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Rob Callister

La Colombe

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31 minutes ago, Rob Callister said:

Again more incorrect statements...... I set the AD to finish after 3 days 

I didn’t respond to the FB message because it from a fake account....


It wasn’t a message, it was a comment and it was removed and it wasn’t from a fake account. I’m quite prepared to listen and contribute to the debate on whether this is morally right or not but I’m not prepared to let untruths go unchallenged. 

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52 minutes ago, Rob Callister said:

Again more incorrect statements...... I set the AD to finish after 3 days 

I didn’t respond to the FB message because it from a fake account....


You really do need to learn to read. The comment I reproduced was ecobobs not mine. I didn’t say that, I quoted what ecobob had posted a few pages back as an apology to ecobob as I had misread it. That said I see you have now used your standard childish claim of fake accounts. Is that your Nuremberg defense when choosing not to answer any questions from the public about things you yourself choose to post publicly on Facebook? You seem to use it often enough. This isn’t about you as I have said often enough - it’s about debating the ethics of bought for political ads on social media which you have recently elected to do which is the only reason why you have been mentioned. 

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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53 minutes ago, Rob Callister said:


I didn’t respond to the FB message because it from a fake account....


Alleging fake accounts can get you suspended.

Rob, don’t respond to them. It just winds it up and continues a debate you know you can’t win.

Why waste your time? Surely your priceless media training taught you that.

If this carries on there’ll be multiple suspensions before the night is out.

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10 minutes ago, John Wright said:

Alleging fake accounts can get you suspended.

Rob, don’t respond to them. It just winds it up and continues a debate you know you can’t win.

Why waste your time? Surely your priceless media training taught you that.

If this carries on there’ll be multiple suspensions before the night is out.

So you suspend people now for discussing FB fake accounts?

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15 minutes ago, John Wright said:

Alleging fake accounts can get you suspended.

Rob, don’t respond to them. It just winds it up and continues a debate you know you can’t win.

Why waste your time? Surely your priceless media training taught you that.

If this carries on there’ll be multiple suspensions before the night is out.


Is it still acceptable to discuss the morality of whether MHK’s should pay for sponsored posts?  The discussion seems to be being derailed by one poster thinking this debate is only about him rather than the subject in general. I don’t want to get suspended so would welcome some guidance. Thanks. 

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3 minutes ago, ecobob said:


Is it still acceptable to discuss the morality of whether MHK’s should pay for sponsored posts?  The discussion seems to be being derailed by one poster thinking this debate is only about him rather than the subject in general. I don’t want to get suspended so would welcome some guidance. Thanks. 

I’ve set up a new thread.

This is now completely nuts to be honest but I fully see JWs point. It needs a separate and independent thread. 

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13 minutes ago, Cheesy Wheezy said:

What a sad and apparently somewhat angry bell end. You claim you’re being trolled, or at least so pronounces the forums modern day Ned Flanders who can’t take an ounce of personal criticism without publicly acting like a total clown.  You might need to heed John Wright’s warning about how you deploy your expensive media training. I think together with other Manx tax payers I paid at least £1,800 for you to be told how not to make an embarrassing knob out of yourself on public forums. Can I get a tax rebate? You don't seem to have taken anything on board. 

You may also want to consider constructing a post minus the insults

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In all of this, is he not simply doing what he was enjoined so to do, thusly

Yer man

I, Rodebrecht Eduardus Callister, do swear by Almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, her heirs and successors.

So help me God.

Yer Deemster

Her Majesty’s counsel, your fellows, and your own, you shall not reveal; you shall use your best endeavours to maintain the ancient laws and customs of this Isle.

You shall justly and truly deliver your opinion and do right in all matters which shall be put unto you, without favour or affection, affinity or consanguinity, love or fear, reward or gain, or for any hope thereof;  but in all things you shall deal uprightly and justly and do wrong to no man.

So help you God, and by the contents of this Book. 

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On 9/21/2019 at 1:54 PM, thesultanofsheight said:

Thanks John that’s really helpful - and that’s from the moment candidature is declared but we’re not in election time yet so what’s to stop a stupid amount being spent on expenses now in advance to significantly boost profile before the next election corridor? I think it’s still unfair for any candidate to be buying targeted social media ads to deliberately enhance their social media profile at any time. You have to question for what purpose is it being done, how much is it costing, and is it being paid by the taxpayer? 

I don't think it is, if it's within the election period and spending cap. It's no more inherently wrong than a poster. 

But. Use of paid advertising by a sitting member to promote their image, before the election is declared, is still wrong. 

edit: after catching up on the thread. An MHK using paid advertising to campaign on a political issue, seems reasonable. Provided it is not a regular bit of self promo. 

Edited by Declan
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