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Rob Callister

La Colombe

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5 hours ago, Two-lane said:

Does this mean that Cannan believes that MHKs should not ask the electorate what they think?

Not really. Isn’t that the reason why we elected them. 
are we supposed to referendum on every minutiae? 
if they believe that cannan should go they should jolly well get on with it. 

but also the mhks know which side their bread is buttered on so nothing will happen and carry on as before. 

Anyway Cannan is not up for election next time round which is blatantly obvious with his windfarm idea which has to be up and running before the next election. 

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5 hours ago, Two-lane said:

Does this mean that Cannan believes that MHKs should not ask the electorate what they think?

I think it means that if MHKs have no faith in COMIN & the Chief Minister then they need to press the button themselves. They don't need to ask people on social media. It’s a bit like having had enough of your job. Do you go on Facebook to ask other people if they think your boss is a twat or do you just put notice in? 

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19 minutes ago, Fred the shred said:

Any MHK who canvas’s the opinions of their constituents on FB is dim witted to say the least.

Facebook farming is the new grannie farming though. Surprised Rob isn't on TikTok yet 🙂

Edited by slinkydevil
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11 hours ago, Fred the shred said:

Any MHK who canvas’s the opinions of their constituents on FB is dim witted to say the least.

Indeed, Rob should know that the job of any proper Manx politician is promoting the interests of senior civil servants, not those horrible voters.  He'll never get re-elected with that attitude!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is Callister right...?

Quote by R. Callister...

It is disappointing to see some of the comments being posted online over the past few days towards my three Tynwald colleagues who travelled to Malta this week, in order to attend the 10th British Islands and Mediterranean Region Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians’ Conference.

Firstly, the Manx Parliament cannot live within its own “political bubble” and I would fully understand that particular point even if I wasn't a Member of Tynwald; and secondly  these trips are planned many months in advance, so it is pure coincidence that this conference happened so soon after this year’s budget.

The Manx Parliament is part of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA), which links Parliamentarians and staff from over 180 Nations, States, Provincial and Territorial Parliaments and Legislatures across the Commonwealth through its network, which was founded in 1911.

One its core objectives is to benchmark good governance and to set the highest standards of democratic governance.

In order to help answer some of the questions or comments raised, the Manx Parliament pays an annual fee to the CPA, which according to a freedom information request a few years ago I think the fee is around £20k to £24k per annum.

The CPA holds hundreds of meetings, presentations, workshops and conferences online each year, but the actual main CPA Conferences are organised in order for Members to get together from around the Commonwealth, in order to attend various workshops, presentations and to get an opportunity to network and build those very important political relationships.

Although each Conference programme will be different, the activities each day would normally last around 7 or 8 hours, and that doesn’t include any formal events that you may be requested to attend in the evening.

The only opportunity you get to see any of the local area is normally a couple of days before the conference starts or in the evenings when nothing else formal is happening, you really don’t get a lot of free time.

As for the selection process, details of each Conference is sent to all Tynwald Members who can put forward their names for consideration, but not everyone does. If there are more Members than places  available, then there would usually be vote taken in order to select the Members to represent the Manx Parliament at that event.

In respect of travel costs, the Isle of Man Members always travel “Economy” and not Business Class or First Class as posted online, and as for the hotel accommodation we always go for reasonable or budget hotels unless the particular hotel has been tied to a conference which is happening on location.

Once you return from a Conference, you are also expected to give a full presentation to your Tynwald Colleagues, in order to give an overview of the Conference and the benefits etc.

The main 67th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference will be held in Sydney, Australia in November, which will be attended by hundreds of Members right across the Commonwealth - it’s a massive event.

Given the fact that someone has already felt it necessary to post on social media that I will be attending that Conference in November with another Tynwald Member and a Clerk, I’m happy to confirm the same.

It is disappointing to see that someone did that because the only people that know about the Members selected to attend the St Helena (May) and the Sydney, Australia (Nov) Conferences are Tynwald colleagues - I guess that’s politics for you….

I’m also happy to confirm that due to other commitments here on the Isle of Man, I will be attending the Sydney Conference and then flying straight home again without extending the visit, which will be a round trip of about 10 or 11 days only.

As always, I will put full details of that particular Conference online once I return home.

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What a bunch of shit, stay on the island and try and sort out the problems you and the other useless waste of space MHK's seem to be

a) causing and prolificating b)kicking into the long grass(not the first and no doubt nor the last). Or is this just Alfie tickling your tummy so as to placate the pitch fork and torch uprising. Never had much faith in you from the first time you opened your mouth, but it gives me no pleasure to be proved right.

Edited by Dirty Buggane
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I saw on Facebook what Rob Callister wrote and like others am a bit taken aback. He obviously like others can’t read the room or observe the optics. 

Taxpayers will be paying considerably more come April, coupled with increased rates and other charges, which in turn is going to affect disposable income - which will affect restaurants, cafes and retail and other sectors of the economy. When people read of politicos off on jollies, to a conference which isn’t of material benefit to the island, I can understand the pent up rage. 

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1 minute ago, Dirty Buggane said:

What a bunch of shit, stay on the island and try and sort out the problems you and the other useless waste of space MHK's seem to be kicking into the long grass(not the first and no doubt nor the last) Or is this just Alfie tickling your tummy so as to placate the pitch fork and torch uprising. Never had much faith in you from the first time you opened your mouth, but it gives me no pleasure to be proved right.

Sadly Rob Callister does what’s best for him. He should have kept his gob shut and lets his fingers do something else, away from keyboards.

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