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Rob Callister

La Colombe

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Rob was not the only one who could not work with Beecroft there were three in all, she was on TH saying see tried to sack Couch for incompetence, strong words she may regret unless she can prove it.   Poor old Hooper will be downgraded now she has reappeared I think he was far better at putting a point over than Beecroft her whining voice is dreadful and he was picking his battles she just opposes everything that moves.   It was a very welcome rest not having her whinging for the past few months I expect she had to get back before her six months full pay was up and she was put on half pay.

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10 minutes ago, MrPB said:

It’s normally best giving this topic a wide berth but today’s effort seems to go totally over the top trying to justify his actions at the time. Given Couch has now walked and there was clearly no confidence in his ability to run the Department well over 12 months ago it’s really hard to see how or why one person stopped him being sacked at the time when it clearly looks like everyone else in the department wanted him to go. 

Indeed. The current picture seems to paint far more than a thousand words.

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13 hours ago, MrPB said:

It’s normally best giving this topic a wide berth but today’s effort seems to go totally over the top trying to justify his actions at the time. Given Couch has now walked and there was clearly no confidence in his ability to run the Department well over 12 months ago it’s really hard to see how or why one person stopped him being sacked at the time when it clearly looks like everyone else in the department wanted him to go. The Michaels Report doesn’t seem that critical of the management team either so it leaves even more questions about why Couch has left at this time. 

It wasn't so much Rob refusing to support the minister that stopped it. It was more the fact that he went crying to the media and generated an artificial controversy and media spotlight to make himself look good and Beecroft bad. This made proceeding with the intended policy direction untenable at the time. It led to a minister and political membership needing to be replaced and a media spotlight that had to dissipate, and new political appointees to get into the roles and learn the layout of the department before being able to proceed. So we had progressive policy implementation in our national health service delayed thanks to Rob trying to promote himself.

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7 hours ago, Rushen Spy said:

This made proceeding with the intended policy direction untenable at the time. It led to a minister and political membership needing to be replaced and a media spotlight that had to dissipate, and new political appointees to get into the roles and learn the layout of the department before being able to proceed. So we had progressive policy implementation in our national health service delayed thanks to Rob trying to promote himself.

And all the ensuing waste of airspace and as you say the time sucked on getting rid of her, appointing someone else, getting them up to speed etc for Dr Couch just to go anyway in the end. Callister is becoming a bit of a one trick pony along the way now. It’s pretty clear that everything he does is about him and anything that is of benefit to the Island is entirely secondary to his need to be profiled in the media. We’ve had a few egotistical MHKs in the past but not one this shamelessly egotistical for quite some time. It’s like he’s been hypnotized, or has bought into some NLP programme about how to be a successful MHK. I thought his video the other week with Paul Moulton on the tourism figures was quite unnerving in many ways as it pretty much looked like he had been hypnotized by Skelly on how to present totally made up numbers as proof they were all doing a brilliant job. I think the only person who believed his Oscar winning performance was him. 

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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23 hours ago, Albert Tatlock said:

Indeed. The current picture seems to paint far more than a thousand words.

Indeed, I would have thought there would be more to being departmental member than just full departmental meetings.

Surely he should have set up meetings of his own with the role he had in the department he was suppose to be in charge of.

He always bragging about the mountains of paper work to wade through and photocopy.

But then again he must not of understood what the 40% uplift is for.

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As I said Rob did not need to make Beecroft look bad she did that all by herself, yes he did walk away but so did two others  she was a one man band and would not listen to anyone's opinion only her own.   Julie Edge left the party because she felt gagged and I believe the third was Claire Bettison.    I was under the impression that Rob walked and talked because he did not agree with the underhand method Beecroft was using to get rid of Couch canvassing members to sign a form asking for his resignation and Rob refused to do it as obviously the rest did too otherwise he would have been gone.    This is my memory of what happened and I stand to be corrected.   She had not been head of the department long when she went for Couch's jugular and he obviously had a lot more experience than she did and that irked, after all it is a long jump from running a cleaning company to running a National Health Service.

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4 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

As I said Rob did not need to make Beecroft look bad she did that all by herself, yes he did walk away but so did two others  she was a one man band and would not listen to anyone's opinion only her own.   Julie Edge left the party because she felt gagged and I believe the third was Claire Bettison.    I was under the impression that Rob walked and talked because he did not agree with the underhand method Beecroft was using to get rid of Couch canvassing members to sign a form asking for his resignation and Rob refused to do it as obviously the rest did too otherwise he would have been gone.    This is my memory of what happened and I stand to be corrected.   She had not been head of the department long when she went for Couch's jugular and he obviously had a lot more experience than she did and that irked, after all it is a long jump from running a cleaning company to running a National Health Service.

Well put - one suspects that Beecroft’s disaffection for Couch was personal, not professional, whatever she says about “incompetence” and whatever failings of his have now emerged (including in the coruscating PAC report). I also don’t believe that Quayle, despite being a sluggardly idiot, would have sacked Beecroft from the Health portfolio simply because of an amateurish failed attempt to dump the CEO - there was much more to it than that, and the information gleaned from, and the attitude of, the other politicians was influential. It speaks volumes that Bettison (a nurse) left DHSC when Beecroft was at the helm and instantly agreed to rejoin immediately after the sacking. Of course, even setting aside the fact that Beecroft clearly left the other Members frozen out, she goofed often, not least with the nonsensical populist rubbish over the drug purchase for the unwell child. Her Tynwald and media performances are those of a makeweight too. Taking aim at Couch and missing didn’t cost her her job, her own deficiencies did.

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1 hour ago, MrPB said:

But he’s gone now right before the big report was issued so looks like she was right to propose what she proposed, and I’d say Onchan voters should rightly ask Callister for better explanation of his actions. The DHSC is not a political football as many have said and to my mind he seemed to kick the biggest DHSC football going. 

I am no fan of KB, but she was dumped on from a great height by Couch.

DHSC, Couch, Betterware, Beecroft and RC, Fucks sake :o:o

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6 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

I am no fan of KB, but she was dumped on from a great height by Couch.

DHSC, Couch, Betterware, Beecroft and RC, Fucks sake :o:o

I agree it’s scarcely a dream team but when has Health ever had one!

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