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Rob Callister

La Colombe

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There is a very strong feeling in Onchan from the people who were stuck in Garff , I know some who have not voted since this happened and they are continually on to Rob Callister to bring it up in Tynwald , to his credit he has.   This is not Parish pump politics because it affects voters in the General Election, the main concern is they do not know the people in Garff who stand for election.    Splitting Onchan in two was a wanton act and if the voter’s of Onchan are unhappy about it they have a right to be heard.    What bigger issues are being dealt with at the moment ?   Nothing of note has happened since this Government has been formed except of course raising the cost of everything except fresh air and I wouldn’t hold your breath on that.

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10 minutes ago, Fred the shred said:

There is a very strong feeling in Onchan from the people who were stuck in Garff ,

Most of the people who I know stuck in Garff, are pissed off that they have to pay Onchan rates, but can't vote for a Onchan MHK,  wasn't this brought in under the watchful eyes of Peter Karran and David Quirk. So they have nobody to blame, but themselves for the people they elected in 2011.


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20 minutes ago, Holte End said:

Most of the people who I know stuck in Garff, are pissed off that they have to pay Onchan rates, but can't vote for a Onchan MHK,  wasn't this brought in under the watchful eyes of Peter Karran and David Quirk. So they have nobody to blame, but themselves for the people they elected in 2011.

The same sort of thing is going to happen in Ramsey if this electoral boundary review is pushed through.

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What a ridiculous man he is! He wants to make Onchan's votes worth less than the rest of the Island. At the same time trying every trick in the book to keep the unelected, undemocratic, English appointed Bishop's vote. 

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2 hours ago, Holte End said:

Most of the people who I know stuck in Garff, are pissed off that they have to pay Onchan rates, but can't vote for a Onchan MHK,  wasn't this brought in under the watchful eyes of Peter Karran and David Quirk. So they have nobody to blame, but themselves for the people they elected in 2011.

This is nonsense.  Onchan MHKs have no control over what rates Onchan Commissioners charge and the Onchan voters in Garff Constituency can still vote for the Commissioners in exactly the way they always have.  And from memory Karran and Quirk did complain about 'losing' bits of the constituency when the two-member constituencies[1] were set up in 2013 or so, but they were in a minority.  Assuming the rest of the Island should do what your MHKs want is a bit narcissistic, even for Onchan.

I did point out ways in which the Onchan situation could be ameliorated at least in a previous thread (though without the detailed population figures to work from[2]) but I suspect the Electoral Commission know they will have to do a big revision after 2026 and have just done the minimum to scrape through.


[1]  Ironically during consultations, the public said they preferred three-member constituencies not two, but the MHKs wanted two.

[2]  I'm not sure even the Electoral Commission had them, though they ought to be easily derivable from the Census.  As usual with the Cabinet office, the more people they employ, the less they seem able to do even the most rudimentary bits of their job.

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1 hour ago, Roger Mexico said:

This is nonsense.  Onchan MHKs have no control over what rates Onchan Commissioners charge and the Onchan voters in Garff Constituency can still vote for the Commissioners in exactly the way they always have.  And from memory Karran and Quirk did complain about 'losing' bits of the constituency when the two-member constituencies[1] were set up in 2013 or so, but they were in a minority.  Assuming the rest of the Island should do what your MHKs want is a bit narcissistic, even for Onchan.


I never posted anything about MHK's control over rates, I said the people whom I had talked too in Lakeside, where upset they paid Onchan rates, while voting for a Graff MHK, they would prefer to pay Graff rates. Yes that is about all those two did was complain, without  achieving anything of worth.

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  • 5 weeks later...

If the news is to be believed, it seems poor old Rob has issued one of his 'open' rant letters using the wrong baseline data... Ooops

Bless 'im

On examples provided by Mr Callister, the department says it appeared the version of the guidelines he's referring to is the version in place prior to those changes being brought in.


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14 hours ago, english zloty said:

If the news is to be believed, it seems poor old Rob has issued one of his 'open' rant letters using the wrong baseline data... Ooops

Bless 'im

On examples provided by Mr Callister, the department says it appeared the version of the guidelines he's referring to is the version in place prior to those changes being brought in.


But he has at least managed to raise the issue which some Cyril thinks wasn't important enough to follow through. On this occasion full marks to RC.

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  • 2 months later...
8 minutes ago, Sheldon said:

Onchan MHK holds Facebook vote on assisted dying

Poor Rob couldn't have a proper referendum so he's made up one of his own, the big baby.

Onchan only, though, because that's where his grannies are.


Hmm.......I see from the 80+ comments on his post, there are no 'votes' against the Bill. Not every comment constitutes a 'vote' but he does have aroubd 60 people in favour, and none against. That said, he actually asks for PM's so maybe they will tell a different story, but it does look as though Rob has backed himself into a corner where he'll have to vote 'yes' or come up with a very good excuse!

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It could be said that he is consulting with his constituents or it could be that he is trying to push his own personal agenda on this Bill?

We cant deny that MHKs will have their own personal views that may be at odds with their voters? As long as they have made these opinions known at an election then they have covered their bases???


I don't follow Rob C on facebook, so I don't know if he has made his religious views known! They may be tempering his opinion?

Edited by Kopek
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