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Rob Callister

La Colombe

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10 minutes ago, Kopek said:

Could you repost that in Polish, then we might understand you!!!!

RC, JF, MH, TAH attend a meeting

With the exception of JF they all appear to lie to protect themselve

MH says she often swears in meetings because it's her lighten the mood sense of humour

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R.C. "I have also been asked not to undertake any personal media interviews until after the debate and the vote in Tynwald next month, which I am happy to respect."  Would this include posting on his own website his views of the investigate and then sharing it to other sites?. 

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5 hours ago, Holte End said:

R.C. "I have also been asked not to undertake any personal media interviews until after the debate and the vote in Tynwald next month, which I am happy to respect."  Would this include posting on his own website his views of the investigate and then sharing it to other sites?. 

Debate? FFS ……… the island is screwed and with so many pressing issues and becoming an international embarrassment, in the international media, the island has many more important matters. Apology, lessons will be learned blah blah blah …….. move on. Embarrassing sideshow. 

Incidentally Tynpotwald will not debate important issues throughly but they get voted through on the nod. I bet this debate goes on for ages. 

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5 hours ago, Holte End said:

R.C. "I have also been asked not to undertake any personal media interviews until after the debate and the vote in Tynwald next month, which I am happy to respect."  Would this include posting on his own website his views of the investigate and then sharing it to other sites?. 

Yes this is definitely 1,000 plus words of not giving any sort of media interview:

Rob Callister, MHK - Onchan Constituent Statement - DHSC Investigation 

Onchan Constituents may or may not be aware that the Chief Minister, Alf Cannan, MHK referred my dismissal as the Health and Social Care Minister to the Tynwald Standards and Members’ Interests Committee back in November 2022. 

Today the findings of that investigation have been published, and unfortunately I have been found to have breached Tynwald standards of conduct on three separate occasions.  

I enclose a link to the Committee report that also includes the independent investigation, which makes difficult reading for me personally, and I know it will make difficult reading for my family, friends and more importantly for many of my constituents in Onchan, especially when my integrity as a publicly elected Member of the House of Keys is now being seriously questioned.  


One of the breaches relates to my appearance on Manx Radio’s “Mannin Line” on 12th December 2022. Although I restricted my comments around information that was already in the public domain, the Tynwald Standards and Members’ Interest Committee felt I failed to co-operate with the investigation by appearing on the programme.   

As a publicly elected Member of the House of Keys I felt it was very important that I honoured the re-scheduled appointment that was organised very early on in October/ November, and well before any formal investigation was undertaken. 

Another one of the conclusions from within the investigation report says that I did not act in a manner consistent with the principle of honesty, which is deeply upsetting for me personally, and one that I absolutely refute.  

Again, I am happy to put in writing that at no time did I ever say to a civil servant that all the political members wished for that individual to consider their position within the department of Health and Social Care. 

Over the past six years I have probably worked in more Government Departments than most current Members of Tynwald, and therefore I am fully aware of the protocols and procedures expected when working alongside civil servants.  

Even when those relationships have become strained and difficult due to the nature of the role we undertake as publicly elected members from time to time, at no point would I ever get involved in any employment or disciplinary issue concerning a member of staff. 

I did write formally to the Tynwald Standards and Members’ Interest Committee on 18th February 2023 appealing to the Committee to look again at this particular part of the report and its final conclusions, but that request appears to have been declined. 

I also have serious concerns that a single line that may or may not have been said in a private discussion between senior civil servants and their Minister, in which no minutes or notes were taken, has been taken completely out of context.  

The Government Code is very clear when it says that “confidence is the indispensable foundation of a good relationship between Ministers and Civil Servants”. 

I don’t believe I was given sufficient time as the Minister to build that good working relationship with the most senior civil servants within the Department of Health and Social Care.  

The findings of this report also means that Ministers in the future might not be able to talk so openly with senior civil servants, and for me personally that is extremely concerning because Government Departments are having to make difficult decisions every single day. 

Therefore Ministers should be able to express their serious concerns and reservations with senior civil servants when looking at impossible or very difficult situations, as I found myself in just five days into my new role as the Health and Social Care Minister.  

In respect of the options available to me as a Member of the House Keys, I have had several conversations with the Office of Human Resources (Public Service Commission), in order to consider a full investigation into the comments made by individual civil servant(s) from within the Department of Health and Social Care, but any further  investigation will take time, and unfortunately it will not stop the Tynwald Standards and Members’ Interests Committee from presenting its report to Tynwald next month. 

As a constituency MHK I am not entirely sure how many times over the past 6 years I have encouraged constituents to try and find a way forward, especially when I can see that a particular grievance is consuming them, and on this occasion I have to take my own advice on board, to try and find a way forward.

I did also ask the Tynwald Standards and Members’ Interests Committee if I could provide my Tynwald colleagues with a full copy of my own evidence to the investigation, in order for Members to make their own judgement ahead of the debate in March, but that request was declined.   

The Committee have informed me that all evidence submitted is the property of the Committee, which I have to respect or else I will find myself in contempt of Tynwald Court once again. 

Personally I would be very happy for all of my evidence to be put into the public domain, because I know the evidence I’ve given to this investigation is fair, balanced, open and honest.  

When the report is laid before Tynwald next month I could also ask for each breach of the Tynwald Standards of Conduct to be voted on separately, but that would be putting my Tynwald colleagues in an impossible position, especially when I know they haven’t had sight of the full facts of this investigation. 

I could also refuse to apologise in Tynwald next month, especially when I am being asked to apologise for something I know that I didn’t say. Unfortunately, that course of action would simply implement a suspension from Tynwald, which would remain in place until I was prepared to apologise in a manner acceptable to the President of Tynwald

It has been an incredibly difficult few months and I genuinely want to thank everyone for their continuing support, but I have now exhausted all available options.  

I have also been asked not to undertake any personal media interviews until after the debate and the vote in Tynwald next month, which I am happy to respect. 

In closing, I want to reassure Onchan constituents and the wider Manx Community that I have been nothing less than 100% open, honest and transparent in everything I have ever done over the past 10 years, and without fear or favour, both on a local and national platform on behalf of those that put their trust in me. 

Thank you for your support.  

Rob Callister, MHK


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If you think about it though, in a normal workplace, would Rob have been sacked? Or would his manager given him a warning about how he speaks to people and maybe some advice?

Maybe, it wouldn't have been effective, given Rob's extreme case of reflexive denial but Cannon hasn't played a blinder here.

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The first time I ever had any contact with Rob Callister, I thought he was a bit of a knob. This was shortly after being elected. Everything he has done and said since that day has confirmed my initial opinion. When he was made a Minister I felt a bit of sympathy for the CM for obviously having so few options to select from, but thought he was a knob for not choosing another. Manx politics needs less knobs is my conclusion, for what it’s worth. 

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10 minutes ago, joebean said:

The first time I ever had any contact with Rob Callister, I thought he was a bit of a knob. This was shortly after being elected. Everything he has done and said since that day has confirmed my initial opinion. When he was made a Minister I felt a bit of sympathy for the CM for obviously having so few options to select from, but thought he was a knob for not choosing another. Manx politics needs less knobs is my conclusion, for what it’s worth. 

Not going to happen though is it - Tynwald is full of nobs…

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