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Radio Phone In


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I sometimes see references to Manx Radio on the forum and, in particular, to the poor quality, or even lack of, a decent radio phone in programme.

My husband likes to listen to Radio Merseyside .. not for the phone in but because he knows one of the presenters well. Anyhow ..to get to the point .. I have started listening to the phone in and it has to be the best I have ever heard.

maybe someone on this forum knows a Manx Radio official, if so please ask them to tune in to the Radio Merseyside phone in ..as a model of how it should be done.

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I sometimes see references to Manx Radio on the forum and, in particular, to the poor quality, or even lack of, a decent radio phone in programme.

My husband likes to listen to Radio Merseyside .. not for the phone in but because he knows one of the presenters well. Anyhow ..to get to the point .. I have started listening to the phone in and it has to be the best I have ever heard.

maybe someone on this forum knows a Manx Radio official, if so please ask them to tune in to the Radio Merseyside phone in ..as a model of how it should be done.



The presenter, Roger Phillips, tackles any issues - worlwide or local ones - so the topics will interest people for a variety of reasons. I also like the way that when someone comes on air to say they wish to complain about something or say they have tried to get a resolution to a problem and are getting nowhere then the radio staff will take it up on their behalf and get the company or ogranisation at fault to fix whatever the problem is.


How a real radio phone in should be. You can listen online through the BBC website.

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The problem with Manx Radio running a successful radio phone in is down to the lack of a suitable presenter.


Does anyone remember Andy Wint’s first appearance? He had arrived on the Island after a bad crossing with the Steam Packet. When he got on air and ripped into the Steam Packet calling them all sorts of names. He really gave them a good going over!


Move forward six months --- if anyone said anything bad about the IOMSP he cut them off telling them to contact the company rather than moaning on the radio. I’m sure this had nothing to do with the fact that Mr Wint was travelling back to the UK every weekend to work on a radio station in the South East of England and might have been able to arrange a special travel rate.


This is the problem; the IoM is too small to do “sock jock” radio, and since the semi-retirement of David Callister there is no one at Manx Radio who has the weight/authority to do a good job.

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Maybe you'll contribute to my new Saturday night show then Sam? I'll sit in DC's seat and hope some of the gravitas rubs off.


The quality of a phone-in show is as much to do with the callers as the host, so I hope we'll be able to have some late-night fun.


In fact, I really hope lots of the forum members will call in...it would be nice to put voices to the avatars, and you can keep your screen names too - although I'll put some safeguards in place for obvious legal reasons.


Sock Jock...is that where I laugh at my own jokes?


Call 661368 between 2100-0100.

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Stu! We all thought you and Chris had flounced off the forum!

Good to know you haven't!

Are you looking for 'serious' or 'silly' contributors to the show?

Are you going to recommend some kind of possible agenda at the start of it or is it just going to be a free-for-all?

If I get a chance (Saturday's a bit tricky) I'll listen and may even call!

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Flounced off? Not at all - instead Chris and I now post anonymously as Ans and FCRM... :rolleyes:


I guess the trouble with posting 'in plain view' is that we were both getting bogged down in justifying and explaining things that were often not for us to debate. We were also probably too quick to take the bait if the usual suspects start to slag us, our workmates or employer off!


Chris and I would love to hear from anyone who has a valid point to make, but it's best to send an email to us at work and we'll respond accordingly - on honest reflection, this forum isn't really the best place to do that.


Saturday nights - you'd be MOST welcome! I'm hoping people will call in for fun and a bit of banter rather than enlightenment or serious debate (Roger does that properly on Sundays). But the agenda is down to the callers, as long as they obey the usual rules of decency and legality.


And the great bonus for me is that there's no pressure - if nobody calls, I'll just play another Pink Floyd album track...

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Sounds all very interestig. I'll be lisening in on Saturday alright. I may even give ya a call!


I note that these days the guest speakers on Manx Radio - certainly since the new format after the demise of Mannin Line as we knew it - just seem to be a stream of people who want to either advertise themselves or their businesses. More than the fair share are freemasons too. Now, I'm not trying to put our masonic friends down, but it seems that MR have quite an allegiance in that direction.


In the same way as the same old voices beacame a little predictable on the Mannin Line, so does 'New' Manx Radio. Perhaps a bit 'grey'.


Yes, I think your own shown, given a bit of free rein, could be refreshing for Manx Radio. I wish you the very best with it.

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I guess that I'll just have to make that call then Stu!


Are you still looking for a name for the show as you mentioned this morning?





I think the name thing is sorted, but you'll have to wait to groan at it. And I hope you DO call Stav.


Lisner - thanks for the good wishes. I don't know (or care, really) who the Masons are, but can assure you people aren't invited on the basis of Lodge membership (although maybe they ARE and they're just not telling me). As to the flogging stuff - that's the way of the world I think - people rarely want to give up their time if there's nothing in it for their business/charity/sport/event/department.


My bosses ARE very supportive and do give me free rein (Ignition is a prime example) - but one slanderous call could end that...so I'll not hesitate to pull the plug if I think a live conversation is going that way. I know all about digital delay lines...but they're more of a profanity dump than a deterrent to someone wanting to grind an axe in public.


Nuff said for now - let's see how it all pans out for a few weeks. But PM or email me with any thoughts.



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We were also probably too quick to take the bait if the usual suspects start to slag us, our workmates or employer off!


I don't entirely disagree. And yet I think that there is a sense in which you lot are equally the usual suspects. I'm not really convinced that the expression is even useful. It suggests that you've got it all right - which you haven't.


You sometimes seem to take criticism so hard. Any suggestions that Manx Radio could do harder news is dismissed. And you seem to think that the light hearted stuff is equally as important as the actual news. It just isn't. Eg your jokey suggestion that a 'Question Time' clone should be held in a pub. Which doesn't really equate to a show with gravitas. Sorry - but I think you could and should all be aiming for the highest standards. It was probably a joke - but a programme broadcast from a pub isn't going to carry any weight.


Previously you have hinted that tougher news reporting is impossible because of funds - or because people sometimes simply won't answer questions. I still disagree. If politicans won't answer questions then the headline is that politicans won't answer specific questions. Yet again if necessary. You tell the listeners what you tried to ask and why. You put good questions. And if it happens over and over then continually make headlines out of their refusal to speak. If it happens.


I also think I was making a good point last week when I hinted and then suggested that you could make a great programme / series of items by going back over previous Manx Radio reports and re compiling them, together, in light of what we now know. That isn't about funds or about needing an expensive 'Jeremy'. It would only involve researching the archive and good editing. It would only involve a will to make great news reports from existing resources. Nothing to do with money. And I've given you a start by trawling the archive of the old website.


There's ironic humour in the old reports when seen in hindsight. In many cases Manx Radio was treating PR as news. Some of the old reports sound like cheerleading. Now that PR seems laughable. And yet Peter K and a very few others were asking serious questions and - in some cases - being vilified by other MHKs and spokes.


(You counter balance the old news reports and interviews with recents news reports and interviews. You ask people to comment on what they said a few years ago. And if they won't argue then you let the old reports - set against recent reports, speak for themselves.)


I honestly thought it was a good and positive suggestion for inexpensive and intelligent reporting of current events using existing resources.


Here is the thread which BOM started after I posted the old Manx Radio news items from the old website archive. The items were better written back then. The thread tells a story. It isn't definitive stuff but it does raise some important questions. Surely it would be worth going back to some of the old tapes and digging them out for re broadcast with hindsight. And maybe a trawl through Hansard wouldn't be a waste of time.


I'm really trying to be positive :) Not using the old tapes would be a waste of good resources which have already been paid for.


The spot you've been given is the old 'love line' (before your time) incidentally :) It would make much more sense if it was daytime when people actually listen. ****IMO****

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I think the name thing is sorted, but you'll have to wait to groan at it. And I hope you DO call Stav.


Stu, I'll give you a call occasionally. When I think that you need some help or you could do with some of my many words of wisdom.


Other than that, when you're in desperate need, give me a shout out and I'll be there to rescue you.


Good luck and I hope it all goes well for you.


Just as a reminder, what time are you on at on Saturday night and what's the number if I need to call you?




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Good stuff Stavros. And lets hope the show is as informative and issue lead as the excellent 'Liveline' on RTE1. Although that show is broadcast weekdays during the early afternoon and immediately following the lunchtime news - which is a certainly a much more conventional time for attracting an audience. And where they often follow up issues raised on the show in the news reporting, same evening. Wouldn't this be a great time for a Manx Radio phone - in?


It's certainly imaginative and daring putting it on at 2100 on a Saturday. Less imaginative local radio stations would certainly assume that this was a dead zone attracting almost no listeners. But I'm certain that people will be turning off their TVs and starting their dinner parties early so that they can call in.


And the great bonus for me is that there's no pressure - if nobody calls, I'll just play another Pink Floyd album track...
'Wish You Were Here'; Is that the name of this show?
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