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Rob Callister

La Colombe

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1 hour ago, Holte End said:

Can I ask why would DfE cover the cost of you going to watch a Pool Competition.?

Because he promised Skelly if he got it right the DFE would have the world rights to pool? As you say though why would they fund it? It was pretty much a holiday to watch a pool competition and have a chat with the organizers so why should the taxpayer (via the Department) fund it? Which is ironic really as one of the versions of reality Callister has offered above is that it was paid for on his expenses so in that case they did!

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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I think they should all have to come up with justification for their expenses. For my own amusement if nothing else. Rob himself is a bit of a conundrum for me, obviously a bit of a plonker so it should be a no-brainer, but at the same time it's also quite obvious to me that there are some on here that are obsessed with ripping him to bits at every opportunity, not necessarily just because he is a plonker, there seems ulterior motive and it seems as if people are trying to manipulate my mind. Sensing this, I find myself defending the guy and taking his side, even though I think he's a plonker. Due to this same mechanism I usually end up supporting Chile or Uruguay at the world cup.

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1 hour ago, Declan said:

Meanwhile he'll have colleagues who don't spend anything on admin expenses still get the allowance and claim Government Expenses on top of that, but no-one's challenging them.

No ones challenging them I’d wager as they are being honest by saying nothing and not making up shit to try to work back to a false number that you can’t work back to as its not really an expenses payment at all as most people understand. That to me is the problem here. Making up bollocks to attempt to justify something you can’t justify makes you a bigger idiot than just saying nothing. 

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2 hours ago, Rushen Spy said:

Yes, Rob deserves a Nobel Prize for his bravery in being transparent and cutting edge social media engagement. It has revealed to us all just how little MHKs actually do and how much money they waste. We either need to get rid of some of them or give them more tasks to do.

It has also highlighted that Rob Callister BBC MHK ITV B&Q NSC (NOT TT trademarked) is too vain / thick / self indulged to remember (and quoting the man himself) which "Lies Lies Lies" he has told and to whom.

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4 hours ago, Rob Callister said:

No, I didn't add my professional fees onto my personal tax return.

As for the IPA trip, the funds came out of my personal bank account..... the alternative option was to ask DfE to cover the cost of the trip, but I didn't feel comfortable with that idea especially when I am given "expenses" each month....

I have always offered to finance any trips wherever possible, both on the Parliament and the Department level.  

People might not agree with the items that I have listed, but I remain the only Tynwald Member to try to explain how these funds have been spent each year.  

An independent committee is currently looking at MHK / MLC pay, including expenses - so hopefully I won't have to publish my expenses next year.


You could just give the expenses to charity like other MHK have done in the past, quietly.  

Why are you saying hopefully you won’t have to publish your expenses,  we didn’t ask you to, idiot!!

 We already know you are over paid and have to much time on your hands that you are busy marketing yourself.  Sharing Jeremy Kyle shite to make yourself feel important.    

Get off your arse and do some work....work..not blogging, arguing, big yourself up, condescending idiot that you are, work!   You sound like a complete egotistical idiot.  An idiot who thinks the general public are as daft as you are.   The only person happy to read your pathetic made up expenditure list is the other Onchan MHK who will be happy you spend so much on stamps to write to your make believe friends in Lapland.   

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