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Rob Callister

La Colombe

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5 hours ago, 2112 said:

Didn’t Gawne screw up the Liverpool Ferry Terminal? 

I'm not sure.  Negotiations certainly started when he was at the DoI, but initially they were based on Peel building a new one at Waterloo Dock, not IOMG building one at Princes.  When and how the switch happened (never mind why) is a bit muddy and it might have been after the ACM voters got rid of Gawne in 2016.  It would be good to see an accurate timeline.

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21 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

I'm not sure.  Negotiations certainly started when he was at the DoI, but initially they were based on Peel building a new one at Waterloo Dock, not IOMG building one at Princes.  When and how the switch happened (never mind why) is a bit muddy and it might have been after the ACM voters got rid of Gawne in 2016.  It would be good to see an accurate timeline.

Either way, the damage has been done and sadly there will be no accountability. 

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1 hour ago, Roxanne said:

Watch the video. It will explain more than I can. 

I don't think I value Robertshaws opinion that much.

Treated sewage contains pathogenic bacteria and a bit of ammonia. It's not that much worse that sea water itself.

I wouldn't want to drink it, but neither would I want to drink seawater.

Normally outfall locations are modelled to find the best dispersion. With these 2 new sewage treatment plants being small and the sea being big, I wouldn't imagine dispersion was a big issue. 

However, whatever the circumstance, a 1.6km long sea outfall seems ludicrous to me and would be outrageously expensive. 

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Don't listen to this without a sick bag.

But one thing we must be grateful of, Roberto has work hard and prepared on his own, with no help whatsoever from anyone to answers any questions to his motion, for even more money on top of money asked for before to finish off something we taxpayers believe we had already paid for.

Still moaning about quaility and costs of questions in Tynwald, forgetting he asked, how much is the cost of a postage stamp.

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Well Rob Callister MHK Onchan has gone on the NPM whinging about the standard of MHKs questions to Tynwald, as 40 questions have been submitted. He says he only asks questions as a last resort, and he needs to challenge the Ministers response. 

Well I’m sure there will be some on here, that will scrutinise some questions posed by Rob Callister to see if he could have got the answers by other means. 

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5 hours ago, Holte End said:


Don't listen to this without a sick bag.

But one thing we must be grateful of, Roberto has work hard and prepared on his own, with no help whatsoever from anyone to answers any questions to his motion, for even more money on top of money asked for before to finish off something we taxpayers believe we had already paid for.

Still moaning about quaility and costs of questions in Tynwald, forgetting he asked, how much is the cost of a postage stamp.

Just came here to say the same thing. I listened to that tripe and he can barely string a sentence together. 

He also says the Clerks should stop members asking questions but then in his next breath says that members should be allowed to ask whatever they want?! Surely it should be the Presiding Officers having a word with Members but Rob just doesn't seem to get how Tynwald works which is... disturbing....

Not only did he ask about postage stamps but he asked it as a written question so any point he was trying to make was null and void.


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23 hours ago, Roxanne said:


I have  listened again. I can't comment on the quality of the paper a d I can't comment on Robertshaws view about being denied the truth. However I can make the following comments.

1. His information about faecal matter passing though the package sewage works is misleading. Unless sewage works have UV disinfection then there is always some carrying over of bacteria. No different to RSTS

2. He fails to mention that the bathing water in Laxey is already classified as excellent so why would you do anything other than use the existing outfall as it could only get better.

3. He talks about storm overflows of sewage. That's the same whether it be Laxey, Meary Veg or in fact anywhere in the world. Sewage works can only treat a finite flow. It's accepted the world over that in a storm you get get overlfows. Whether that's right or wrong is a debate, but piping all the sewage to Meary Veg would increase the frequency and size of overflows on the prom.

4. The increase in cost requested is because there is a farsical situation where all the sewage is having to be pumped from Laxey. Total waste of millions.

4. He sounds bitter and twisted and you would have to question his motivation. 

5. He is annoying.

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