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Rob Callister

La Colombe

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1 hour ago, Barlow said:

How many votes did he lose at the election compared to 2016?

As mentioned below, the Abortion Bill simply brought IoM into line with other jurisdictions. Cannabis is a whole new ball game. 

There's been a fairly extensive discussion of the drop in Allinson's vote and no one has mentioned the abortion issue that I can remember.  It probably did lose him some votes on 2016, but then practically everyone in Ramsey voted for him that time, so there was bound to be a drop.

The abortion Act didn't simply bring the Island into line with the UK.  It's a much more liberal piece of legislation with abortion on demand up to 14 weeks and additional safeguards to prevent the picketing of clinics for example.

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5 minutes ago, Barlow said:

There are places here for this argument, but anyway, I see where you are coming from. And I'd say anecdotally fewer local people would support decriminalization, or rather, more people would support the status quo. 

Cannabis is illegal. Against the law. Possesion is a criminal act. Simple facts. And as such, the 'little bit pregnant' maxim applies. So having a "wee wrap for a personal spliff" is still criminal.

Allinson and a majority of Tynwald are going to have to work some to get that overturned, especially as it would be going against the grain of Westminster. Would they put their career and reputation on the line for it? I very much doubt it.  


I just did a quick think of people I know from all walks of life and of all ages and can only think of a handful that would object to decriminalisation of cannabis and they are religious types with no grasp of reality.

If it went to public vote decriminalisation would be supported by quite some margin and I and many others hope Dr A push it through ASAP.

For the record I tried it once.  Didn’t enjoy it and have never touched it since but am well enough educated on the matter to know the benefits of a change in the law would massively outweigh any downsides.  I actually can’t think of any downsides as long as it was properly legislated and enforced and the driving issue was considered and strongly policed.

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7 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:


I just did a quick think of people I know from all walks of life and of all ages and can only think of a handful that would object to decriminalisation of cannabis and they are religious types with no grasp of reality.

If it went to public vote decriminalisation would be supported by quite some margin and I and many others hope Dr A push it through ASAP.

For the record I tried it once.  Didn’t enjoy it and have never touched it since but am well enough educated on the matter to know the benefits of a change in the law would massively outweigh any downsides.  I actually can’t think of any downsides as long as it was properly legislated and enforced and the driving issue was considered and strongly policed.

adopt the same stance that the Netherlands has taken.

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3 minutes ago, Peter Layman said:

Indeed, let plod concentrate on class A drugs and stop pussyfooting around

Another benefit.  A lot of the nobs who bring class a stuff in make a lot of money selling weed.

Legalise it with regulated sale and absolutely increase the penalty for anyone dumping importing illegally.  They would soon stop and have to reconsider if the risk associated with importing Class A over was worth it anymore.  Take away a big chunk of their income.

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5 hours ago, Rob Callister said:

No, I didn’t speak to Manx Radio…..

I guess they got the story from Manx Forums or Facebook. 

I was asked a simple question, which I was happy to answer 

Will you be transparent, open and honest on your facebook page, will you now post that you did vote for the Post Office Stategy.


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2 hours ago, Barlow said:

As mentioned below, the Abortion Bill simply brought IoM into line with other jurisdictions. Cannabis is a whole new ball game. 

How is cannabis a "whole new ballgame" when it's being legalised in more and more jurisdictions every year? A cannabis bill would also bring us into line with them.

How much more taxpayers' money must be wasted on policing pot, prosecuting "potheads" and the costly incarceration of people for a few joints, before these stupid anti-cannabis laws get changed?

I could perhaps understand it if people high on pot continually committed violent assaults like people drunk on alcohol do... Oh but wait, possessing and consuming alcohol is legal. If I had my way, I'd legalise pot and outlaw alcohol. It's certainly the more damaging of the two drugs, by FAR.  

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6 hours ago, 2112 said:


He should have taken the PO, tried to do a good job, show he can control budgets, and at the same times understands the GMP. At present it’s all about Rob Callister, Rob Callister and Rob Callister. The chances are at least one of the new COMIN members are not going to last 18 months. My moneys on Laurie Hooper getting binned. If he had played ball, he may have been a member of the club. What could have been ……….

Quite. We have all felt at times that others have been promoted when it should have been us. But you just have to remain quiet and professional, no matter how angry you are inside, continue doing good work and your own turn will come. 

Edited by 747-400
typo. think it should have been felt
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The last two Chief Ministers tried to bring outspoken MHKs into the centre circle, and unfortunately they both failed

Would that be Mr Karran and Mr Thomas?

Did they 'fail' as individuals or as Ministers for the CM?

Presumably Dr Allinson will be working on legalization of cannabis for medicinal purposes only? 

Hope we can have hemp for construction hempcrete too

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2 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

There's been a fairly extensive discussion of the drop in Allinson's vote and no one has mentioned the abortion issue that I can remember.  It probably did lose him some votes on 2016, but then practically everyone in Ramsey voted for him that time, so there was bound to be a drop.

Why was there bound to be a drop Roger?

Practically everyone in Onchan voted for Peter Karran. And continued to do so for 5 general election, putting him way top of the poll.

The people of Onchan inevitably got to know Peter Karran and saw him as they found him and more. (If you don't mind, I won't give what I see as the parallel situation for Dr Allinson).

Ditto the boy Juan down there in Rushen, who have topped the poll and stayed there, easily.

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5 minutes ago, Barlow said:

Why was there bound to be a drop Roger?

Practically everyone in Onchan voted for Peter Karran. And continued to do so for 5 general election, putting him way top of the poll.

Because last time he got 84% of those who voted supporting him.  The only way from that was down, especially given the increase in the number of candidates.  The highest percentage this time was Ashford with  79% and that was against fewer and poor opponents. 

And 'practically everyone' in Onchan didn't vote for Karran.  He got 67% in 2011 the last time he stood - overwhelming, but still a third didn't back him (and that's when they had three votes).

I'm sure that the abortion bill did lose Allinson some votes - though given it was in his 2016 manifesto possibly most so inclined would have been in the 16% already.  I suspect he may not have been as good at working the constituency as say Watterson always has been (but who is?).   He must have been tarnished a bit by the DESC position (though most of that was inherited) and the Marina clearly lost him a lot of votes.  But he still got a better percentage than nine other elected MPs.

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