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Rob Callister

La Colombe

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2 hours ago, Rushen Spy said:

I don't think the Chief Minister or the ministers are overpaid. I think departmental members are overpaid given the very little amount of work they do in their capacity as departmental members and especially when the % increase is on top of an already overly generous base salary. It should be understood when standing and becoming an MHK, that being a departmental member is one element of your job, and not an add-on with more pay.

If you worked out the hourly rate then you would realise they are all massively overpaid for what little they do. And please don't get me started on the "value" of their personal "contribution", which is a sick joke really.

Members of the Lords get £305 per day attended plus usual X's. However they have responsibility for an electorate and budgets that make Tynwald look like the town council it really is.

I personally believe their remuneration and expenses should be based on hours actually worked and contribution made in performing the role. Not the current money for nothing circus that is Tynwald...

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On 9/28/2019 at 5:54 PM, Cheesy Wheezy said:

Hilariously this week the master of the 360 social media about turn announces that they aren’t really expenses after all. It was all a dream him publishing a list and claiming that they were expenses last week apparently. What he didn’t realize was how hard making up fictitious expenses actually was despite him doing it for the previous two years and publishing it all like it was all real. Who would have guessed that he didn’t realize that making shit up was so going to lead to people pointing out that you’ve just made shit up? 


If it was basic pay he would be paying tax and pension and NI against it.      Did this guy get voted in by the public for being so thick?

...or is he beyond ignorant?

  It’s not rocket science writing a list that is employment related.   Such as paying for a phone or paying petrol or work related tasks.

 NOT suits, NOT trips to pool halls, NOT donating personally to unknown charity (if he did)  printer ink, stamps.  

The public is paying him over 60k a year to be this stupid and he is paying a websites to publicise how thick he is.  

Keep this thread intact on run up to next election so no one forgets how stupid he thinks the working man is. 

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49 minutes ago, Grounds Keeper Willy said:

Not wanting to perpetuate this thread really but you do raise an interesting point there as I would have thought if you had donated to a charity (great) you would confirm which charity you had donated to? 

To benefit from the correct tax relief you need to both declare and prove to the Tax office the donation....

I've just Bought Jonathan Stansfield a House...........

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