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Rob Callister

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IN THE KEYS11thJune 2019FOR WRITTENANSWER17The  Hon.  Member  for  Onchan  (Mr  Callister)  to  ask  the  Minister  for Infrastructure –How  many  passengers  the  Horse  Trams  carriedduring  the  2019  TT Period?Douglas Bay Horse Tramservices commenced at the start of practice week, Saturday 25thMay 2019, as scheduled. 1,439passengers were carried over the TT period.



IN THE KEYS11thJune 2019FOR WRITTENANSWER 18The  Hon.  Member  for  Onchan  (Mr  Callister)  to  ask  the  Minister  for Infrastructure –What  the  running  costs  for  the  Horse  Trams during  the  2019  TT fortnight were?The direct additional cost incurred for bringing the tramway into operation during the 2019 TT fortnight was£2,174.40, consisting of £1,087.20 of staffing cost for each week. 





More than 1,400 passengers used the horse trams over the 2019 TT fortnight - at a cost to the taxpayer of over £700.


A rather strange circumstance for Rob Callister as the Member for TOURISM in the Department for Enterprise (unless that has changed?) to ask these basic questions (that you'd expect they'd already know the answer to, if there was anybody competent in charge) as official Tynwald Questions.

It highlights a number of things, the two major ones being:

A) the lack of communication and planning between the DfE and the DoI [simply asking for these basic items of information directly isn't that difficult for a normal person, is it?]; and,

B) the childish attitude and petty, self-serving nature of Rob Callister. It looks like a case of grandstanding and also a pathetic attempt to divert attention from failures by his own department and division ---- FAR MORE EXPENSIVE to the taxpayer ------- during the TT Fortnight.

Edited by Rushen Spy
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The term gaslighting has been referred to on here previously I recall; I believe that’s perhaps the correct psychological term to explain why anyone would publicly ask such an obvious question to the head of another department a week after they’ve had a huge amount of personal criticism themselves over things like TT branding and other Motorsport stuff. Of course they lost money. Anyone could have told him that. It was obvious. 

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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As far as I know, the Tourism Division of DfE are in regular contact with DOI and have periodic meetings. So it does raise the question, what on earth is going on? Do they no longer have people with "strong interpersonal skills" as the retards in HR like to say. I mean, if you can't pick up a phone or send an email to another government department, just h ow strong are your "interpersonal skills"?

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4 minutes ago, Rushen Spy said:

As far as I know, the Tourism Division of DfE are in regular contact with DOI and have periodic meetings. So it does raise the question, what on earth is going on? Do they no longer have people with "strong interpersonal skills" as the retards in HR like to say. I mean, if you can't pick up a phone or send an email to another government department, just h ow strong are your "interpersonal skills"?

Refer to my post above. I’d guess this has nothing to do with finding out anything and all to do with creating some shit for someone else to deflect from the shit you yourself are in. 

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Just now, thesultanofsheight said:

Refer to my post above. I’d guess this has nothing to do with finding out anything and all to do with creating some shit for someone else to deflect from the shit you yourself are in. 

Exactly. I'd be interested to know the cost and profit regarding the TT magazine that was being priced at something ridiculous like £18 just for a magazine. What costs did this incur, how many copies were printed compared to last year, were last year's sales taken into consideration, what exactly has been done with copies that were not sold, who were the contractors for the writing and printing of the magazine, what other costs were incurred in the production of the magazine, how much profit went to third party private companies, how much funding did the DfE pay towards it, etc.

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1 minute ago, thesultanofsheight said:

I’d guess this has nothing to do with finding out anything...

Keys and Tynwald questions never are. They’re used to make a point; embarrass someone (usually an idiot Minister); try to make the questioner look marvellous; as you say, cause shit for someone, or any one of a number of the other trivial, childish, parliamentary fetishes beloved by the barrel-scrapings we saddled ourselves with at the ballot box.

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Yes, but in Mr Callister's case, it is especially self-serving. He really is a poster child for everything stupid and wrong with the Isle of Man's idiotic and corrupt system. If this was London, he'd still just be a bald prick working in Sainsbury's.

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1 minute ago, Rushen Spy said:

Yes, but in Mr Callister's case, it is especially self-serving. He really is a poster child for everything stupid and wrong with the Isle of Man's idiotic and corrupt system. If this was London, he'd still just be a bald prick working in Sainsbury's.

Your view though is blinkered given you failed to get into

a. The Commissioners

b. House of Keys

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5 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

Your view though is blinkered given you failed to get into

a. The Commissioners

b. House of Keys

HAHAHAHA. Unlike you, I have never tried nor wished to "get into" either of these cess pools.

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23 minutes ago, Rushen Spy said:

Exactly. I'd be interested to know the cost and profit regarding the TT magazine that was being priced at something ridiculous like £18 just for a magazine. What costs did this incur, how many copies were printed compared to last year, were last year's sales taken into consideration, what exactly has been done with copies that were not sold, who were the contractors for the writing and printing of the magazine, what other costs were incurred in the production of the magazine, how much profit went to third party private companies, how much funding did the DfE pay towards it, etc.

Good point there about "the program".

I've been in 7 or 8 shops and garages these last two days and there are tons of these £18 rip offs still for sale.

Lots on facebook trying to get hold of a copy for a keepsake cant get them, yet we have so many unsold that may get binned.

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7 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

Good point there about "the program".

I've been in 7 or 8 shops and garages these last two days and there are tons of these £18 rip offs still for sale.

Lots on facebook trying to get hold of a copy for a keepsake cant get them, yet we have so many unsold that may get binned.

Pretty sure they would sell a few more if they weren’t so overpriced

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2 minutes ago, Rushen Spy said:

What amazes me is how they can end up with so many unsold, when year after year we know a huge number end up being unsold. It's almost as if somebody completely incompetent is in charge.

Well they probably only cost a few shillings to produce so it's a case of stack them high sell them cheap or maybe not!

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