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Rob Callister

La Colombe

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2 hours ago, the stinking enigma said:

with that wealth of experience what do you see as the main problem with the running of the health service nowadays david? 

Hello SE

In one respect a main problem remains the same as it has for a long time; seeking to provide an incredibly wide range of effective services, within (inevitably and properly) finite resources against a background of competing priorities, relentlessly increasing clinical specialization and public expectation. Achieving that balance is sometimes found to be on shifting sands. The role of the politician, alluded to by Mr. Dilligaff - and in the very eloquent contribution of Boo Gay’n - is perfectly proper, although I was pleased to see  Jonathan Michaels, including in his press briefing, stressing that his recommendations are not a quick fix and must be seen as a long-term project; a message largely intended for a political audience in my opinion.

The recent turbulence in the management/leadership/delivery of health on the Island is to be regretted, although I’m in no doubt that those tasked with doing so strived to do their best, as all of us in the past did. I have nothing but admiration for those who will pick up the mantle of Michaels and endeavour to deliver it, including the creation of “Manx Care” and the recognition of the principles behind it.  I sincerely wish them well.

Kind regards to you

David K


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10 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

Still did fuck all

Would be interesting to know how many Directors and management staff there are in DHSC above HEO grade. How many are actually needed? 

and how many real staff they could get In DHSC if they get rid of the people in pretend jobs. It’s a tiny island with a tiny population. 

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12 minutes ago, Rushen Spy said:

So you've never paid income tax or national insurance contributions?

Idiot boy.

That is contributing to Gov coffers, not wo4king for them. 

Does your mum know you ar3 still up ?

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8 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

That is contributing to Gov coffers, not wo4king for them. 

Does your mum know you ar3 still up ?

Maybe his Mum deducts tax and NI when she picks up his Dole money???

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