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Rob Callister

La Colombe

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So, who would you suggest that would tackle this big ask ?    Turning the Health Service around is going to be a massive job the only person I would have given the position to with half a chance of making a difference is Jane Poole Wilson, very intelligent,  does not take prisoners and gives 100% unfortunately he has got her as his side kick and she will be watching his back and smoothing his path as much as possible.    This is a poisoned challis position and I don’t envy anyone taking it on. I am sure Rob will do his best and I wish him luck he will certainly need it.

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2 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

So, who would you suggest that would tackle this big ask ?    Turning the Health Service around is going to be a massive job the only person I would have given the position to with half a chance of making a difference is Jane Poole Wilson, very intelligent,  does not take prisoners and gives 100% unfortunately he has got her as his side kick and she will be watching his back and smoothing his path as much as possible.    This is a poisoned challis position and I don’t envy anyone taking it on. I am sure Rob will do his best and I wish him luck he will certainly need it.

All the more reason to appoint someone with a brain and half a chance to start to heal a crippled health service , all I see in this recent appointment is more money being wasted  and prolonging   the waiting lists and more clip boards and managers causing grief  for the overworked doctors and nurses ,  I have recently  had  4 changes of time and date  to a forthcoming  hospital appointment ,  admin   thats where the weak links seem to be , 

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14 hours ago, hissingsid said:

So, who would you suggest that would tackle this big ask ?    Turning the Health Service around is going to be a massive job the only person I would have given the position to with half a chance of making a difference is Jane Poole Wilson, very intelligent,  does not take prisoners and gives 100% unfortunately he has got her as his side kick and she will be watching his back and smoothing his path as much as possible.    This is a poisoned challis position and I don’t envy anyone taking it on. I am sure Rob will do his best and I wish him luck he will certainly need it.

It needs to be a collective effort from all MHK's to tackle the CS  and then the culture. Till that happens nobodies got a chance. Least of all Rob Callister. Rules need to apply to everyone and MHK's and for sure Cannan need to show some backbone otherwise its going to be very grim .  

Ps agree with above . Admin is terrible. In all areas of government . I mean , how do you spell Cannan again ? Look at all the conflicting info on the Conference times today as a example .

Edited by Numbnuts
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The thing is Alf can only work with what we the voters give him and the voters can only vote for the people who are willing to stand for election.   There were motley crews that stood for election in most constituencies and it was best of bunch.   Until the bar is raised and we can encourage people to stand for election with the ability to alter and change the departments that are not up to the mark this will never alter.

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https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/aug/29/horrible-winter-lies-ahead-next-pm-inherit-nhs-knees-crisis - sometimes it’s worth reminding ourselves that we are not alone with these problems -  and these stories appear daily.  And this https://www.theguardian.com/society/2022/aug/25/england-nhs-dentists-dental-deserts-data - sorry it’s from the same source, but again it’s a story being repeated across the country.  Frankly Einstein could take over the NHS and it would still be a mess. In fact a Friend of mine told me recently it took two hours to get an ambulance to his house in Kent after his wife collapsed with serious stomach pains.

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8 hours ago, hissingsid said:

So, who would you suggest that would tackle this big ask ?    Turning the Health Service around is going to be a massive job the only person I would have given the position to with half a chance of making a difference is Jane Poole Wilson, very intelligent,  does not take prisoners and gives 100% unfortunately he has got her as his side kick and she will be watching his back and smoothing his path as much as possible.    This is a poisoned challis position and I don’t envy anyone taking it on. I am sure Rob will do his best and I wish him luck he will certainly need it.

One of the main issues is a massive lack of staff as outlined in conference yesterday, 20% of all health jobs are vacant including 92 nurses short so until that’s tackled nothing much will improve 

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9 hours ago, Numbnuts said:

Turning the Health Service around is going to be a massive job the only person I would have given the position to with half a chance of making a difference is Jane Poole Wilson, very intelligent,  does not take prisoners and gives 100%

.... I think I agree and hadn't given that a thought before. She would tackle some of the recently announced problems for the island without fear or favour in my view.  One thing I would anticipate from her instead of the constant stream of warm fuzziness that we seem to hear on a daily basis would be some truth and honesty about where we are and what we will be doing about it. That and a more balanced opinion about how we got here would be a good start.

I see the hospital have put out the "cost" of failures to turn up at Outpatient appointments this morning (no details of how this is calculated, again.). It's all our patients fault you see. Pity there is no balance about hospital cancelled appointments and the associated costs for people who experience last minute cancellations, lost hours at work, rearranging family commitments etc, redundant transport costs incurred, rescheduled holidays, childcare arrangement and then of course the psychological factors. 

Maybe though the truth is that not everyone wants it turning around. There is money to be made from letting it all fall apart, for some.  

A question at the conference yesterday was skilfully answered by Mrs C about the costs of her and all her managers salary. The response, my words and in a nutshell, was because we are worth it. We all work extremely hard and have off island connections. Go figure.

Edited by Apple
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5 minutes ago, Apple said:

Maybe though the truth is that not everyone wants it turning around. There is money to be made from letting it all fall apart, for some.  


This is the very foundation of the problems the NHS faces, certainly in the UK. It has been purposely underfunded for years over there by successive governments which are made up of people who stand to gain from privatisation. 

Over here, I'm not aware of any politicians who would stand to gain from privatisation, but I wonder about managers brought in from the UK. 

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7 minutes ago, Banker said:

Well it’s £250 for initial private consultation of about 30/45 minutes 

Patient choice so no problem. Private transaction, business arrangement, properly audited and data published , what's not too like.

And of course, patients can always fall back on NHS resources if anything were to,...er...go wrong? Which is as it should be. 



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