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Rob Callister

La Colombe

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I believe the department members simply didn’t understand or appreciate the complexity of a department that had no Chief Executive in post when I took up the position, a department that was clearly understaffed, under-resourced and under extreme pressure for long periods of time.

So why are they still there and he is not. Rob Truss, more excuses that don't make sense.

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I see that Tanya August-September ran away from a prior commitment to appear on Manx Radio's 'Perspective' programme on Sunday (alongside @Stu Peters ) presumably because she was scared that she'd be asked some tricky questions about her role in this fiasco.

Happy to pick up £5k a month as an MLC, but not happy to be answerable for her actions. 

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I have a degree of sympathy for Rob.

It's like asking a primary school maths teacher to sub in for an A Level economics class and then all the teachers in the department saying to the headmaster: he's useless, chop him or we go on strike.

Rob was offered a job he should never have been offered and now faces the embarrassment of being sacked.

It's an incompetent oaf but this is messy and should never have happened. Alf needs to sort his house out.

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1 hour ago, Steady Eddie said:

To be honest though all Rob is doing is replicating what he did in the private sector for years which was struggle to hold into a job for any real length or time before he was found out to be not very good at it. How many departments has he been in now? He must have been in almost all of them and for only a few months in most. Did he manage less than a month in home affairs at one stage? I get the points you’re making about machavellian conspiracies but Callister isn’t a fair example of that. He’s just an over promoted idiot who always publicly flounces when he’s found out to be an over promoted idiot.

I totally get and agree with your analysis, however it now seems the whole DHSC is now run by cliques, backstabbing running supreme. The rights and wrongs and the ability of Rob Callister can be debated till the Manx Cows come home, and unfortunately Rob Callister elicits such divided opinion as to his capabilities, abilities, experience and competence. There now seems to be questions as to Joney Faraghers MHK, Michelle Haywood and Tanya MLCs involvement in the whole sorry saga. Is there an audit trail of correspondence (official on the record), or meeting notes voicing displeasure and concerns into Rob Callisters competence? There must be set policy and procedures in place, like employment - perhaps meeting with the Minister, the Chief Minister, and the CEOs of DHSC and Manx Care. Manx Care are denying they had concerns with Rob Callister. 

This whole sorry saga is rather like the Ranson Affair, it’s highlighted the failings of the health system and the department, the poisonous vipers nest and political skullduggery. 

The optics and way this sacking was done was completely messed up. If you were to get rid of a minister then why not get rid after he had served in the role for at least 6 months, possibly next end March. Rob Callister was correct when he said he didnt get an opportunity, and he had one hand tied behind his back. 

A question I would ask is has Rob Callisters actual incompetence cost the taxpayers, due to negligence? I mean look at past Ministers of IOMG departments, previous DHSC, DOI, Starship Enterprise and past debacles such as Signature. Some Ministers have presided over chaos, an orgy of waste, assisted by useless and interfering department members. 

Edited by 2112
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5 minutes ago, NoTailT said:

I have a degree of sympathy for Rob.

It's like asking a primary school maths teacher to sub in for an A Level economics class and then all the teachers in the department saying to the headmaster: he's useless, chop him or we go on strike.

Rob was offered a job he should never have been offered and now faces the embarrassment of being sacked.

It's an incompetent oaf but this is messy and should never have happened. Alf needs to sort his house out.

Which house? CM Cannan is spinning to many plates, has too many commitments and if you believe the rumours, has other issues. 

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5 minutes ago, NoTailT said:

Rob was offered a job he should never have been offered and now faces the embarrassment of being sacked.

From the sound of it he’s been in Tynwald for two terms now and his only ministry appointment has been a 51 day disaster. Is he constantly asking for a ministership because he thinks he deserves it when he’s clearly not up to the job? His only long term department role has been with the DfE which is a department of useless bluster and no action. That seems to be about the only political fit their is for him.

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Politics tend to be secretive and when not, poorly explained by politicians whose first objective is to cling on to their reputation and employment. It is difficult to draw firm conclusions about this as I doubt whether any account offered to date is entirely factual or complete.
What we do have is the past behaviours of those concerned. Competence, courage, stick-ability, resolve and expertise are not qualities that have been much in evidence. Ego and ambition has, however,  been displayed in large quantities. We have to draw our conclusions from that. 

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56 minutes ago, Nellie said:

I see that Tanya August-September ran away from a prior commitment to appear on Manx Radio's 'Perspective' programme on Sunday (alongside @Stu Peters ) presumably because she was scared that she'd be asked some tricky questions about her role in this fiasco.

Happy to pick up £5k a month as an MLC, but not happy to be answerable for her actions. 

Think she’s up for re-election in February so she’s lost at least 1 vote in Rob

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23 minutes ago, 2112 said:

I totally get and agree with your analysis, however it now seems the whole DHSC is now run by cliques, backstabbing running supreme. 

I don't think this is a recent phenomenon either. 

I recall, but not specifically, historical references to reports where government departments were accused of 'working in silos', with their CEO's allegedly concentrating more on protecting their fiefdoms than they did working for the benefit of their paymasters - us, the public.

I don't see this culture changing anytime soon.  

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