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Rob Callister

La Colombe

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Mr Watterson has demonstrated some political maturity of late in my book by calling for a Tynwald Committee on Poverty & advocating the appointment of an Auditor General. I hope he enures the powers of the latter particularly are not limited by the Quayle gang

Edited by Donald Trumps
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7 hours ago, John Wright said:

The historic method dates back in its origins to the sheadings and parishes. They always counted clockwise from Glenfaba ( senior sheading because it contains Tynwald ). This is reflected in the manorial rolls, indices of the deeds registry, layout of Woods atlas, Kneen’s Manx Place Names, seniority of precedence of Coroner’s and all sorts of other arcane features.

You're wrong, Roger, I don’t care, but I do know. Subtle, I know, but different.

Well you cared enough to comment on it!  I wasn't implying it was keeping you awake at night. ;)

Oddly enough the clockwise thing doesn't quite work.  The order started Glenfaba, Ramsey, Ayre, Michael, Peel.  You'd have to have a fairly wonky clock for that.  So there's some other historical thing going on (or they got things wrong once and were too proud to admit it).

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1 hour ago, slinkydevil said:
3 hours ago, foxdaleliberationfront said:

It's fascinating that this one particular politician has generated 73 pages of content 

Should be on his manifesto next election as a stat proving how popular he is. Most popular MHK by far.

Nonsense!  Watterson got 214 pages, just by being sick on a bus.  Callister needs to up (or possibly throw up) his game.

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