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Rob Callister

La Colombe

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Manx Radio Re-elected MHK not ruling out ministerial role


How the fuckity fuck fuck fuck is this headline news? First item no less on my radio this morning.

Rob Callister will be a Minister, of that there can be no doubt. There simply isn't the number to choose from if new MHKs are, reasonably enough of course*, excluded.

Maybe Manx Radio, riding high on their £1.2million government subvention** know exactly which button to press (three letters, starts with 'e' ends with 'o') for this little darling.

*the newbies take a bit of time to bed in. They need to be shown which desk to sit at, where the toilets and canteen are, and be warned which of the senior big boys are bullies.

**talking of government subvention, I am absolutely sure that will be secure, if not increased, now there are two former Manx Radio gravy trainers in Tynwald.

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14 minutes ago, Barlow said:

Manx Radio Re-elected MHK not ruling out ministerial role


How the fuckity fuck fuck fuck is this headline news? First item no less on my radio this morning.

Rob Callister will be a Minister, of that there can be no doubt. There simply isn't the number to choose from if new MHKs are, reasonably enough of course*, excluded.

Maybe Manx Radio, riding high on their £1.2million government subvention** know exactly which button to press (three letters, starts with 'e' ends with 'o') for this little darling.

*the newbies take a bit of time to bed in. They need to be shown which desk to sit at, where the toilets and canteen are, and be warned which of the senior big boys are bullies.

**talking of government subvention, I am absolutely sure that will be secure, if not increased, now there are two former Manx Radio gravy trainers in Tynwald.

So to summarise the article Rob Calllister will concentrate on dealing with matters that will help him get re-elected and which in many cases are matters that should reasonably be dealt with by local commissioners and if it is a choice being put in a position where he could benefit for the IoM as a whole or do nothing and garner votes so he can be re-elected then the latter it is. 

If you are elected as an MHK, as there are only 24, your priority should surely be to do what is in the best interest of and improves the IoM not just trying to farm local voters to ensure you are re-elected.

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8 minutes ago, Lost Login said:

If you are elected as an MHK, as there are only 24, your priority should surely be to do what is in the best interest of and improves the IoM not just trying to farm local voters to ensure you are re-elected.

To be fair every constituency MP in every jurisdiction in the world claims that their constituency is their main priority, even if they only visit once a month and can't make their way around without a local guide (one thinks of Mandelson and Hartlepool).  So a black-belt granny-farmer like Callister isn't going to say otherwise.

But there was always a danger with the new pay structure[1] that it would make it even easier to do a Robertshaw and sit on the back benches chuntering away without providing much useful opposition or reasoned alternatives.  So there is a danger that some will just nurse their constituencies and sit there.  Or just sit there.

Callister to his credit isn't like that, but he has the opposite problem - a sort of neediness which means he wants to belong.  Hence the ridiculous situation of being a member of three Departments.  He loves all the theatre of being a politician: the meetings and the presentations; the statements and the announcements.  We can see all that from his blog. But I'm not sure that he has much idea of what he wants to do, rather than just repeat whatever he's been told to say.


[1]  There's an additional danger that they want to decouple Tynwald pay from the civil service (which is a god thing) but then hand it over to a Remuneration Committee of ex-politicians from other jurisdictions, which like all such committees will consist of champion troughers who will happily keep on recommending trebles all round till the end of time.

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