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Rob Callister

La Colombe

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45 minutes ago, buncha wankas said:
So let me get this straight  the mhk tasked with being the chair of an active committee

There's not enough investment being made by government to make our roads and homes safe when bad weather hits the Island.

That's from Onchan MHK Rob Callister speaking in his capacity as chair of the Environment and Infrastructure Policy Review Committee.

excuse me mate but that was your job to ensure as the chair of the committee.  The idea is you do your job and ensure others do theirs before stating the obvious. 

Beyond a joke, does he ever comprehend how daft he is?

Actually it's not his job. The role of this Committee is to scrutinise Departmental policy and make recommendations for changes to this based on the committee members opinions of what good policy is shaped by evidence taken.

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11 hours ago, Ham_N_Eggs said:

Actually it's not his job. The role of this Committee is to scrutinise Departmental policy and make recommendations for changes to this based on the committee members opinions of what good policy is shaped by evidence taken.

So then your are saying he is just grandstanding.

This reactive and proactive talk is all bullshit.

Next he will saying lets bring in people from the University of Higherinsight to help.

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13 hours ago, Chef Raekwon said:

There's great public sympathy towards the impacted people in Laxey, and there's loads of people being generous on social media to help people out.  I'm pretty sure Rob's just bandwagoning and trying to associate himself with the sentiment.

That’s pretty much guaranteed to be the case.

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13 hours ago, Chef Raekwon said:

There's great public sympathy towards the impacted people in Laxey, and there's loads of people being generous on social media to help people out.  I'm pretty sure Rob's just bandwagoning and trying to associate himself with the sentiment.

Pretty much guaranteed that no matter what RC does, it'll bring out the haters...

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2 hours ago, Neil Down said:

Pretty much guaranteed that no matter what RC does, it'll bring out the haters...

How is pointing out the obvious in anyway construed as hating? It never ceases to amaze me the weirdness that takes over on these boards whenever that tits name is even mentioned. It seems fine for people to openly criticize Quayle, Ashford, Beecroft, or Thomas or indeed any of the others in the most insulting way going often - but question the actions of this perpetually self publicizing muppet and it seems to become a forum hate crime. It is very odd indeed. 

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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2 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

How is pointing out the obvious in anyway construed as hating? It never ceases to amaze me the weirdness that takes over on these boards whenever that tits name is even mentioned. It seems fine for people to openly criticize Quayle, Ashford, Beecroft, or Thomas or indeed any of the others in the most insulting way going often - but question the actions of this perpetually self publicizing muppet and it seems to become a forum hate crime. It is very odd indeed. 

It never ceases to amaze me just how fixated with RC you are.

I could care less what any of them do or more to the point don't do. They put themselves forward with fancy manifestos and almost immediately once they are voted in, conveniently forget their election promises

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4 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

It never ceases to amaze me just how fixated with RC you are.

Im not. I comment on these board like anyone else does. I don't comment any more than anyone else does on this topic either. Just as other people freely comment on other MHKs they think aren’t very good. Some of the stuff said about HQ or Ashford is just plain insulting. Do you pick other posters up for hate crimes in relation to that? 

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2 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

Im not. I comment on these board like anyone else does. I don't comment any more than anyone else does either. He just come across as a dick. Just as other people freely comment on other MHKs they think aren’t very good. Some of the stuff said about HQ or Ashford is just plain insulting. Do you pick other posters up for that? 

I will if you can show me another MHK where 98 pages are dedicated to them...

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2 hours ago, Neil Down said:
16 hours ago, Chef Raekwon said:

There's great public sympathy towards the impacted people in Laxey, and there's loads of people being generous on social media to help people out.  I'm pretty sure Rob's just bandwagoning and trying to associate himself with the sentiment.

Pretty much guaranteed that no matter what RC does, it'll bring out the haters...

Of course both these things could be true.  And to be fair to Rob, publicising yourself is part of what being a politician is about.  It's just you need to make sure that it isn't all that you are about (not that that seems to have stopped the rise of Boris Johnson).

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20 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Yes 214 pages as opposed to 98. But apparently thats fine. As I said above I really do not understand the weirdness and strange hysteria that seems to take over these boards whenever one particular person is criticized in anyway. It’s completely disproportionate. I’ve said often enough maybe his name should be banned from being mentioned on here as it seems to instantly trigger yet another forum meltdown whenever he’s mentioned. Yet I never see anything but glee and hand wringing being shown whenever HQ or Ashford (or Watterson) is ripped to pieces. You do wonder how far his social:media activities actually reach .. 

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Just now, thesultanofsheight said:

Yes 214 pages as opposed to 98. But apparently thats fine. As I said above I really do not understand the weirdness and strange hysteria that seems to take over these boards whenever one particular person is criticized in anyway. It’s completely disproportionate. I’ve said often enough maybe his name should be banned from being mentioned on here as it seems to instantly trigger yet another forum meltdown whenever he’s mentioned. Yet I never see anything but glee and hand wringing being shown whenever HQ or Ashford (or Watterson) is ripped to pieces. You do wonder how far his social:media activities actually reach .. 

Sultan, those bits i've marked in bold are all applicable to your own post. Have a cup of tea chief.

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55 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Sultan, those bits i've marked in bold are all applicable to your own post. Have a cup of tea chief.

I don't need a cup of tea. So you’re denying that almost every time this idiots name is mentioned the resultant threads seem to go a bit weird for days with claims like Neil’s? Sorry but I’ve said often enough I really don’t understand how criticizing one MHK seems to be looked upon as worse than criticizing the other 23 and maybe all mention of RC on here should be banned for the general good order of the forum. I dont see Juan Watterson getting all arsey about the crap posted about him, or HQ or Thomas. But it seems to happen in this thread time and time again for some inexplicable reason. That’s all I’m saying. And Neil raised the issue first anyway calling a poster a “hater” for some strange reason. 

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