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Rob Callister

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8 minutes ago, Banker said:

Rob is on Mannin line n Monday to answer all questions, should be interesting what he says about Alf & his department colleagues like Tanya!!

He'll have calmed down by Monday and will deny all of his ramblings.

It's all the fault of the forums.

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Manx Care supportive of Rob Callister so begs the question of what is really going on.

Our Health and Social care services deserve better than this, and so do the people who work in them. How are they expected to feel about all this and what can they say when dealing with their patients. It puts many of them in an unenviable position, embarrassing to say the least. 

Did these three not anticipate the outcome of what they were doing?. Was this the best way forward? Unfathomable.


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21 minutes ago, Apple said:


Manx Care supportive of Rob Callister so begs the question of what is really going on.

Our Health and Social care services deserve better than this, and so do the people who work in them. How are they expected to feel about all this and what can they say when dealing with their patients. It puts many of them in an unenviable position, embarrassing to say the least. 

Did these three not anticipate the outcome of what they were doing?. Was this the best way forward? Unfathomable.


I think there was a lot of internal political power battles going on, and backstabbing within the department. Enemies were probably made, scores to be settled and political ambitions to be achieved. Like I have said Rob Callister was useless, but most MHKs are useless, and I’m thinking there is more going on, and more to come out. 

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31 minutes ago, GreyWolf said:

Not a lot of love on here for Rob but Mondays mannin line could be an essential listen if Wint the ego can remain unbiased with I have my doubts about. So until then I’ll reserve judgement on the fella.

Get Beth Espey to do the interview and you might get some real truth.

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Have the political members who have said that Rob was 'incompetent' had the balls to stand up and say exactly why yet? Or are they not competent enough to do this?

Manx Care was a disaster from the start and the incompetency was from those that agreed to pay someone nearly£1m to come up with a report that was a waste of money. How much money will they waste before they realize this?

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3 hours ago, quilp said:

And completely predictably so.  It's why Cannan was so foolish to sack him in the way he did.  "Rob Callister" and "No comment" are phrases that don't often appear together.  What is more Callister can now set himself up as the Patient's Friend and raise all sorts of things.

IOM Newspapers annoyingly haven't given us the full text of the second 'open' email from Callister to Cannan - it must have been after the first as it refers to the job in the past tense.

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3 hours ago, quilp said:

He's right though, instead of following their own agendas they should be pulling together. It matters not a jot if they don't like the minister, just get on with the feckin job you're paid to do

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1 hour ago, Apple said:


Manx Care supportive of Rob Callister so begs the question of what is really going on.

Our Health and Social care services deserve better than this, and so do the people who work in them. How are they expected to feel about all this and what can they say when dealing with their patients. It puts many of them in an unenviable position, embarrassing to say the least. 

Did these three not anticipate the outcome of what they were doing?. Was this the best way forward? Unfathomable.


It does sound like they were publicly embarrassed so had a whinge and this resulted in a massive overreaction from Cannan.

If they were daft enough to put their complaints in writing he could do a data subject access request, get a copy of the correspondence and further embarrass them by publishing it.


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17 minutes ago, Two-lane said:

Do you believe them?

Depends on who made the comments as it is not clear. I have an idea but I am also aware of say a 'little tensions' at the top of Manx Care so will reserve comment. 

The reasons for separations between politicians and Manx Care should have been made more explicit to everyone involved, and the public who continue to express the experiences to their MHKs, which as constituents is their right to do so. I guess Manx Care do not like that and it was bound to cause some problems at some point.

Manx Care is Alf and DAs "baby" and they will do everything to justify and protect it in my view. 


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