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Rob Callister

La Colombe

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To be honest, increasing capacity on the buses in TT week probably wouldn’t stop there being overcrowded buses. 

The main problem is traffic holding up one bus. It runs late, so people who were early for the next bus get the delayed one instead. Resulting in the full late bus getting even later because of having to deal with more passengers, whilst the empty one behind is ahead of schedule. 

Or if EasyJet has just landed everyone getting on the next bus with tonnes of baggage. 


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48 minutes ago, Grounds Keeper Willy said:

Some poster is massively and offensively abusive to another poster but the poster who refuses to get abused and trolled by fighting back gets their account locked 

Getting into a slanging match with him is not “refusing to be trolled”. It’s being trolled. 

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5 minutes ago, Grounds Keeper Willy said:

That is correct so why does the person clearly being trolled have their account suspended and not the troll? It seems to me that this forum actively protects its trolls despite having locked the forum down due to trolls about 18 months ago if I remember the new reports correctly. It’s most odd. 

It's because they have paid there subscription's?

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6 minutes ago, Grounds Keeper Willy said:

But to my mind it is as this forum seems to have an issue with several professional trolls who are only on here to troll and abuse but then it only seems to block the people who argue with them. I thought this forum almost closed due to trolls not long ago so it seems odd to me that it actively seems to support the trolling activities of several people who have clearly been on here for years and who seem to hardly never get stopped from their trolling as the people they target seem to get culled instead. 

You need to go into a dark room and lie down for a while

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9 hours ago, Grounds Keeper Willy said:

But to my mind it is as this forum seems to have an issue with several professional trolls who are only on here to troll and abuse but then it only seems to block the people who argue with them. I thought this forum almost closed due to trolls not long ago so it seems odd to me that it actively seems to support the trolling activities of several people who have clearly been on here for years and who seem to hardly never get stopped from their trolling as the people they target seem to get culled instead. 

Trolls only disrupt a forum if other people engage with them.

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Oh that! I forgotten about that. It all blew over in a week or so. 

Lets put it this way, @Grounds Keeper Willy, since you joined the forum I don't see your posting, being any different to dilligaf or Neil. For all I know you are one of the posters from that time that has come back with a new name. It would explain why you keep trying to reopen a trivial issue from years ago. 

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1 minute ago, Grounds Keeper Willy said:

So what happened here then? 


Was it other people engaging with posters? I understand a lot of that was around this thread too and It seems to me that little has really changed and there are still some very persistent trolls on here who add nothing but personal insults and abuse rather than contributing to threads in any constructive way. What you seem to be saying is that I should accept being abused rather than complain as there’s nothing that will be fine about the ones trolling. 

Have you reported?

Moderators can’t read and approve all posts.

Dilli gets suspensions a plenty.

If there’s a tit for tat escalation both ( or more ) get suspended, if it’s seen. There’s nothing to choose between the originator and the responder.

Given the subscription purchase system has been broken for ages there are no current paid up subscribers. Even if there were they wouldn’t get any preferential treatment.

I’ll tell you what happened back then. Attacks on members and moderators got to the stage that some people had had enough.


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1 hour ago, Declan said:

Trolls only disrupt a forum if other people engage with them.

I’m going to print that out and stick it somewhere where I can see it when I come home from the pub. So true but so hard to follow when you’re being goaded. Must do better. 

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2 hours ago, Declan said:

Oh that! I forgotten about that. It all blew over in a week or so. 

Lets put it this way, @Grounds Keeper Willy, since you joined the forum I don't see your posting, being any different to dilligaf or Neil. the rest of us For all I know you are one of the posters from that time that has come back with a new name. It would explain why you keep trying to reopen a trivial issue from years ago. 

corrected for accuracy...

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