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Rob Callister

La Colombe

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4 hours ago, Declan said:

I don’t think that’s fair. Reading the report, he was given joint responsibility in name only. But in practice Kate kept everything to herself...

He raised this a number with the minister often, he says, and with the CM. And when it was clear he wasn’t really going to be delegated any responsibility he resigned.



At the time of Beecroft’s sacking I recall that Quayle, in his justification, referred to the other department members having made representation to him about Beecroft’s unfortunate Ministerial style. Indeed, don’t forget that Bettinson resigned from DHSC when Beecroft was Minister and rejoined after the sacking. In fact, I think Bettinson admitted that she was one of the members who’d been to see Quayle. 

I don’t think Beecroft denied Callister any authority because he’s useless (although he may well be of course) but because, having utterly craved the Health portfolio, she adopted a “Get lost, you can’t play with my toys” attitude to all the political members, not just Callister. Indeed, it’s interesting that having kept the other politicians at arms length, when the famous “let’s dump Couch” letter came about, suddenly, aware that it would be controversial, she was dead keen to have the others all signed up so that it wasn’t simply her doing.

Beecroft was a dreadful Minister and sacking her was the only productive thing Quayle has done. Appointing her in the first place was one of the many stupid things he’s done.

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4 minutes ago, Uhtred said:

Beecroft was a dreadful Minister and sacking her was the only productive thing Quayle has done. Appointing her in the first place was one of the many stupid things he’s done.

The machinations of the voting system means the CM is always a compromise candidate.

The CM then has to divvy up the portfolios. When you think he has to get the best out of the "talent" available it's always going to have an element of damage limitation mixed up with complete unknowns.

Hardly surprising if it doesn't work out as planned hoped...

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According to IOMG National Mouthpiece RC has a question tabled for Keys next week, relating to the Manx Telecom takeover. In all fairness, I dont know what he is hoping to achieve? He can’t block the sale? Can Tynpotwald and their jumped up interfering busybodies actually achieve anything? We are after all a capitalist society and we adapt to capitalist system. Or we can adapt a socialist approach, object to takeovers and block the move. Or perhaps Tynpotwald may care to renationalise telecommunications on the island? 


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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

The machinations of the voting system means the CM is always a compromise candidate.

The CM then has to divvy up the portfolios. When you think he has to get the best out of the "talent" available it's always going to have an element of damage limitation mixed up with complete unknowns.

Hardly surprising if it doesn't work out as planned hoped...

He had a worse hand than usual. The keys was - 

New in 2016 - Moorehouse, Baker, Corlett, Bettison, Ashford, Caine, Perkins, Edge, Callister, Allison, Hooper, Shimmins

Elected in 2015 - Peake, Malarkey, Boot, Harmer,

Old - Creegen, Cannon, Thomas, Robertshaw, Beecroft,  Quayle, Skelly, Watterson

On top of that he had Watterson opting for the speaker’s costume and no one wanting to work with Robershaw and he can’t choose himself. Skelly was under pressure at DED so it would be unfair to drop anyone else there to fix his mess. 

That leaves Creegan, Cannon, Thomas, and Beecroft  with much more than a years experience- they get the big ministerial roles - Deputy, Treasury, Education, and Health. 

Malarkey has the most experience of the rest and so he gets Home Affairs. 

Quayle has forgotten Peake exists so Boot and Harmer get the last two ministers posts. 

Then when Beecroft got sacked, Ashford’s council experience put him next in line. 


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4 minutes ago, Declan said:

He had a worse hand than usual. The keys was - 

New in 2016 - Moorehouse, Baker, Corlett, Bettison, Ashford, Caine, Perkins, Edge, Callister, Allison, Hooper, Shimmins

Elected in 2015 - Peake, Malarkey, Boot, Harmer,

Old - Creegen, Cannon, Thomas, Robertshaw, Beecroft,  Quayle, Skelly, Watterson

On top of that he had Watterson opting for the speaker’s costume and no one wanting to work with Robershaw and he can’t choose himself. Skelly was under pressure at DED so it would be unfair to drop anyone else there to fix his mess. 

That leaves Creegan, Cannon, Thomas, and Beecroft  with much more than a years experience- they get the big ministerial roles - Deputy, Treasury, Education, and Health. 

Malarkey has the most experience of the rest and so he gets Home Affairs. 

Quayle has forgotten Peake exists so Boot and Harmer get the last two ministers posts. 

Then when Beecroft got sacked, Ashford’s council experience put him next in line. 


That’s probably a good analysis of the way the dominoes fell. And yes, what a paucity of talent there was. For that reason, I’d have had more tolerance for Lard-boy if he’d exercised a bit of nous and innovation and offered Ministerial jobs to rookie members, but with convincing backgrounds; say Allinson and Shimmins. But Quayle would never do that; he’s as establishment as they come. Which is exactly why the LegCo fit-up put him in post.

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6 minutes ago, 2112 said:

According to IOMG National Mouthpiece RC has a question tabled for Keys next week, relating to the Manx Telecom takeover. In all fairness, I dont know what he is hoping to achieve? He can’t block the sale? Can Tynpotwald and their jumped up interfering busybodies actually achieve anything? We are after all a capitalist society and we adapt to capitalist system. Or we can adapt a socialist approach, object to takeovers and block the move. Or perhaps Tynpotwald may care to renationalise telecommunications on the island? 


Incidentally 3fm news has an article saying DEEMSTER Needham has approved the takeover of Manx Telecom. Assuming this was in open court, perhaps RC could have voiced his concerns as to assett stripping rather than asking a question. It’s worth noting that most well established Manx establishments have protected status on the island by Politicos and civil servants, hence the unregulated price hikes and the monopolistic tendencies they have - as approved by the state -


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9 minutes ago, Declan said:

He had a worse hand than usual. The keys was - 

New in 2016 - Moorehouse, Baker, Corlett, Bettison, Ashford, Caine, Perkins, Edge, Callister, Allison, Hooper, Shimmins

Elected in 2015 - Peake, Malarkey, Boot, Harmer,

Old - Creegen, Cannon, Thomas, Robertshaw, Beecroft,  Quayle, Skelly, Watterson

On top of that he had Watterson opting for the speaker’s costume and no one wanting to work with Robershaw and he can’t choose himself. Skelly was under pressure at DED so it would be unfair to drop anyone else there to fix his mess. 

That leaves Creegan, Cannon, Thomas, and Beecroft  with much more than a years experience- they get the big ministerial roles - Deputy, Treasury, Education, and Health. 

Malarkey has the most experience of the rest and so he gets Home Affairs. 

Quayle has forgotten Peake exists so Boot and Harmer get the last two ministers posts. 

Then when Beecroft got sacked, Ashford’s council experience put him next in line. 


Nothing to do with Council experience  Ashford was the person who put Quayle forward as the Chief Minister. He was also in the Cabinet Office and the closest Member to Quayle. Allinson is now in Cabinet Office so he'll probably get the next available ministerial position.

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2 minutes ago, Cheesy Wheezy said:
5 hours ago, Uhtred said:

Ashford is Quayle’s bitch.

No doubt you are Dilligafs. What did you spend the pay off on? 

You actually are a sad little person, aren't you ? Do you by any chance know a poster called Charlie Brown ?

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5 minutes ago, Cheesy Wheezy said:

No doubt you are Dilligafs. What did you spend the pay off on? 

Last night you failed to identify the distinction between accusations and questions. Tonight you can’t punctuate. You’re a sorry little failure aren’t you?

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3 minutes ago, Cheesy Wheezy said:

You’re pathetic. You come on here and shout a lot but your full of shite and everyone knows it. What did you all spend the dosh on? Crates of Stella and scratch cards? 

You are.

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12 minutes ago, Cheesy Wheezy said:

You’re pathetic. You come on here and shout a lot but your full of shite and everyone knows it. What did you all spend the dosh on? Crates of Stella and scratch cards? 

Oh the irony!

How is Paul by the way? Have you told him you mistook him for me yet?

Mind you, if the Paul you mistook for me is an over-weight, thinning, happy, retired, well-rounded (literally) individual then it's an easy mistake to make.....

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