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Rob Callister

La Colombe

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10 hours ago, finlo said:


Is he posting on his own page or his mhk or social media outlet. He quite obviously tries to convince people he is useful and superior, reality is he will be unemployed and unemployable In less than 2 years like he was before he became a mhk.    He isn’t a minister and his take home pay is about the same as a junior to middle manager hardly indicative of an achieving middle aged man, like he likes to think he is.   I have yet to hear a single worth sound or word come from this guy apart from when he runs from reality of his job and resigns every other week.   Sick of hearing the guys shite.  He thinks the public are idiots, strangely he never answers a direct question when asked. 

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10 hours ago, Kopek said:

....but shouldn't MHKs be open to scrutiny?

Seems to me that if he donated one of his kidneys to your dying Grandmother, you still would find something wrong with that!


if he helped delay my inheritance i'd probably be a bit miffed myself too.

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30 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

The guy is sticking up some holiday snaps. Can't believe people are upset about that. 

Actually it isn’t. I had a look when I read this thread and it’s actually about 2,000 words solely about his fucking holiday with pictures. It’s hard to see what interest or value it confers to anyone interested in local politics other than giving the appearance of some big headed twat having a really great time on his tax payer funded salary. You do wonder what goes through his head (if anything) 

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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1 hour ago, thesultanofsheight said:

Actually it isn’t. I had a look when I read this thread and it’s actually about 2,000 words solely about his fucking holiday with pictures. It’s hard to see what interest or value it confers to anyone interested in local politics other than giving the appearance of some big headed twat having a really great time on his tax payer funded salary. You do wonder what goes through his head (if anything) 

He's his own worst enemy isn't he?[1]  In his last week's blog entry, he said:


However, I am a little apprehensive about sharing details of our holiday, especially when I know some people are unable to take holidays this year for various reasons.

I guess this is one of the issues when you choose to post a weekly blog, but hopefully no one will object, and I am happy to share a few pictures on my personal facebook page shortly.

Which was followed by reams of 'What I did on my holidays' type writing which makes him sound like a particularly needy nine-year-old.  And even more in this week's entry.

There's just no need for it.  A simple statement as to the dates of his holiday, plus who constituents could contact in an emergency would be enough.  Maybe a few reflections on what he saw on his return prompted by what he saw that related to how other places handle certain things.  But the rest is stuff that only your nearest and dearest will be interested in and could be kept for private Facebook accounts or similar.


[1]  Cries of "Not while I'm alive, he ain't" from several MF regulars.  You know who you are.

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2 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

He's his own worst enemy isn't he?[1]  In his last week's blog entry, he said:

Which was followed by reams of 'What I did on my holidays' type writing which makes him sound like a particularly needy nine-year-old.  And even more in this week's entry.

I’d say that in times of austerity for many with some of his constituents perhaps likely to be using the food bank to feed their kids this summer it could look to many like being more than just being your own your worst enemy. It gives the appearance of having absolutely no ability to self analyze or have any form of common sense or empathy whatsoever. We all know MHKs go on holiday. But as you say nobody needs to read the excited 2,000 plus word diary of Adrian Mole aged 50 advertising all the fantastic things he’s doing while others less fortunate are stuck at home paying taxes which contribute to his salary. Can you imagine Howard Quayle or Alf Cannan being daft enough to post about the expensive resorts they’ve been to this year in Facebook announcements to their constituents? They'd get totally slated for being rich and elitist (not least by James Corrin on his Facebook Group) and rightly so. It’s immensely poor judgement on display and that’s about it. I’m not surprised some people have commented negatively at all. 

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This is ridiculous. This is not the behaviour of an elected representative of the HOK. This is not personal toward Mr Callister this is a subjective issue.

I can’t imagine a contemporary of his across the water getting away with such nonsense - and it is nonsense. This is nothing to do with public scrutiny and transparency, this is all to do with a few people in the wrong places encouraging him and this encouragement is supporting his belief that he’s doing the right thing. 

If this nonsense was being published by an MP in the Uk, there would be someone from central  office telling him to button it. I understand his colleagues and friends have tried to have a quiet word on him but he’s absolutely convinced he’s doing the right thing, and he isn’t. 

Is there one single person (apart from Kopek) who thinks it’s a good read? That it’s an appropriate historical record of the events in the life of an MHK in 2019? Does it show us in good light or is it not cringeworthy and embarrassing. If it was Chris who works in the coop (no offence Chris) he could post what he likes but this is a representative of the government of the Isle for Man. Someone who is elected to represent us at the highest level. Designated Survivor blog it is not.  

The real question however is not whether it’s a good read or not the question is, why he is not being managed from up top and instead of a quiet word, he’s just told. I can’t imagine another government department where another senior officer would be allowed to post such inconsequential shite without some hard talking to. The problem isn’t RC, the problem is that he’s not being managed affectively. I honestly believe that RC does everything with the best of intentions. He’s a good man at heart,  but he just doesn’t understand people, or their feelings. it’s a shame and an effective manager would keep him doing what he’s good at at reigning him on that the stuff he doesn’t do so well  So, it’s really not personal, it’s just a despair at the inefficient and toxic environment of government at its highest level  






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1 hour ago, Donald Trumps said:

Shame Mr Callister doesn't use his blog to write openly about the political situation on the island

Our politicos are remarkably silent

And that is exactly what one might expect from a government representative of the House of Keys. 

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6 minutes ago, ecobob said:

I understand his colleagues and friends have tried to have a quiet word on him but he’s absolutely convinced he’s doing the right thing, and he isn’t. 

Is there one single person (apart from Kopek) who thinks it’s a good read? That it’s an appropriate historical record of the events in the life of an MHK in 2019? Does it show us in good light or is it not cringeworthy and embarrassing. If it was Chris who works in the coop (no offence Chris) he could post what he likes but this is a representative of the government of the Isle for Man. Someone who is elected to represent us at the highest level. Designated Survivor blog it is not.  

The real question however is not whether it’s a good read or not the question is, why he is not being managed from up top and instead of a quiet word, he’s just told.

This is politics. Why should it be anyone’s responsibility to tell you that you’re a bell end who is ruining all chances of getting re-elected? You have to assume that an independent politician is responsible for his own actions. The party machine is not there to reign anyone in and neither should it as Tynwald is not a party. If you choose to present yourself as a complete tool to the general public as a holder of political office then that’s your fault. It’s not the fault of the people around you. 

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17 minutes ago, Grounds Keeper Willy said:
1 hour ago, ecobob said:

He’s a good man at heart,  but he just doesn’t understand people, or their feelings.

Isn't that the very definition of some sort of sociopath? 

Not really.  A sociopath does tend to understand people and their feelings - they just don't care about people and use their feelings to manipulate others for their own benefit.

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A psychopath certainly displays those traits. Funnily enough, we all do to some extents but most of us are at the mild edge of the spectrum. Cluster B personality disordered types including psychopathy, also have these traits but these traits are only a small part of their condition, not all. 

There are many people who are not socially or emotional literate and who cannot feel empathy but it’s an extremely large spectrum and one can be at opposing ends to the other. 

Other disorders and syndromes have these traits, autism for example. High functioning Aspergers as a further example of Autism  - but they are not psychopaths either  :)


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2 hours ago, thesultanofsheight said:

This is politics. Why should it be anyone’s responsibility to tell you that you’re a bell end who is ruining all chances of getting re-elected? You have to assume that an independent politician is responsible for his own actions. The party machine is not there to reign anyone in and neither should it as Tynwald is not a party. If you choose to present yourself as a complete tool to the general public as a holder of political office then that’s your fault. It’s not the fault of the people around you. 

I wouldn’t say he’s a bell end. He’s hugely annoying as are most people stuck in some rigid dogma of self belief and lack of self awareness. And, as I said in my post, there will be plenty fair weather friends telling him he’s god’s gift and when you live in that ‘bubble’ it’s hard to see the wood from the trees. The only real public challenge he gets is on here but look how he reacts? And that’s what he does, he reacts, he doesn’t respond. His replies are quickfire and not indicative of someone stepping back to look at the whole picture. 

As to your question? In simple terms because his blog is embarrassing and inappropriate. It is not the blog of a senior statesman. We are trying to compete on the bigger stage and our government should look slick, cohesive and professional and anyone who’s behaviour does not adhere to that should be brought back into line. Like Juan and the bus for example. He came very very close to losing his job but instead he got bollocked and told to get his shit together - and he has. Wouldn’t you expect the CM to make it clear all his team should do the same - including RC?

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