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Rob Callister

La Colombe

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2 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

But then again one of those being investigated is currently seeking re election as MLC so surely any findings should be material in deciding whether this person should be re elected by MHKs or not?


I don't see why anyone needs an investigation to conclude that Rob Callister is completely inept, that Alf was stupid to appoint him, and that the 'proper process' was not followed to sack him. 

This would all seem obvious stuff to me.

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17 hours ago, Two-lane said:

It would have been preferable to insist on a cost breakdown being published for the taxpayers before handing over more taxpayers money. You might still ask for such a document. The following answers would not be acceptable:

1. The project managers have no idea where the money goes, so cannot produce a breakdown

2. Certain MHKs have been given sight of the breakdown, and they are perfectly satisfied with the data

3. A breakdown cannot be published without commercial confidence being broken. So the cost breakdown of a £70 million project is..... £70 million, take it or leave it

In the industrial tribunal Ranson vs the Government, the Government lost by a wide margin. The Government is not an amorphous blob - it is people, with names. It is you and others.

The recent hearing was merely to discuss how much money Ranson will receive. As has been commented on here, she was subjected to a style of interrogation that was so extreme that she broke down several times. This was a process initiated by the Government i.e. by you and others. If you say "nothing to do with me", then what are you responsible for?

You claim sub judice during the remedy hearing. So if a large company lost an injury case, and the damages stage has been reached, if the boss of the company goes to the lawyers and says "Get it over with, just pay the money", the lawyers will say "No can do. You cannot make that decision. You cannot say anything. It is sub judice. You have to leave it to the lawyers ".

You and the other MHKs could have put an end to the remedy hearing, but you did not. If you and the other MHKs think you are running this country, you are also the ones responsible for Ranson's treatment.

This is exactly right. Here on the Isle of Man even more so. Government is not an entity; it is a body of people we select and pay, albeit via a very flawed process, to work on our behalf. People make decisions and they must take responsibility for them. Constantly hiding behind “Government” and placing the interests of “The Government” above the interests of people, morality and fair treatment is just unprincipled and cowardly. 
The problem with politicians, generally, is that they very soon after election become masters of Government and are seduced by their own ego and the role they assume they play. Very soon they begin to think that the Island revolves around what they do and say and that we hang on their every word. They assume that being a cog in the machine of Government is real work that is productive in its own right, rather than just being part of a mechanism that largely exists to drive itself. Of course, decisions are made that have real outcomes and for these politicians are responsible and should be held to account. We elect people to drive Government; Government should not drive people. For the most part, every politician I have dealt with (and there have been a fair few) would benefit from taking the advice “get over yourself”. Generally, they never do. 

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22 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

You haven't a clue what he or any other MHK has done since being elected, as most of the work isn't done in the public eye. If you think asking questions in Tynwald is the mark of a good politician you're falling for the theatre of the role.

What do MHK's do, maybe it should be in the public eye. What is your job description & is there such a thing as a good politician ? 

What about a robust fully-independent scrutiny of an out-of-control executive and civil service? that might be a start. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

I’d just like to add to these 261 pages by insulting Rob Callister. I’ve never met the bloke but after reading 261 pages on here I’m convinced that he’s a clown and a total buffoon who lives on cheese on toast who never should have been allowed to enter public office. I’m saying it on this anonymous forum, which is maintained and controlled by its moderators, and posting under the rules of this forum about not revealing my identity or anyone else’s identity. 

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4 hours ago, BriT said:

I’d just like to add to these 261 pages by insulting Rob Callister. I’ve never met the bloke but after reading 261 pages on here I’m convinced that he’s a clown and a total buffoon who lives on cheese on toast who never should have been allowed to enter public office. I’m saying it on this anonymous forum, which is maintained and controlled by its moderators, and posting under the rules of this forum about not revealing my identity or anyone else’s identity. 

Far better to say nothing and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, i've started reading the report



Finding: Dr Haywood 13.

Based on the independent investigation we make the following finding in relation to Dr Haywood’s conduct: Directing an expletive term at a political colleague in a meeting attended by civil servants is an affront to dignity at work, even if there are mitigating circumstances. [...] In relation to the incident complained of in this case, we do not find that Dr Haywood breached Tynwald standards of conduct.9

This reads like she told him to fuck off, and that she was justified to do so.

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