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Rob Callister

La Colombe

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11 hours ago, slinkydevil said:

Should be on his manifesto next election as a stat proving how popular he is. Most popular MHK by far.

FFS  I have only just finished reading his first manifesto, must have cost him a fortune to print, a small novel.

Mr Popular had 57 pledges on his manifesto and has actually acheived none, as far as I can see.


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I hope Mr Callister and his wife enjoyed his holiday, for which I do not begrudge, as he is entitled to it.

What I am concerned about and thought it was Ill advised, the two weekly blogs detailing his intermary and account of the holiday so far. 

In some respects this holiday comes across as luxurious and decadent (whilst he may have paid bargain basement prices), and I’m sure there are many residents in Onchan living on the breadline - if you read the Facebook page of Isle of Man News and Politics, you would be under the impression of widespread hunger, famine and destitution in some parts of the island including Onchan. 

Some people may be asking or thinking could Mr Callister as Member of Starship Enterprise with responsibility for Motorsports, Tourism and Cruise Liners - could he have obtained a cheaper rate, for a cruise if it had visited the island previously? I’m sure Mr Callister paid top dollar, but to some there will be a perception. 

Lastly whilst talking to people, particularly some involved with Marshalling etc, Mr Callister’s abs emcee was noticed, but not necessarily missed.

Edited by 2112
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6 hours ago, Cheesy Wheezy said:

I doesn’t require any form of analysis of the 57 pages he produced to fact check against. He’s done nothing other than generate a disproportionate amount of publicity about himself doing nothing. But Onchan seems to have such low expectations of people that they’re happy being fed a load of old flannel by a total chancer who makes it look like he does so much while at the same time doing absolutely nothing. 

What have the rest of the island's MHK's achieved then?

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I think Rob should be praised for attempting to stay in contact with the public (not just his constituents because MHKs are also responsible to all the Island as well); trying to explain what his job entails; trying to justify how he spends his time.  But far too often he is devaluing all that by being Mr Too-Much-Information and just producing a stream-of-(semi)consciousness babble without considering what would help people understand his job. 

If rather than producing daily timesheets in prose, he focused on fewer, more important topics - perhaps the ones who would like public input on - then maybe he'd get less derision and more positive feedback.

And no Rob, we don't need to know What You Did On Your Holidays.

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4 hours ago, Cheesy Wheezy said:

Other MHKs are at least honest about the fact they have done nothing. You don’t see Ann Corlett or Ralph Peake posting voluminous loads of absolute made up shite on Facebook every week pretending they’ve been busy when actually they’ve done the square root of bugger all for months. I object to the insulting and deliberately contrived way his clear inactivity and inability to deliver almost everything is somehow re-packaged and presented an as activity report for stupid people. He is a master illusionist with a clear and real skill in gaslighting as it’s showing activity about nothing. There’s been about 4,000 words reproduced just on his fucking holiday in the last three weeks. That has no value to anyone and provides no benchmenk of success in anything he is actually paid to do to represent his constituents. But nobody except a few on here and a few people who seem to always get instantly blocked on Facebook go “Hang on a minute that’s 2,000 words of pure bullshit you’ve just posted about your holiday. But what have you actually done this month in your paid for job to represent the people of Onchan as I can’t see anything?” Instead the usual simpering idiots seem to say “Gosh you’ve done such a lot this week Rob you must be so tired!” When it’s clear if you actually read the few scraps of actual information imparted (if you can actually find any) he’s done absolutely fuck all for any of them.

You seem to be the only one having a hissy fit over it. Still smarting over the fact you didn’t get to be an MHK then...

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5 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

I think Rob should be praised for attempting to stay in contact with the public (not just his constituents because MHKs are also responsible to all the Island as well); trying to explain what his job entails; trying to justify how he spends his time.  But far too often he is devaluing all that by being Mr Too-Much-Information and just producing a stream-of-(semi)consciousness babble without considering what would help people understand his job. 

If rather than producing daily timesheets in prose, he focused on fewer, more important topics - perhaps the ones who would like public input on - then maybe he'd get less derision and more positive feedback.

And no Rob, we don't need to know What You Did On Your Holidays.

Roger, is that a polite way of saying that RC is a cock?

Edited by Uhtred
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It's not the blog that's the problem it's the content. He focuses, normally, on the micro detail of his day, rather than the interesting (to the reader) issues. Same with the "What I Did On My Holidays" posts that are really just an itinerary rather than focus on the one or two places or experiences that he has something interesting to tell us about.  

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46 minutes ago, Declan said:

It's not the blog that's the problem it's the content. He focuses, normally, on the micro detail of his day, rather than the interesting (to the reader) issues. Same with the "What I Did On My Holidays" posts that are really just an itinerary rather than focus on the one or two places or experiences that he has something interesting to tell us about.  

The majority of posters on here will know what his blogs contain so do yourselves a favour and just don't read them. Problem solved...

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56 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

The majority of posters on here will know what his blogs contain so do yourselves a favour and just don't read them. Problem solved...

If you use social media it’s pretty hard to escape them as he literally carpet bombs the most popular politics groups. It should be something you subscribe to not something that is thrust into your face as a social media user. At least the PAG stopped reposting it some time ago. I presume as it’s general lack of substance was of little interest to anyone interested in political or social progress. 

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From Rob's manifesto:

“If elected, I would want to see Tynwald Court reverting back to being a genuine debating chamber under the full scrutiny of the Manx public and local media.”

Obviously this includes the cost of a letter.......

Other hollow promises and bland vague statements can be found here: https://www.gov.im/media/1352876/robert-callister-manifesto_v2.pdf


Edited by Mr Helmut Fromage
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