in this week's entry.

There's just no need for it.  A simple statement as to the dates of his holiday, plus who constituents could contact in an emergency would be enough.  Maybe a few reflections on what he saw on his return prompted by what he saw that related to how other places handle certain things.  But the rest is stuff that only your nearest and dearest will be interested in and could be kept for private Facebook accounts or similar.


[1]  Cries of "Not while I'm alive, he ain't" from several MF regulars.  You know who you are.

Monday was a day of sitting in Keflavik airport, waiting to jump on a flight to Seattle, Washington. The flight left at 17.05 local time (Iceland) or 18.05 in the Isle of Man and we arrived in Seattle, Washington for 17.50 (local time) or 02.00 in Isle of Man time.

The guy is clearly unhinged, who on earth writes a blog like this? This bloke thank god is so useless at making decisions he has no effect politically. Imagine if he did have a brain cell, rubbing against his skull that single brain cell would still be dangerous energy.   I have an immediate sympathy for who ever has to sit next to him in Tynwald, it must be an endurance to say the least.  He is on par with Cretney for biggin  himself up. 

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I don't really mind his blogs. If that's how he wants to spend his holiday, it's not my place to tell him not to. 

I also think that Groundskeeper Willy is putting an unfair spin on the whole time zone thing. Rob's not being insulting to the reader or the places he visits, he's just being Rob. Unfortunately, Rob is boring and lacks insight, so he visits a wonderful country like Iceland and sits in the airport and thinks about timezones. 

It's so weird that a Member of Tynwald visits the Þingvellir and doesn't seem to feel or think anything. 

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Indeed. And that fits with my comment that it’s not ego, it’s not playing the big I am, it’s just him being him and that this is all he is capable of. He has no idea that his writings are, well, boring to the majority of the population. To him numbers, binary, black - white, facts are king. All things things that make a political blog interesting are missing. It makes me more sad than it does angry. My anger such as it is is the impression it gives to the outer world but, as TSoS has pointed out, he’s not the only member to bring embarrassing and cringeworthy statements to the House and beyond. 

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I disagree. Nowhere have a said he’s a lunatic or that he has no empathy. I don’t know him well enough to comment on his empathy or lack of and I certainly don’t think he’s a lunatic. He’s making the best of the job he has been given and I have no doubt he has the best interests of the Island at heart and he works extremely hard to achieve what he sets out to do. My comment is his lack of self awareness and his dogged determination to do things, ‘his way’. He’s part of a team and he’s learning. Part of that learning is listening when he’s told by trusted colleagues that some of his actions are working against him but he doesn’t seem able to take that on board.

Maybe he does listen to something or someone however. He’s not been on here for a while reacting instead of responding. Maybe he’s been told. 

Edited by ecobob
Posted too soon.
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On 9/14/2019 at 11:11 AM, ecobob said:

 He’s part of a team and he’s learning. Part of that learning is listening when he’s told by trusted colleagues that some of his actions are working against him but he doesn’t seem able to take that on board.

Maybe he does listen to something or someone however. He’s not been on here for a while reacting instead of responding. Maybe he’s been told. 

You see that the thing, he isn't part of a team, he is an independent Member of the House of Keys. Those "colleagues" will be rivals in two years time. To be frank he can do and say what he wants and the other MHK's be damned it is only the electorate that will judge him worthy or not of another five years. The blogs got him elected last time lets see if they get him re-elected.

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50 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:
59 minutes ago, Ham_N_Eggs said:

The blogs got him elected last time lets see if they get him re-elected.

Do you think that’s true? It’s unlikely that such irrelevant content adds any value to anything.   

Well he only started it a few months before election, so it may not have been a long term strategy, but I think some people did take it as a sign that he would be willing to engage and continue to engage with the community.  That in turn may have helped elect him, though he was also a well-known local politician in a seat where only one incumbent was standing (and that was Quirk).

He has after all kept the blog going as well, even if some find much of the content unnecessary or cringe-making.  But a sitting MHK will be judged on what they have done as well as what they intend.

Edited by Roger Mexico
Standing not sanding. Quirk was the plumber, Karran was the chippy.
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