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Rob Callister

La Colombe

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Oh dear.

"In my 2016 House of Keys General Election Manifesto, I made reference to “Members’ Expenses” that all Tynwald Members receive. I promised Onchan Constituents back then that I would publish a full list of my expenses incurred each year, if elected…..

"What I didn’t realise was how difficult it would be to publish this type of information, because I was never going to be able to publish a list of expenses that everyone would agree with.

"Members’ expenses are not something new, Tynwald Members have been receiving these monthly expenses for many years and some would argue strongly that these funds are nothing more than a pay rise disguised as expenses, which was introduced a long time ago and probably went under the radar of the Manx Public.

"For all intents and purposes, we might as well simply say that the basic pay for Tynwald Members is £50,882.60 and not the £43,479 as published under the remuneration and allowances on the Tynwald website.

"For myself personally, I find it hard to justify looking at my payslip each month and seeing a line entitled “Member Expenses”, especially when there are no guidelines around these payments.

"If nothing else my expenses list that I have published annually has certainly put the topic in the public domain and an independent committee is now looking into Tynwald Members’ remuneration and expenses."

The "expenses" were rolled into the remuneration, at the maximum claimable amount of some £6000 per annum, in December 2011 if I remember correctly. So wrong, not "a long time ago" at all.

The background - at the time the Public Sector so-called workers, with whom Tynwald aligns itself with for whatever advantage it brings, were under a pay freeze. At the same time the Tynpotwalders were also coming under pressure to contribute towards their stupidly generous pensions. Heaven forbid!

So they hit on the wizard wheeze to vote themselves a payrise by rolling in the maximum annual expense allowance of £6000 pa into the stipend. Presumably to avoid themselves looking like a bunch of greedy, overpaid parasites what with the CS/PS, with whom they align themselves, being under a pay freeze. Well, that certainly fooled muggins taxpayer exactly as intended....

So they could then claim they were contributing to their pensions by paying in this "non-payrise" free money (to them) into their stupidly generous pension fund. Win / Win.

You must remember here that we are talking about the government, who we should trust to look after our best interests, who retained free parking for themselves whilst legislating to make the far less mobile disabled drivers pay for theirs...

The tax and NI situation is interesting. I was forever being beaten up by the secretaries to bang in my X's on time because they were the cost of doing business which could be claimed back starting with the VAT.

So the justification for being tax and NI free is what exactly? And how about Mr Houghton who somehow forgot to make his contributions?

Yep, the whole set-up really stinks...

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17 hours ago, Rushen Spy said:

Performance as in productivity? That's not going to help when AI begins to change the entire economic and labour system and there's talk of UBI.

I hate it when you post something relatively sensible

Electorate should dictate what they want to see in the Programme For Government

Politicians should be rewarded on what they achieve for us, be they in government or opposition

AI tools will be there to help them, perhaps to aggregate the views of the electorate

AI tools will assist enterprise decision makers to assess their way forward

AI tools will assist in the design of smart communities (no more greenfield developmnent!)

Can AI do economic development planning?

This government doesn't so maybe AI should

Edited by Donald Trumps
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On 9/28/2019 at 11:50 PM, Roger Mexico said:

No he gets paid more than that.  You've got to remember the supplementary payments for Departmental Membership (DM) etc.  I reckon the current salaries including 'expenses' are:

No DM (£ 50,882.60): August-Hanson, Beecroft, Lord-Brennan, Poole-Wilson, Robertshaw

DM(s) only 30% (£ 63,926.30): Caine, Callister, Corlett, Cretney, Hooper, Maska, Moorhouse, Sharpe

Treasury DM or DM plus Board Chair, 40% (£ 68,274.20): Allinson, Baker, Edge, Henderson, Peake, Perkins, Shimmins

Ministers and Pres of Tynwald 50% (£ 72,622.10): Ashford, Boot, Cannan, Cregeen, Harmer, Malarkey, Rodan, Skelly, Thomas

Speaker 60% (£ 76,970.00): Watterson

Chief Minister 80% (£ 85,665.80): Quayle

Did you reach an overall figure for the total payroll burden to the nation Roger?

Edited by Donald Trumps
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Well, he said there was no obvious requirement for greenfield development on this island at this time

Most folks outside of the Cabinet Office would surely reach that conclusion

Wonder what the independent inquiry chair will say in his report.....

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2 hours ago, hissingsid said:

He has researched, done his homework on this and made a really good case why this ridiculous scheme at the top of Birch Hill is neither desirable or makes sense.

makes no difference really,  we still got  runway extension we didn't need 

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