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Rob Callister

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15 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

Good point there about "the program".

I've been in 7 or 8 shops and garages these last two days and there are tons of these £18 rip offs still for sale.

Lots on facebook trying to get hold of a copy for a keepsake cant get them, yet we have so many unsold that may get binned.

You can buy them online (and those for previous years too).  Presumably those people are only wanting to remember the racing rather than remember having to pay over the odds for everything.

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7 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

You can buy them online (and those for previous years too).  Presumably those people are only wanting to remember the racing rather than remember having to pay over the odds for everything.

hopefully i should just about be able to afford this years round about 2036. please don't tell me it's index linked?

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50 minutes ago, Rushen Spy said:

Exactly. I'd be interested to know the cost and profit regarding the TT magazine that was being priced at something ridiculous like £18 just for a magazine. What costs did this incur, how many copies were printed compared to last year, were last year's sales taken into consideration, what exactly has been done with copies that were not sold, who were the contractors for the writing and printing of the magazine, what other costs were incurred in the production of the magazine, how much profit went to third party private companies, how much funding did the DfE pay towards it, etc.

Oh FFS TJ it doesn't matter what it is. A gig, a stand-up, a concert, a Roses T-20 whatever the souvenir program is always stupidly priced but not so stupidly that they don't sell. In fact the opening pricing must be an agonising decision because there are so many factors at play and you only get one shot at it.

If you got out more you would realise this....

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22 minutes ago, MrPB said:

Is there an event going on that all the forum bullies are out at tonight? They all seem to be appearing at the same time and picking on the same person in unison. Is there a bullying anonymous pub quiz on tonight? Or is it another meeting of the GOA? 

Ah bless, snowflake is out again. Do you take every opportunity you can to be offended on others behalf?

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41 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Oh FFS TJ it doesn't matter what it is. A gig, a stand-up, a concert, a Roses T-20 whatever the souvenir program is always stupidly priced but not so stupidly that they don't sell. In fact the opening pricing must be an agonising decision because there are so many factors at play and you only get one shot at it.

If you got out more you would realise this....

They're always expensive and always a disappointment.

ETA: Event programmes that it, not MHKs.

Edited by woolley
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2 minutes ago, Neil Down said:
24 minutes ago, MrPB said:

Is there an event going on that all the forum bullies are out at tonight? They all seem to be appearing at the same time and picking on the same person in unison. Is there a bullying anonymous pub quiz on tonight? Or is it another meeting of the GOA? 

Ah bless, snowflake is out again. Do you take every opportunity you can to be offended on others behalf?

He surely cant be TJ No 105 ?

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3 minutes ago, MrPB said:

It may well have done. I was just wondering what sort of club or focal point might serve to get a load of aging, self-obesssed, angry, mouthy, bullies all in the same place on the same night and some sort of overgrown boys club for failed public sector management was the only thing I could think of. Or is there a lodge meeting on perhaps? 

The sort of club who decided that you were a complete prick.

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2 hours ago, Rushen Spy said:


More than 1,400 passengers used the horse trams over the 2019 TT fortnight - at a cost to the taxpayer of over £700.

A rather strange circumstance for Rob Callister as the Member for TOURISM in the Department for Enterprise (unless that has changed?) to ask these basic questions (that you'd expect they'd already know the answer to, if there was anybody competent in charge) as official Tynwald Questions.

I assume that he asked it because he wanted to make that very point.  The one thing we know about Manx Government Departments is that are rubbish at telling each other anything.  Presumably if the underlings actually doing any work were allowed to communicate with each other directly, then it would become clear that the whole elaborate management structure was unnecessary.   Of course the really interesting question would be how much extra did the DoI spend to get the track ready for use by TT.  I suspect it would be a lot more than the £700 they spent on wages less the fares taken.

It can't entirely be a diversionary tactic because I think questions have to be submitted eight days before the Keys sitting, so he would have had to know there was something embarrassing to hide by the Monday of TT Week.  Though there usually is.

Actually the most useful thing about that news item[1] is that it gives access to the Written Questions from today's Keys.  Some interesting stuff there.


[1]  I assume it's by young Mr Gawne as he appears to be the only person on Douglas Head who understands that a news story can be longer than three sentences and knows how links work.


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2 hours ago, Rushen Spy said:

Exactly. I'd be interested to know the cost and profit regarding the TT magazine that was being priced at something ridiculous like £18 just for a magazine. What costs did this incur, how many copies were printed compared to last year, were last year's sales taken into consideration, what exactly has been done with copies that were not sold, who were the contractors for the writing and printing of the magazine, what other costs were incurred in the production of the magazine, how much profit went to third party private companies, how much funding did the DfE pay towards it, etc.

And how many unsold copies are binned/skipped/incinerator fodder..? 

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