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Rob Callister

La Colombe

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34 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

He is getting plenty of support on FB unlike the three no marks who have instigated this situation.    Strange thing it was three women having a strop that caused the whole Ranson affair….personalities and pettiness who needs it there is no room for it in politics or anywhere else for that matter.   

He gets plenty of support as he blocks absolutely every account that doesn’t 100% agree with him on Facebook so the only people who can ever respond to his posts are his acolytes. That’s why its all positive as it’s only his brainwashed cheerleaders you see replying to anything he posts.

Edited by offshoremanxman
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2 hours ago, Steady Eddie said:

The way that’s written is interesting but in the end it’s no worse than what Callister did to Kate Beecroft. He totally shafted her in a similar fashion which ended her stint as health minister. 

 He certainly tried to, but his resignation was in March 2017 while Beecroft wasn't sacked till the start of 2018.   So it's very amusing, but his undermining of her wasn't successful immediately.  An excuse about Departmental Members being unhappy was used with Beecroft as well, though there seems no evidence they were and it soon became clear that she went because she wanted rid of the CEO and Greenhow couldn't have Ministers thinking they had any power to do things.  They then had to get rid of the CEO.

Another false impression that people seem to have is that Callister never stayed in any Department for long.  It's certainly a long list, but it's mainly because he was that annoying child who volunteers for everything.  If you look at his Tynwald profile his DMs are:

Department of Health and Social Care 2016-2017;

Member of the Department for Home Affairs March 2020-2020;

Member of the Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture 2020-2021;

Member of the Department for Infrastructure 2020-2021;

Member of the Department for Enterprise (formerly Economic Development) 2016-2022; 

So he was in DfE the whole time (what you think of his role as Mr TT is another matter, but he was always there), but he was also willing to take on another Department as well, indeed two at one stage (unlike any other Tynwald Member).

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23 hours ago, Two-lane said:

If the role of the Minister is to decide policy (and not be concerned with trivial details) which person or body is responsible for monitoring and ultimately controlling the DHSC and Manx Care? These arms-length organisations confuse me.

The board and chief exec of Manx care is responsible, now who is responsible for kicking their arse if they make excuses for not delivering, then that’s Comin via the DHSC minister, however if the DHSC minister wastes time and resources on trivia, doubling up on others remits, and doesn’t develop the policies and legislation needed by Manx care then The DHSC minister gets arse kicked.  Simples 

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I have only spoken to Rob a couple of time bust I think he has the patients best interest at heart. He asked for a prescriptions charges review a couple of weeks ago but I don't think any proposals for changes have been through Tynwald yet, as I am sure it would.

In my view, given the information we have so far been presented with and my own personal experiences of some of the 'players' in this mess I can understand Rob's position. It does have shades of Ranson and Tindell tribunals type behaviour and he is right to call it out, if only now to clear the air. otherwise it will fester and continue to fester in HoK and will no doubt polarise (again) the public.

Manx Care is not widely popular and some people think they have had a hand in this. I think they have a problem that they politicians still retain the authority to determine strategy in which they have to provide an operational high standard services. That is their role. Nothing else but that is for comment in the Manx Care thread.

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2 minutes ago, genericUserName said:

Why might that be?

We could be the same person...? Or related. ?

Seriously though I don't know him. But as someone else posted I don't like unfairness, if that is what is occurrin'.


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5 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

  who volunteers for everything.  If you look at his Tynwald profile his DMs are:

Department of Health and Social Care 2016-2017;

Member of the Department for Home Affairs March 2020-2020;

Member of the Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture 2020-2021;

Member of the Department for Infrastructure 2020-2021;

Member of the Department for Enterprise (formerly Economic Development) 2016-2022; 

That is worth grabbing really. If you look at that long list there is careful use of year end dates “Member of the Department for Home Affairs March 2020-2020” reflects a post of less than a month that has never properly been explained. And we all know the DfE is the most pointless department of government going. Five or six years there is just clocking time effectively doing nothing. Has the TT scoreboard ever been replaced? 

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